1. Minecraft Ingame Name: Dteandy
2. Age: 25
3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Eastern
4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main and PVP (Average):
at least 40 hours per week. Week days 6-midnight, weekends 4pm to whenever i get tired.
5. How long have you been in MineTown:
I've been on mine town since Feb 2014. I have 16.65 days logged so far = 399.60 hours.
6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?:
Yes; Emtdrifer and Zmblaine19 share all of our claims with eachother. I am pretty well respected with most players at the east 9k warp, couldn't attempt to name them all.
7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Never!
8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration?: No, but i do have 2+ years experience in the game...I previously played on xbox before I boght for pc and joined Minetown.
9. Have you spoken much on Minetown TeamSpeak?:
Once or twice, I host m own ts at the moment, where friends from other games join in, also zmblaine19 and emtdrifter use my ts channel daily. If necessary, We can all switch to the MT ts, and it is saved in my book marks. If you want to test my honesty, my ts channel is ts55.gameservers.com:9582
10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain:
I think I would be a good moderator because:
1. I have a following crowd, that asks me questions daily
2. I am able to answer most questions without research, when research is needed, I run dual monitors and its quick and easy for me to figure out problems, while staying active in game (i can chat while on my second monitor).
3.I'm good at building and redstone--if you visit our compound at /home dteandy shop and wonder around the claim you will see I know what im doing there with redstone--I help people with this...
4. I play every day, and help my warp area out...look how I've claimed and build a 60k block claim headed east....I supply horses and supplies to east 9k--along with claims around east9k port.
5. I am a married, mature adult, and my wife if fine with the time I put in this game.
6. When a new player asks questions, I know most of the answers.
too man reasons that I could state You can just watch my game play for a few days, and notice that people ask me questions and for help and i help and answer all of them.
11. Additional info you would like to tell us?:
I've owned a landscaping service since I was 17, I dropped out of high school and got a degree in Horticulture. 2014 will be my 8th year in business. Week days are usually pretty busy for me, but im always on on weekends and nights. Rain days mean days off, so im here then too.
I get more than enough messages on my phone and email for work, so please alert me in game with questions or comments.
2. Age: 25
3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Eastern
4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main and PVP (Average):
at least 40 hours per week. Week days 6-midnight, weekends 4pm to whenever i get tired.
5. How long have you been in MineTown:
I've been on mine town since Feb 2014. I have 16.65 days logged so far = 399.60 hours.
6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?:
Yes; Emtdrifer and Zmblaine19 share all of our claims with eachother. I am pretty well respected with most players at the east 9k warp, couldn't attempt to name them all.
7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Never!
8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration?: No, but i do have 2+ years experience in the game...I previously played on xbox before I boght for pc and joined Minetown.
9. Have you spoken much on Minetown TeamSpeak?:
Once or twice, I host m own ts at the moment, where friends from other games join in, also zmblaine19 and emtdrifter use my ts channel daily. If necessary, We can all switch to the MT ts, and it is saved in my book marks. If you want to test my honesty, my ts channel is ts55.gameservers.com:9582
10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain:
I think I would be a good moderator because:
1. I have a following crowd, that asks me questions daily
2. I am able to answer most questions without research, when research is needed, I run dual monitors and its quick and easy for me to figure out problems, while staying active in game (i can chat while on my second monitor).
3.I'm good at building and redstone--if you visit our compound at /home dteandy shop and wonder around the claim you will see I know what im doing there with redstone--I help people with this...
4. I play every day, and help my warp area out...look how I've claimed and build a 60k block claim headed east....I supply horses and supplies to east 9k--along with claims around east9k port.
5. I am a married, mature adult, and my wife if fine with the time I put in this game.
6. When a new player asks questions, I know most of the answers.
too man reasons that I could state You can just watch my game play for a few days, and notice that people ask me questions and for help and i help and answer all of them.
11. Additional info you would like to tell us?:
I've owned a landscaping service since I was 17, I dropped out of high school and got a degree in Horticulture. 2014 will be my 8th year in business. Week days are usually pretty busy for me, but im always on on weekends and nights. Rain days mean days off, so im here then too.
I get more than enough messages on my phone and email for work, so please alert me in game with questions or comments.