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[Enjin Archive] Moderator Applications
Started by [E] DanniDorrito

1. Minecraft Ingame Name: Dteandy

2. Age: 25

3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Eastern

4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main and PVP (Average):

at least 40 hours per week. Week days 6-midnight, weekends 4pm to whenever i get tired.

5. How long have you been in MineTown:

I've been on mine town since Feb 2014. I have 16.65 days logged so far = 399.60 hours.

6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?:

Yes; Emtdrifer and Zmblaine19 share all of our claims with eachother. I am pretty well respected with most players at the east 9k warp, couldn't attempt to name them all.

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Never!

8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration?: No, but i do have 2+ years experience in the game...I previously played on xbox before I boght for pc and joined Minetown.

9. Have you spoken much on Minetown TeamSpeak?:

Once or twice, I host m own ts at the moment, where friends from other games join in, also zmblaine19 and emtdrifter use my ts channel daily. If necessary, We can all switch to the MT ts, and it is saved in my book marks. If you want to test my honesty, my ts channel is ts55.gameservers.com:9582

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain:

I think I would be a good moderator because:

1. I have a following crowd, that asks me questions daily

2. I am able to answer most questions without research, when research is needed, I run dual monitors and its quick and easy for me to figure out problems, while staying active in game (i can chat while on my second monitor).

3.I'm good at building and redstone--if you visit our compound at /home dteandy shop and wonder around the claim you will see I know what im doing there with redstone--I help people with this...

4. I play every day, and help my warp area out...look how I've claimed and build a 60k block claim headed east....I supply horses and supplies to east 9k--along with claims around east9k port.

5. I am a married, mature adult, and my wife if fine with the time I put in this game.

6. When a new player asks questions, I know most of the answers.

too man reasons that I could state You can just watch my game play for a few days, and notice that people ask me questions and for help and i help and answer all of them.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?:

I've owned a landscaping service since I was 17, I dropped out of high school and got a degree in Horticulture. 2014 will be my 8th year in business. Week days are usually pretty busy for me, but im always on on weekends and nights. Rain days mean days off, so im here then too.

I get more than enough messages on my phone and email for work, so please alert me in game with questions or comments.

1. Minecraft Ingame Name: funtoon2

2. Age: 17

3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): (UTC+10:00) Brisbane

4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main and PVP (Average): I dont know

5. How long have you been in MineTown: All the time

6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?: Yes

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: No i follow the rules

8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration?: Yes

9. Have you spoken much on Minetown TeamSpeak?: not alot

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain: Im really good guy

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I Cant

Might as well give it a go...

1. Minecraft Ingame Name: Pljz

2. Age: 20

3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): EST

4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main and PVP (Average): I'd say over 40, Usually between 3PM and 9:30PM on weekdays due to school and work, but on weekends I'm around throughout the day

5. How long have you been in MineTown: Since early December(2013)... the 7th if i remember correctly

6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?: Of course, though i try to be friendly with everyone. I know I'll forget a few, but here goes...: MischievousGrins, Sorvora, Adam, YouFoundMe, Leronzadok, IStepOnAnts, Nyan_cat_89, JessicaRabit, Sceva, Dteandy, Masterjack, and Danny(though he's not around as much)

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Nope, and I certainly don't plan to in the future

8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration?: I do. Currently I am a Moderator on Minetowns' (or is it considered Eximius'?) FTB server, OrionFTB, and have been staff(in all ranges--Mod, Admin, Builder, etc) on other servers, though they all sadly have gone down.

9. Have you spoken much on Minetown TeamSpeak?: Yep, If I'm on the server, I'm usually in the Teamspeak. (unless i'm AFK)

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain: I'm mature, consider myself to be a kind and fair person, and am always willing to help in a situation where I am able to. It's a characteristic that has helped me in real life, and in the games I play. Along with that, I believe I am able to differentiate right from wrong, and understand when certain situations require different actions to be taken. I have experience with being staff, and also try to be as friendly as possible to new players and the ones that stick around. I also have some experience with most of the plugins Minetown is using, as they've been used on servers I was previously staff on. Aside from Community relations, I also consider myself to be very experienced with the game itself, as I've been with the game since 2010, so I can answer most questions people have about it.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: Currently I am studying to get a degree in Computer science(more focusing on the programming aspect of it), and work part time with a cousin who does CG work in some of the major games out today(you might be able to see the company name in the credits, though I won't say which it is here). I've developed my own game called "The Push" (a 2D tower defense game somewhat similar to DOTA), but havent actually published it yet. Aside from my actual life, In game, I pride myself on the builds I make, and my knowledge of redstone, and my motto is "If you're going to do it, do it big", which results in alot of very large builds(for example the floating island I'm working on on the Agharta server) and redstone contraptions(My best has been a fully automated Potion brewer)

That's about all I can think of right now, So I'd just like to say thanks for taking the time to read this

1. Minecraft Ingame Name: zmblaine19

2. Age: 21

3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): east

4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main and PVP (Average): 40 hr+ thats including on skyblock server

5. How long have you been in MineTown: Sence feb 2014

6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?: Dteandy and EMTdrifter

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: No i have not.

8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration?: No i havent, and no i dont

9. Have you spoken much on Minetown TeamSpeak?: Once or twice because i use another TS with EMTdrifter and dteandy.... but i am willing to go to minecraft TS server

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain: Im willing to help out were i can aswell as answer questions that others may have aswell as give advice on how best to do something....

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: The reason im putting this app in is because i want to become a mod or someone to help out on the skyblock server sence i am on there atleast once or twice a week... I have heard several complaints about there not being any mod around in skyblock and i would like to be given the chance to change some of those minds

1. Minecraft Ingame Name:


2. Age:

16 as of 4/15

3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America):

Central US/ Chicago time

4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main and PVP (Average):

About 16 minimum

5. How long have you been in MineTown:

I've been playing for 4 months now

6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?:

Huntress54, IStepOnAnts

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?:

Yes, but for advertising MineTown and I've never been banned from MineTown

8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration?:

I am an Admin on a few servers and on them, I had been admin for a year or so

9. Have you spoken much on Minetown TeamSpeak?:

No as I need to download it first

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain:

I want to help make the server a better place. I love everyone and the server very much and I want to maintain that peaceful nature.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?:

Just that I love dogs, and I have school between 6:00AM and about 3:00 depending on homework. Those are my AFK hours
Once More:


1. Minecraft Ingame Name: Jared5595

2. Age: 19

3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): CST

4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main and PVP (Average): 20-30

5. How long have you been in MineTown: 2 years in July.

6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?: Many former staff members, Dzoumaya, Novaleigh, Adam, and Leron, among others.

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: No.

8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration?: Was a Moderator from February-October of 2013, ran my own server from January to March of this year.

9. Have you spoken much on Minetown TeamSpeak?: Yes.

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain: I have previous experience in Moderation here, and Administration on other servers, as well as experience on the Ban Committee. I ask that you look into my record as a former Mod for reference.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: Not really, it's all laid out plain and simple. I'd like to be reinstated as a Mod, I enjoy doing the work, and am active on the server.

Thank you for your time. ~Jared


1. Minecraft Ingame Name:


2. Age:

25 (26 on June 17th)

3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America):


4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main and PVP (Average):

21-40 (Anywhere from 2 to 3 hours minimum a day)

5. How long have you been in MineTown:

I put in my app for Minetown Dec 21, 2011, I have played since it was accepted.

6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?:

Rokitchikin, Oryius, Cissell75z, Grimz92, Jared, SaintKal, Xianarchangel, and a few others are borderline close friends.

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?:

No, I have never been banned from Minetown.

8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration?:

Not directly, but I have watch others managing different servers (not Minetown)

9. Have you spoken much on Minetown TeamSpeak?:

I am increasingly on Teamspeak as of a week ago. Before I didn't know anyone actually used it.

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain:

I believe myself to be a fair and just person. I would like to think I'm helpful and if I don't know the answer to something I will do my best to find it. I have been around this server for two years, through thick and thin no matter what happens Minetown will always be my home. I know the rules of the forums and in game, even those that are less popular. Over all I try to be a friendly and easy going person and would like to think I'm rather approachable.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?:

I'm a dedicated person, once I decide to do something I give it my all but I know how to pace myself to keep from getting burnt out by the situation. Being a stay at home mom going to school online I have more time freed up for Minetown than I probably should. Although I love building and playing the game as is I would not mind setting that aside to perform moderator duties in hopes of making Minetown a fun and safe place for everyone. I know sometimes in all of the drama I can seem a bit abrasive but if I were to be a moderator I would be able to put it aside. I worked in a laboratory for five years, customer service (although sometimes hard to swallow) is something I know all too well.

1. Minecraft Ingame Name: zombieking989

2. Age: 16

3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): (-5:00)EST

4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main and PVP (Average): 17-27

5. How long have you been in MineTown: Well i join like 3 day ago

6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?: No I dont know any one on minetown

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: no i have never been banned before because i like to fallow the rules.

8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration?: yes i do i owned 7 servers and i help hypixel develop his server and website.

9. Have you spoken much on Minetown TeamSpeak?: Never. i have team speak but i never get on minetown

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain: well i am not like ever one. ever one is different in the world and i will like to see if you guy will like to know if i can become a moderator i know a lot about some plugins i develop one.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: i am a developer and a computer tech i developed lot of think in my past and i help my school with administration there network i made there new webpage to.

Thanks for taking your time that you did not have to take and thanks for reading my applications to become a moderator on minetown i will like to see if i will become a moderator.
1. Minecraft Ingame Name: SaintKal

2. Age: 36

3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): (-5:00)EST

4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main and PVP (Average): Over 40 easily.

5. How long have you been in MineTown: Months, since last April or so.

6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?: Ive made quite a few as well as brought some with me. Shydowsong, JessicaRabit, Camo, Adrianna, DteAndy, to name a few I consider friends.

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Honestly once. It was an honest mistake by a new mod on that server who thought I was using x-ray, but it was quickly over-ridden by other staff and corrected. I was only off that server about 10 minutes.

8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration?: On the above mentioned server I was promoted to Moderator and then to being the only Admin below the owner. The reason I left there was due to the server being reset every 2 months, and I was tired of losing anything I built. I have also been a mod on the first server I ever joined, before everyone I knew quit it.

9. Have you spoken much on Minetown TeamSpeak?: I go in quite a bit and talk with the current staff and others almost daily any more.

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain: I'm 36 with experience dealing with children and solving problems. I enjoy this server and want to do my part.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I'm really just interested in being a Helper, without a lot of desire to go above that. Ive had a number ask me for help with builds recently and I would have no problem doing this and officially being someone that people can go to for help.
1. Minecraft Ingame Name: leronzadok

2. Age: 18

3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Pacific Time Zone

4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main and PVP (Average): I play just about everyday, hours a day. If i’m not in-game, i’m on the forums, if not there, i’m either at school or sleeping.

5. How long have you been in MineTown: i’ve been part of minetown for a year and some months now.

6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?: Yes, i have: Neil, Hk47, Misch, thut, alec, lochie, sorvora, tman, Modern, dz, zionia, Adam, Elite,.. i can sit here and name them all, but i don’t want to take up a whole page. The some i’ve said were just some that popped up in my head, if i did not name you, that does not mean you’re not a close friend, it could be i just forgot. I do however tend to make friends with everyone. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Yes, i’ve been banned twice before. Two of them were jokes by Zionia000.

8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration?: Indeed. I am currently running a bungeecord server with my friend. I am also an Admin on one, HeadAdmin on two, Helper on 2 (including minetown helper)

9. Have you spoken much on Minetown TeamSpeak?: I do go on every so often, though i don’t know many people there. When i see someone i know, i usually go on and derp around. I do not talk, just type.

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain: Well, i’ve been a Helper on minetown for about 5 months now (since December 10, 2013). At the time i was only Creative Helper, but i then became Full Helper a month and a half ago (March 13, 2014). I have learned much and have matured much more during my 5 months as Helper. As Helper for the past 5 months, i’ve helped new players understand the server better, helped them get member, and answered any question they had. I also took a lot of action in MT projects including MT Tutorial world, writing classic’s help book, building the outside of the Skyblock shop, making all the manager tags that needed to be made (including creative, skyblock and agharta). I also review the applications and Moderate the forums. I’ve been reviewing applications since before i became full helper. I haven’t been moderating the forums for that long, but i do complete the job of a forum moderator, if something needs to be done in the forums, i shall make sure it gets done. I always offer help whenever it’s needed and i believe with moderator i will be able to further help the server with what ever it needs, that includes more projects, PE’s, working on ban appeals.. Pretty much what ever the server needs.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I do not expect this application to be accepted right away, i just want to show the staff managers i am willing to expand my current powers to help the server. I am a helpful person and all i wish to do is help the server as much as I can. Thank you for reading my application.

