Capatchas confuse me, I don't know how to work them... I feel guilty since I know by messing up some of the capatchas is"fake voting"
i just voted it only took about 3-4minuts i did every vota captia but the last link i could do idk if the page is messed up or something but the captia box isnt completly showing for me and it comesup incorect everytime

I was always worried that it wouldn't count my vote if I didn't get confirmation from the site after filling out the captcha. I'm glad I always did, getting MTC is great but keeping the server high in the ranks is really much more important. The more people we have the stronger we will be.
Hey sawine thank you for putting out this post. I did notice that you could just click the vote buttons and not actually enter the capcha I'm sorry to say that I have a few times just clicked and not actually voted. I do have trouble with the MCTOP100 as well involving the proxy thing. Also their is another one of those votes I forget which one but when I click it the page never really loads.
Also when you go to the sites that says "Enter with a Vote" is that a ligament vote or is their a capcha hidden somewhere that I just don't see.
Thanks for everything you do, like these other guys here said Minetown is truly the BEST minecraft server out their. Way to go man.
Also when you go to the sites that says "Enter with a Vote" is that a ligament vote or is their a capcha hidden somewhere that I just don't see.
Thanks for everything you do, like these other guys here said Minetown is truly the BEST minecraft server out their. Way to go man.
haha lol I presume you made that poster. XD
M_I_Z_E wrote:

I was always worried that it wouldn't count my vote if I didn't get confirmation from the site after filling out the captcha. I'm glad I always did, getting MTC is great but keeping the server high in the ranks is really much more important. The more people we have the stronger we will be.
Hmmm, I disagree. It's great to have a high ranking server I guess, but I don't know if I'd like to server to be flooded..
joey_dev wrote:
haha lol I presume you made that poster. XD
I doubt it was just a lucky find xD
Some of them are broke. Because of that I have racked in at least 100's if not 200 MTC.
Oh btw on the planet minecraft one, as well as voting, you should give the server a diamond. It is kind of like reddit in that you "upvote". We only have 10 so far...
Oh btw on the planet minecraft one, as well as voting, you should give the server a diamond. It is kind of like reddit in that you "upvote". We only have 10 so far...
I get the errors too, especially the "Proxy Detected" and at least a couple of the voting sites are buggy in that they won't load, the database tables come up or in one case the domain owner has suspended the site..
In other words it is difficult to keep a good list of sites that legitimately can be voted on, and even harder to see which ones are sites that actually lead to an increase in minetown applications and quality applicants.
I think it would be worth it to narrow down the list of servers to vote on to the stable and reliable ones, even if it means less MTC per voting period. Perhaps even like to see the list very short, then add more as we start to see the results we are looking for., in other words, which of these voting sites is leading to an increase in MT applications and player traffic...
I know that this won't be popular, but I think it would be better to have 5--8 reputable and stable voting sites with accurate ranking of our superior awesomeness than the 16 fakes with us ranked 10 spots lower then legendarycraft (hey, wasn't there a period where LC was "borrowing" MT design)..
Just an Idea from a humble and loyal Minetownian: Which server lists come up when you google "Minecraft Multiplayer Server." or "Mnecraft Servers"
I don't want to start it, cuz I am a moron with forums.. but perhaps a "How did you hear of us" thread, or question on the application to help us narrow down what is working for us. I am not trying to make a marketing nightmare, but when I did the above google search for "minecraft servers" only MCTop100 (we are #1) and planetminecraft were in the top results of the search... most of the rest ont the first google page don't even have Minetown listed.
A couple examples that I checked out from the top results of googling "Minecraft Servers" - Current Rank 35, voting requires some searching to find the capcha - requires account creation and login (prior to me doing this today 1 vote in 10 months..) This was the 2nd link in the above google search
As a side note, I think that we have a pretty good track record for banning the riff raff.. and being higher in the rankings may lead to more riff raff but perhaps also we won't be getting as many off the riff raff that are getting to us after being banned from the higher ranked servers.. be interesting to see..
In other words it is difficult to keep a good list of sites that legitimately can be voted on, and even harder to see which ones are sites that actually lead to an increase in minetown applications and quality applicants.
I think it would be worth it to narrow down the list of servers to vote on to the stable and reliable ones, even if it means less MTC per voting period. Perhaps even like to see the list very short, then add more as we start to see the results we are looking for., in other words, which of these voting sites is leading to an increase in MT applications and player traffic...
I know that this won't be popular, but I think it would be better to have 5--8 reputable and stable voting sites with accurate ranking of our superior awesomeness than the 16 fakes with us ranked 10 spots lower then legendarycraft (hey, wasn't there a period where LC was "borrowing" MT design)..
Just an Idea from a humble and loyal Minetownian: Which server lists come up when you google "Minecraft Multiplayer Server." or "Mnecraft Servers"
I don't want to start it, cuz I am a moron with forums.. but perhaps a "How did you hear of us" thread, or question on the application to help us narrow down what is working for us. I am not trying to make a marketing nightmare, but when I did the above google search for "minecraft servers" only MCTop100 (we are #1) and planetminecraft were in the top results of the search... most of the rest ont the first google page don't even have Minetown listed.
A couple examples that I checked out from the top results of googling "Minecraft Servers" - Current Rank 35, voting requires some searching to find the capcha - requires account creation and login (prior to me doing this today 1 vote in 10 months..) This was the 2nd link in the above google search
As a side note, I think that we have a pretty good track record for banning the riff raff.. and being higher in the rankings may lead to more riff raff but perhaps also we won't be getting as many off the riff raff that are getting to us after being banned from the higher ranked servers.. be interesting to see..
We do and are aware of most the stuff you mentioned and yes, our vote page could have some entries cleaned but so far most of them bring some decent traffic. Some bring less but still are considerable.
And this one doesn't count votes, it's a paid top list. We were #1 about a year ago when it costed 1 grand to get to the top... the top rank is now 6000$...
Also... a lot of the top ranked *cough* even LC, cheat their votes with VPNs. (no wonder why their #1 listing on planetminecraft was removed...) And as I said, according to our stats we have on the amount of clicks, we should be #4 on xtremetop100.
We do and are aware of most the stuff you mentioned and yes, our vote page could have some entries cleaned but so far most of them bring some decent traffic. Some bring less but still are considerable.
Diskenetic wrote:
And this one doesn't count votes, it's a paid top list. We were #1 about a year ago when it costed 1 grand to get to the top... the top rank is now 6000$...
Also... a lot of the top ranked *cough* even LC, cheat their votes with VPNs. (no wonder why their #1 listing on planetminecraft was removed...) And as I said, according to our stats we have on the amount of clicks, we should be #4 on xtremetop100.