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[Enjin Archive] Let us thumb down comments again
Started by [E] CheckersFX

We have the system in place to "like" peoples comments on threads yet there's no way to dislike it. In the past we were able to dislike comments or posts that were obvious attempts at being an idiot or trolling, but now there's no negative consequences for it, which I think just opens the air for more trolls (being a recovering troll I understand what how the inner-troll works). While I don't really think most people care about how many likes they've got on their posts, some people do, and that number means nothing if there's no way to negatively vote on things. All it takes is two trolls to like each others idiotic comments for them to pretend that they're seriously posting on here with their 'post like' stat on their Minetown profile.

Once again, while I realize that are probably very few people that care about things like this, the fact is that there are people that care about it.
It's something was discussed in the past but in the end there is just no need really, for one, it gives the trolls another outlet to harass players, and secondly just leads to more arguments. Plus quite a few trolls fed off getting downvotes.
this was once a thing I believe if i'm correct. Because i remember in my beginning here at minetown i had a negative kudos stat.
@752955 wrote:
It's something was discussed in the past but in the end there is just no need really, for one, it gives the trolls another outlet to harass players, and secondly just leads to more arguments. Plus quite a few trolls fed off getting downvotes.

There's no need for it, in the eyes of someone who doesn't care about the kudos system at all, as I stated before. Some people actually care about that number, and for them there IS a need.

Now it may give trolls an 'outlet to harass players,' but that wouldn't need to be the case, set a limit to how many times you can vote down posts in a certain time frame, or don't allow them to vote down the same person multiple times in a row, I don't know a specific solution to that but that doesn't mean there isn't one.

And this is a forum, there will always be arguments, if somebody abuses the system and people don't like it, then set rules to punish those who do, rather than saying the reason we can't have the system is because everyone will abuse it causing arguments. Forum moderators and admins exist for a reason.

And as for trolls getting fed off downvotes, that's cool and all, but like i said, punish people that abuse the system, or set restrictions on the system to not allow it to be abused. And have you considered that people get fed off of abusing their positive voting?

And if there is "no need" for negative kudos, why have they not been removed from all the accounts that were around when this was still in affect? Why do we get stuck with far less than we deserve in terms of 'kudos.'
And if there is "no need" for negative kudos, why have they not been removed from all the accounts that were around when this was still in affect? Why do we get stuck with far less than we deserve in terms of 'kudos.'

If you have negative kudos, you can get them reset to 0..
@1787762 wrote:
And if there is "no need" for negative kudos, why have they not been removed from all the accounts that were around when this was still in affect? Why do we get stuck with far less than we deserve in terms of 'kudos.'

If you have negative kudos, you can get them reset to 0..

Not 100% true. When downvoting was taken away, Minetown offered to have your downvotes to 0, but this would also put your upvotes to 0, so a lot of people did not do it.
@1787762 wrote:
And if there is "no need" for negative kudos, why have they not been removed from all the accounts that were around when this was still in affect? Why do we get stuck with far less than we deserve in terms of 'kudos.'

If you have negative kudos, you can get them reset to 0..

You shouldn't have to ask for them to be reset, the point I'm trying to make is that if a system with negative kudos is so pointless, then why were they not removed when the positive-only system was implemented, you can't say that one system is far superior to the other, so much so that the one system is removed, and then have traces of the old one still there.
I dont think that there is an easy way to reset all the negative amounts, plus if I had some negative kudos, and since It would be impossible to get as such, id probaly keep them...
Keep them for what, to show you're a veteran to the server? You mean the thing the tags are there for? or to lower your own kudos because you just don't like good things?

So let's say somebody new sees me on the forums, and because I can't be voted down I gain 1000 kudos, and they say "oh this person is obviously a contributing member to these forums and must be good in the community." But little do they know, I'm Checkers and that's not exactly what I'm known for. Sure there are far better examples of this, considering I'd like to think that I wouldn't abuse that situation in any way, but hell, I could convince this person to do my bidding, raise hell in the community and just be a nuisance to everyone here (it could, and has, happened in the past).


"Oh man this guy has 12 kudos I think I'll avoid taking advice from this guy" and it ends there.