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[Enjin Archive] I hate my Computer...
Started by Unknown User

Download and install Ubuntu, its the easiest Linux OS for people new to Linux, it's free
+1 for jpk lols m teacher has a disk for EVERY os on this planet
also hunter maybe you should try and get someone to teach you the other language so you can get a job rather than get welfare checks
HKX-4-7 wrote:

5thly, OS disks for a Windows Vista 32 Bit, Home Premium are a problem, because I never made one, nor did I recieve one with the computer when I bought it. Staples will sell it tho, for no less then $200, which I can't afford.

Oh because some people actually pay for windows ? Didnt knew that <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f644.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":roll:">:roll:</object>

*looks around*
HKX-4-7 wrote:
Ok, I am back for an hour, managed to book this 1 hour period on the computer today, at the library.

I will clear up these questions that were asked.

1st, people have told me to get a job. I HAVE been trying, several jobs declined me because, in my area, 90% of jobs require you to be bilingual, which I am not, so I am refused any jobs thus far. And I have no interest in learning french, therefore that does, I admit, hinder my attempts. I wish I was in an english only area because of this :\

2ndly, If I WERE to get a job, I would not quit it, that is bad idea here, everyone is looking for a job, and apparently there are not enough to go around, even for those that can get to one. (I did apply at McDonalds, bugged them several times, declined for a job, because I am not bilengual even WITH prior McDonald's work experience).

3rdly, Pawnshops, there is only 1 in the whole city\area that I know of, and they don't sell computers. I asked them why, and they said there is no profit to be made, no interests in people buying them.

4thly, Technicians are plentiful in the area, but they cost alot, I paid the last one to look at my grapichs card quite a bit, AND with staples here refusing to check the computer for no less then $150 alone, let alone REPAIR it which would require additional fees, the money needed is to much for my current capacity to even consider.

5thly, OS disks for a Windows Vista 32 Bit, Home Premium are a problem, because I never made one, nor did I recieve one with the computer when I bought it. Staples will sell it tho, for no less then $200, which I can't afford.

Now, I do recieve Employment Insurance, that when combined with my mothers, only pays the bills, the rent, and barely the groceries\gas. After that, there is no money left over for a savings of any type. Therefore, buying a computer, like I said in my first post, is an impossibilty.

Still, I'll keep looking around, but I don't have high hopes for a job yet.

What you need is a friend. Get an Os burnt onto disc and reformat, that bios error you said "HARD DISK FAILURE IMMINENT" i ahve never saw nor heard of in my life of having to fucking with PCs

If you can provide information on your specs (pros know off by heart) I might be able to help somehow.

If it really is jsut a harddrive, you can pick one up very cheap.

don't listen to these fags saying get a job, easier said than done and most of you probably haven't left school yet, so shush and get off your high horses because theres more to life than having a job. I know we're brought up and prgrammed to think, i'll go through school do this train to so this to become this, and that will fuel the economy. bear in mind all jobs what you are basically doing is working to make someone else rich. Capitlist scum!

Anyway, i digressed...

Fucking, run some tests man, be smart, borrow another PC, put your HDD in it, see wtf its problem is. your button making a weird noise, meaningless, i used to start my mobo with a screw driver by completing the circuit.

Learn more about PCs, go inside it, tinker, thats how you learn (see sims 3 for reference)

Turn the power off first though <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f609.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=";)">;)</object>
alpha im 16 and i have a job its not that hard to get a job i know more than half my friends have jobs and were all in high school its not hard bitch
HKX-4-7 wrote:
Ok, I am back for an hour, managed to book this 1 hour period on the computer today, at the library.

I will clear up these questions that were asked.

1st, people have told me to get a job. I HAVE been trying, several jobs declined me because, in my area, 90% of jobs require you to be bilingual, which I am not, so I am refused any jobs thus far. And I have no interest in learning french, therefore that does, I admit, hinder my attempts. I wish I was in an english only area because of this :\

2ndly, If I WERE to get a job, I would not quit it, that is bad idea here, everyone is looking for a job, and apparently there are not enough to go around, even for those that can get to one. (I did apply at McDonalds, bugged them several times, declined for a job, because I am not bilengual even WITH prior McDonald's work experience).

3rdly, Pawnshops, there is only 1 in the whole city\area that I know of, and they don't sell computers. I asked them why, and they said there is no profit to be made, no interests in people buying them.

4thly, Technicians are plentiful in the area, but they cost alot, I paid the last one to look at my grapichs card quite a bit, AND with staples here refusing to check the computer for no less then $150 alone, let alone REPAIR it which would require additional fees, the money needed is to much for my current capacity to even consider.

5thly, OS disks for a Windows Vista 32 Bit, Home Premium are a problem, because I never made one, nor did I recieve one with the computer when I bought it. Staples will sell it tho, for no less then $200, which I can't afford.

Now, I do recieve Employment Insurance, that when combined with my mothers, only pays the bills, the rent, and barely the groceries\gas. After that, there is no money left over for a savings of any type. Therefore, buying a computer, like I said in my first post, is an impossibilty.

Still, I'll keep looking around, but I don't have high hopes for a job yet.

Ever think of a job over the computer?

Some games that require Moderation pay their Mods.

I know that AQ Worlds paid their Moderators up to 15 bucks an hour.

Thats some sick coin for doing shit-all.
AQ staff is full time job and Artix Entertainment, LLC is a compagny, that makes profit, have employes, makes games...

they are not a minecraft server...
go around and ask people if you can mow their lawns.
sawine wrote:
AQ staff is full time job and Artix Entertainment, LLC is a compagny, that makes profit, have employes, makes games...

they are not a minecraft server...

No it's not.. Xyo (a well known player) gets paid half-time for working as a moderator. I know him well. I'm in almost all his vids.