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[Enjin Archive] The Zeitgeist Movement (Got link from sawine)
Started by [E] JayoHJH

Aw regg i think u missed him
hopefully he will get an email saying someone posted
Reggief wrote:
Joseph are you big into the conspiracy part of movie 1 and first part of the second?

All the facts shown prove that 9/11 was not what government claimed it to be but how could it be pulled off. I cant remember someone saying "oh i helped in the planning". It just seems so impossible to get away with. So much planning.

9/11 is a bit different then just driving up to a building with an explosive filled van and lighting the fuse.

Unless of course I am missing something or I just do not understand something.

To me 911 is not a conspiracy, its fact.


Killing 3000 inocent is nothing to them. They did worse... So many horror stories... and yet... those are only the ones we know...

Just take for example that CIA spread LSD into a whole city. Just to test it out in the 50's.


Its sad to say, but http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-8Ykfm4E_Y

EDIT: Oh and lol, I forgot to mention. WTC 7. The building collapsed few hours after the planes hit the towers. The reason they said : "it had been damaged from the shock waves caused by the WTC collapse". This is a total joke. While everyone attention was busy on the 2 towers, this building collapse totally randomly... There are tons of info on this, I wont go further.
I don't know... I still don't think the U.S. government has become so corrupt as to slaughter thousands in the 9/11 incident. However, I do see what such an incident can open up to such as the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan in a justified way. Who knows? Maybe they were after the oil lol.
Oil, military contractors, construction companies. People made billions because of 9/11.
.... Well if you put it that way..... ._.

*PS: On a completely random note Spacenarwhal should be a mod... just sayin*
JayoHJH wrote:
Maybe they were after the oil lol.

They're after the world.


Its a delicate subject.

Edit: The UN is established almost in every country. UK, USA and France. All looking foward the NWO.
I don't know... I just don't see governments having that much power anymore. If you really think about, the ones that have power is media. But thats just my opinion
Who controls the media though? They pump so much shit, I absolutly cant stand American news stations. Shit like bill oriely?? I mean come on he thought God made the tide go in and out.

The only true media is on the internet and its such a young population that is using shit other then CNN, fox news etc.
Bleh thats y politics is evil.