My 6 cents is better than your 5 cents a mac, end of story <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>
jeremythewiz wrote:
Oh and Toshiba is crap. Might as well sell that while its still kinda valuable and buy a better one
Don't be haten on Toshiba, I have a Toshiba Netbook, though it runs slow and the left clicker feel off, it's still better than dell and less expensive than Mac (I think)... though I recommend getting a gaming laptop, that way this sort of thing doesn't happen, Jack.
In case any new members have any ideas....? :3
In case any new members have any ideas....? :3
jeremythewiz wrote:
They are reliable I admit. But that is it. They are cheap and not very powerful. I recommend asus or ACER. But try to get the intel processors and at least 4GB of ram
My ol' Commodore 64 is of higher quality than an Acer. Asus is really good, but I'd rather have a target block than an Acer, cause that's just about what they are. Acer's are made by eMachines, and we all know eMachines is a just a garbage dump.
Neil.P helped me amazingly, but still no result D:
I have tried removing all Javas, then trying Version 7 Update 10, Update 7 Version 6 and all sorts...
I now think it's not a Java issue but a Video Driver issue, in case this helps <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object>
I have tried removing all Javas, then trying Version 7 Update 10, Update 7 Version 6 and all sorts...
I now think it's not a Java issue but a Video Driver issue, in case this helps <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object>
Go to Device Manager > Display Adapters and Tell me what it says...
Intel (R) HD Graphics
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why has no one though of this simple fix lol we all went on complicated fixes.
Get your current .minecraft file from another cp and paste it into the roaming file.
Get your current .minecraft file from another cp and paste it into the roaming file.
Sometimes Intel's integrated chipset graphics are, well... Crap.
Copying and pasting another .minecraft isn't going to fix the problem, seeing as how minecraft runs the same .jar on every computer. Hate to say it, but you're probably stuck!

Oh and Minecraft won't run on my computer with Windows 8, even though it did fine with 7 :/
I have an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 in my laptop and it ran ok on here, but now I'm finding solutions to problems that shouldn't exist... Yay for crappy integrated laptop graphics chipsets!
Copying and pasting another .minecraft isn't going to fix the problem, seeing as how minecraft runs the same .jar on every computer. Hate to say it, but you're probably stuck!

Oh and Minecraft won't run on my computer with Windows 8, even though it did fine with 7 :/
I have an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 in my laptop and it ran ok on here, but now I'm finding solutions to problems that shouldn't exist... Yay for crappy integrated laptop graphics chipsets!

Actually, the newest Intel HD 4000 runs games just fine.