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[Enjin Archive] The Zeitgeist Movement (Got link from sawine)
Started by [E] JayoHJH

In fact, yes it matter.

It shows how big they can make lies.
Listen to the last Kennedy speach before he got shot.

It tells alot. (unrelated to moon story, but just another conspiracy...)

So many stories....
Everyone has an agenda. Especially, the media, mainstream or not.

Fox is predominated by hardcore conservatives who push for the Republican Party.

CNN is predominated by moderate to extreme liberals who generally push for the Democratic party.

NPR is predominated by the praise Israel group.

I find that NPR tends to be more balanced than the other two, as long as you don't listen to anything concerning Israel. In order to get an actual perspective of what's going on, I try to observe all three sources.

I personally feel that the role of the media should be to deliver the news. To simply say, "this is what's happening", NOT "This is what's happening and HERE's how you should feel about it." This has inspired generations of raving conservatives and liberals who blindly follow their party and refuse to accept that they may be wrong or that the other may have good ideas.

Which is why I believe that party politics is destroying our government. People get addicted to the power and once they're addicted they spend the rest of their time trying to get reelected. In this day and age, the key to being re elected is funding, and the political parties are the biggest source of that. Congressmen and Senators ignore the opinions of their constituents in order to make their party bosses happy and get funding.

Everyone spends so much time trying to make the other group look bad, take their funding, or otherwise undermine them that nothing can get done. The Republicans and Democrats refuse to accept compromise which cripples the democratic system. This, combined with the nonchalant attitude toward their constituents, undermines the very foundations of democratic society.

Then you throw in lobbyists, like oil companies which keep anything from being done about alternate fuel research, and you're whole system is nothing like what it was designed to be. Lobbying is just a modern, legal name for bribery. It's all political corruption at its finest.

I don't think anything will change unless everyone in the government was replaced by people who didn't want to be there, weren't payed, and served only one year terms. Rip them away from their homes and families for a year and never let them leave until their term was up, so they'd hate their job. Take away the allure of the money. Each congressman is payed ~156,000 dollars a year, and there's 450 something of them, plus the senate. And that doesn't include the special people like the Speaker of the House and the Minority and Majority leaders who get payed even more.

This is just my cynical opinion, sorry for getting a bit off topic but I really have no place to discuss this kind of thing. People may age are so prone to just saying, "Screw it, that doesn't affect me, why should I care." or, "I'm a *Insert Party Name Here* because my parents are." And don't even get me started on religion...
Haha finished video man I remember 2pac. The legend who fought to survive in a hellish society.


Edit: Holy shit people postin like mad
Man I admire minetown that much more for people like u guys. U pol have thought things through instead of believing other ppls beliefs. I applaud u all.
I love this thread, I have been following the venus project and zeitgeist for a couple of years now, if anything you should all think to question everything.

Technology is the future and it is held back because of money, money that is only valued at what a few elite bankers value it at. Think the spacecash episode on south park, the world is just like that.

Amusingly most of us are young and we are already questioning the world around us, if the word spreads enough we can change the future, because we are it <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f609.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=";)">;)</object>
Who's up for the london riots? I hear they're boycotting the royal wedding, party time

Amen to Alpha
Reggief wrote:
Joseph are you big into the conspiracy part of movie 1 and first part of the second?

All the facts shown prove that 9/11 was not what government claimed it to be but how could it be pulled off. I cant remember someone saying "oh i helped in the planning". It just seems so impossible to get away with. So much planning.

9/11 is a bit different then just driving up to a building with an explosive filled van and lighting the fuse.

Unless of course I am missing something or I just do not understand something.

I think the official 9/11 story is just that, a "story" and is based little in fact. That said, It doesn't occupy much of my energy these days. Why? Because whether there is irrefutable "proof" or not, it doesn't change the power structures that currently exist. Power structures that exploit our species for their own selfish gain.

To say, even if 9/11 proof came out, we'd still have the same damn challenges before us; generating automated food production mechanisms that feed, tapping into the copious energy stores to replace scarcity based fossil fuels, etc. In essence we still need to work to make "the powers that be" irrelevant.

Such "we were lied to" information surely can help along the way, but by no means is it a strong or effective tool for social change. Too much noise around it (from both sides of the issue). See JFK example below for more why it doesn't matter too much.

@Heark @Elssaye

Agree with you both on a lot of points. Adding, conspiracy theories can be interesting, but I'd say up to a point. In terms of priority of the challenges we face, they are largely irrelevant (for now).

Take the JFK assassination; almost 50yrs later and still the "official" story is maintained despite it violating the now very well understood laws of physics (look for similar discrepancies in other lauded atrocities throughout the last century; physics can't be bought or corrupted).

The point I guess is such things have little to do with changing this world for the better. It's not going to come from more protests, or "fighting the system" (both examples of "playing their game"), or riots or violent uprising (sorry fanatics, time to focus better). I offer we shouldn't waste our energies on things without tangible social value.

To say, we can do much better than present, and we don't need UFOs or Congressmen to do it <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>

Suggest, if you want to discuss these ideas more, join the forum discussions here:


In solidarity,

jm <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>