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[Enjin Archive] About MT's Graylist
Started by [E] sawine

Like I said, another thread will be made concerning Main - Main2 transition.

We are not going to make a drastic move like some of you seem to think.

If we make a transition, it's going to be smooth and well planned. We're not going to leave everyone confused...

And I can understand that with the current look it has, it seems this is going to be a "massive flop", but like I said, if the transition is going to happen, it is going to be entirely planned and a lot of incentive will be put in place. So please do not worry about this issue here, it will be completely described and organized.
I vote we keep the current system. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, and the application system certainly seems to have worked just fine.
I voted for the full gauntlet because I enjoy Main being a mature and relaxed place to play, however I can see the benefit of lifting the application restriction temporarily in order to quickly boost population. Having different servers to keep us entertained has spread the members a bit, but it is important that players who enjoy different server types can easily find a home on MT.

We have nothing to worry about here -- the owner is dedicated to the server's longevity, and our staff are organized and professional. Bottom line is, we can depend on MT for a good time. The easiest and fastest way to bring population is to vote daily. If you spend time playing on Minetown and love the community, dedicate yourself to voting every day and tell your friends to do the same. As a community, we are very critical to boosting population and must hold ourselves accountable. I'm ashamed that my voting has been flaky at best, but I'm trying to make sure I vote everyday and I hope you all do the same.
For every 40 votes, get a passive or spider mob head!??!??? Can that be a thing?
I voted to open the tard-gates.

Good or bad, it's still more people to play with. Besides, the ban committee needs something to do. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":-p">:-p</object>
I wanted to explain why I voted to open the server up.

First off it's not like it would be a free for all. We have many systems in place to prevent abuses of spamming or cheating. Does this mean it wont happen? No it will still happen but not nearly as much as some people make it out to be. This is why we have a staff cause these things happen even now.

So I vote open it up. I will handle trouble people and work with other staff to help insure our community is safe. We as staff can be the filter that the application process currently is. Without a doubt we are losing potential members that don't want to fill out an app. Does that make them a bad person? Does that mean they are a griefer? It's a possibility yes but overall we have to say no until we actually get to know them ourselves. Filling out the app doesn't mean you wont grief. Doesn't mean you even read the rules even though we asked.

Ultimately the only thing the apps achieve is finding out who willing to take time to fill it out. After that all bets are off until we get to know them.
After reading everyones reasonings... I say Open the flood gates! <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>
I voted open the flood gates (on a trial bases and I explain below)

I say keep Main for current members and those willing to go through the application process but open up Main2 (Agharta) to the general public. The reasoning behind this for 2 main reasons. 1 With Main2 being an empty server (most of the time) adding new players would greatly increase activity. secondly, If we do open the MT community to all players keep the on main2 because (I hate to say it but) Main is becoming over crowded (look at the map) and most of it is being depleted of ores (just an idea).

Thats just my opinion for the community.

Make the main server people goto MAIN2 and have main be for older members <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object> or (current member)
I don't agree with opening the floodgates and letting just everyone in.

I've been on two servers before, both pay-to-win no white listing. One has died, the second currently doing that. All of the time on this server, people were like "howe do yoe mak a craftng table", or JOIN YADAYADA @ 1.495822.4:3885438, or just hjsfdhdjksajkjsdfjakj all the time. When there is no staff on (which there is an increasing amount of) that could get annoying because of easy ways around the spam blocker. The two servers didn't have much of that because it was only advertised on one place, but MT is advertised in many spots, so basically googling "Town server" or "MT server list" could bring this server up. That would bring in a bunch of people that see the multiplayer button, and immediately wanting to find a server. That would bring a ton of "Wets ths green thngie", "trololololol xd i broke a behilding", or "i just did this, i just did that, i just did everything". While this thread on the minecraft forum is a joke, it does have real types of minecraft players, and we would get way to many of those.

Making the tutorial would at least filter out the majority of the complete noobs and rule breakers, but allow a good amount of players to get through.
The reason the idea to switch focus to Agharta came up is because the age and maturity of the Main server is such that it has for a while been getting in it's own way of being stable and being a source of good experience for members. As certainly it's understood a lot of effort, time, and memories went into Main, this is why we're discussing shifting the focus to Agharta rather than outright getting rid of or resetting Main.

It is understandable to be cautious, but this is a great opportunity for members to help their community. If Agharta seems lonely, then spend a few moments on there yourself when you have an opportunity. If it seems like a new person needs a little help, then see if there's something you can do for them there, instead of telling them to just go to Main. Instead of worrying about losing the past, share memories and stories with the people that come on ad encourage them to make their own history in a place where there's still plenty of land for them to start their own towns and shops.

A year from now, who will get to claim they were part of making Agharta the awesome place it is? I know the Minetown community is more than capable of making any server an awesome place and every member that helps, is making the process much faster. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>