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[Enjin Archive] On the History of Minetown
Started by [E] W0lverine123

Espero ended when JPK left for a few months because of computer troubles. If you wanna make something up for a sweet history story say something like its great leader left. Because that is basically why it folded.
*cough* Then you should talk to JPK about rewriting the certain part of the Espero Wiki page then *cough*

These are all his words from that page, he covered it up with some RP lingo himself.
Haha well JPK knows whats up so if he did write it then it is for sure legit. Ill check it out tomorrow.
Lol....I don't follow faction because we don't have influence anymore, but there aren't a whole lot of factions that have amazing cities that are well designed or layed out. Stuff like that is what I would consider...a "legacy" I have yet to see a faction master every aspect of te game.
GACKT wrote:
Yes we did start out as the smallest faction in the war, we grew as the war raged though, but still it was a major achievement for us.

It wasn't exactly toppled, with the invasion on Vegas, both sides lost a lot during that battle. At that point our empire was on it's own, the leader(Raventeeth) of Vegas surrendered. But at the same time it was a advantage for us, Espero was weak and it was our chance to attack. Following the battles after that Jpk vanished, most of Espero's military, supporters, etc soon decided to move on, the people who once mocked us for going to war with Espero, saying we would never achieve our goals in defeating them, I can gladly say they were wrong.

You can ask any former member of HBE or Vegas(If any are still alive) Espero to this day will not admit their defeat, and never will. I will gladly go to war with Espero if they ever do regain the power they once had.

Do you remember any well-defined major battles, or was it mostly just loosely-bound armies fighting whenever they noticed one another nearby? You appear to have knowledge of the war that I've never seen in any records on the Wiki, and if you can recall anything more it would be incredibly helpful in compiling a full record of the war, as accurately as possible.
GACKT wrote:
To you it might, but from our view points as older members, they are not. The original factions were around during the early days of Minetown. The average population online was at least 30-40 on a good day. This allowed better communication with other factions in within factions. It allowed us to form bonds and get to know each other much better, the community was very close back then, it's hard to have that kind of thing nowadays. The Original Factions were and probably still considered most organized, active, etc factions to have ever been created on the server.

Sad isn't it? Majority of are large server population probably haven't ever of these factions or the World War, I'm glad to see someone who's taking interest in our past.

Well, it's a very interesting past, and I've always found political/military history to be incredibly appealing anyways. The past does, after all, continue to affect the present.

Anyways, although the so-called "ancient factions" are spoken of often, I've never heard a lot of specifics about them, which seems odd in hindsight. I suppose there was less conflict and more cooperation back then?

Also, on the topic of activity, there are generally upwards of 60-80 members online at once when I log on, but not a lot of them actively participate in conversations, probably because they're whispering to one another rather than broadcasting their conversations on the global chat. I'm not sure if this is good or bad for factional formation and maintenance, but I just thought I'd mention it.
GACKT wrote:
Right now, I've been discussing a issue with former leaders on a certain faction, that has been growing for quiet some time now. It's raising some concern on what his faction's motives are, he seems peaceful enough, but no faction should have that much power over Minetown.

The last thing I want to do at the moment is revive my former faction, and call those former members to arms who are still loyal to this day.(Sadly I think half of them are banned)

Perhaps the revival the ancient factions, or at least those great factions that succeeded them, would be beneficial in maintaining the factional balance of power. Competition is vital to a healthy factional system, I would think.
Reggief wrote:
Espero ended when JPK left for a few months because of computer troubles. If you wanna make something up for a sweet history story say something like its great leader left. Because that is basically why it folded.

That's actually been mentioned, briefly, in the Espero page on the Wiki. However, it does bring up some questions: primarily, what reforms did you attempt to enact, how did they turn out, and why do you believe Espero was unable to rally behind you as it rallied behind its founder and first leader?
GACKT wrote:
*cough* Then you should talk to JPK about rewriting the certain part of the Espero Wiki page then *cough*

These are all his words from that page, he covered it up with some RP lingo himself.

Espero's Wiki page doesn't even mention its role in the war. Are you suggesting that the leader, when writing that page, conveniently trimmed out information that could potentially have been embarrassing to his faction?
sovietscottie wrote:
Lol....I don't follow faction because we don't have influence anymore, but there aren't a whole lot of factions that have amazing cities that are well designed or layed out. Stuff like that is what I would consider...a "legacy" I have yet to see a faction master every aspect of te game.

Which factions do you think have left the longest-lasting legacies, then? What of, perhaps, the historical cities of the Valorian Empire, which from their descriptions in its Wiki page appear grandiose and fascinating?

Which also leads into another topic. Namely, it would be interesting to know why some factions have left such intriguing legacies, while others have faded. Is organization really the difference, or was it population, or awe-inspiring structural feats? Has the military strength ever played a very significant role in the power of factions, apart from during the World War?
You can see for yourself, it's not like anybody have destroyed or broken down major faction cities, /warp espero is still somewhat intact as well as /warp valor (which is ...dece) I think millenium is a pretty old faction and thats /warp milleniumcity, Reggief and I, have a faction and it's capital is /warp Divinities reach, which is probably one of the most impressive cities right now, but we haven't been around (faction-wise) very long. Vegas used to be a faction and the remains are still at /warp vegas. /warp rebels still exists from the rebel faction, if you do some thread digging you can find warp names of all factions cities like /warp tesnion or /warp federation, although I think those have been griefed somewhat. Any factions that did anything have cities somewhere on the server, and thats probably all thats left of the "ancient" factions. I also think honor might have been a faction? (warp honortown)

All of these are just big names and smaller factions are probably any po-dunk towns with walls you may see littered around the server.
Espero mentions its role <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object> That war was a huge point in many factions histories, and it clearly there under 'World War and Second Minetown Alliance'
sovietscottie wrote:
You can see for yourself, it's not like anybody have destroyed or broken down major faction cities, /warp espero is still somewhat intact as well as /warp valor (which is ...dece) I think millenium is a pretty old faction and thats /warp milleniumcity, Reggief and I, have a faction and it's capital is /warp Divinities reach, which is probably one of the most impressive cities right now, but we haven't been around (faction-wise) very long. Vegas used to be a faction and the remains are still at /warp vegas. /warp rebels still exists from the rebel faction, if you do some thread digging you can find warp names of all factions cities like /warp tesnion or /warp federation, although I think those have been griefed somewhat. Any factions that did anything have cities somewhere on the server, and thats probably all thats left of the "ancient" factions. I also think honor might have been a faction? (warp honortown)

All of these are just big names and smaller factions are probably any po-dunk towns with walls you may see littered around the server.

Isn't there a limit on how often one can warp, though, or does that only apply to teleporting?

Anyhow, I'll likely visit them, now that I know they're still intact and available for visiting. The architecture could be interesting, especially that which has been damaged, if any has been.
jthm02 wrote:
Espero mentions its role <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object> That war was a huge point in many factions histories, and it clearly there under 'World War and Second Minetown Alliance'

Well, it does mention that it was involved as part of the Millennium Alliance and had been threatened before the war by Britannia, but it says nothing of the actual fighting that occurred. Then, I suppose that isn't meant to be a comprehensive history, as it appears to have been intended as less of a full military/political history and more of a developmental summary.

Do you have some recollection, perhaps, of more specific details that GACKT hasn't yet mentioned? I would be very much intrigued by an account of some of the major battles and such, if you could provide any descriptions thereof.
I have decided to... contribute... to Minetown's History. I think it is now time for some to learn the history of me, and my city.

I am HunterKiller47, and I joined Minetown on Jan.12'11. I however knew of Minetown's existence a month before hand, due to my friend OmegaTekanina, an admin at the time of whom I knew for more then a year, and used to play on another, now long forgotten server of New Canada, where I also meet my other friend, Tibbs4life. It was due to him, that I prepared myself and my friend Tibbs4life, for our journey here. We founded Millenium City together, and it still stands as one of the older cities, not the oldest, but certainly a respectable and well known of one, on the date Feb.2'11; approximately 22 days after we joined Minetown.

It started out as a small Espero outpost, as at that time we were both part of Espero, having been welcomed by them. That outpost expanded upon a rail line, connecting the few sparse towns and places together, back when there were hundreds, if not thousands of blocks between cities and towns. When the wilds of Minetown, were very much dangerous, as being 3000 Blocks from spawn was at that time considered part of the border of the map. I remember Grifff supplied much of the Iron to construct the still largely intact TCTS (Trans Continental Tram System); that sadly no longer functions, but stands as an aging reminder to me, of times long past.

Millenium City has since become it's own city; independent of others on the server. It has been host to a number of failed factions to which none succeeded nor developed far. All of which I was the leader of: The Socialist Republic of Helghan, The Covenant, and sparse others that I can no longer remember the names of. The current faction; is the Millenium Empire alternatively known as The Empire of the Sith or simply Millenium; who have already lasted far longer then either of the two previous factions I commanded, having now been around for nearly 2 months. It remains to be seen how long this faction will survive for, due to appropriately named Millenium Curse, the self damning jinx cast over the city and it's residents for reasons and origins unknown.

The Millenium Empire's territory, now envelops all that used to be Millenium, my and Tibbs4life's friend Robertz93's Fortress, Omegatekanina's Epic City, MastaC's Castle, and shares a long border with the Oki Empire, Lead by Millenium's closest ally, Okifool66. Surrounding the territory, although under current construction still, is the Millenium Firewall, a massive border-wall designed to protect Millenium, it's land, and keep out anyone deemed unworthy of ever setting foot inside the city. We also maintain numerous outposts and expansions in various places across Minetown that ensure we always have foothold in any kind of situation, be it Military or Aid relief.

There is more, however this is for the time being the most I wish people to know.
As the founder and emperor of Valor, I should probably contribute. Valor's history is basically all on our wiki page, but the information on the wars are not too in depth. There were actually two great wars in Minetown history, although they were both fought at around the same time. The first one started when the War World was just released. Just before this, HunterKiller's faction Helghan split off from the Millenium Alliance (which became the Confederate Republic of Factions) and started to withdraw socially from Espero, Valor, and Frost. There were some minor border skirmishes and battles fought between the two sides, but the war really started after a small group of Millenium Alliance soldiers ambushed a party of Helghan miners while they were carrying supplies back from their mining base. Helghan then retaliated by destroying the Alliance's fort in the War World. After being constantly harassed by the Alliance soldiers at their mining colony, peace was signed and hostilities ended. Valor never had a large role in this war, and I believe only one member of Valor actually fought during the battles.

During the MA-Helghan War, Valor was busy claiming land in the War World and building their first fortress, Arx Prima. After construction was complete, I was standing guard at the fort with a few other legionaries including Eissaye and jthm02, when the leader of Vegas, Raventeeth, and his second in command GoldenGM showed up outside the main gate. After asking what their business was in our territory, they opened fire on the fort with arrows and TNT. Valor called for the aid of MA reinforcements, but it was to no avail. Vegas ended up winning the battle and destroying Arx Prima. Directly following this battle, I led the survivors back to the main world, joined up with an army of Esperontan and Frost soldiers, and swiftly took control of Vegas. This became a very controversial battle as it was the first time a real battle took place in the main world, and the first time a city was invaded. The MA ended up winning the war, and returned control of Vegas back to Raventeeth under the condition that they would sign a treaty limiting military power for their faction. The battle at Arx Prima also brought up the issue of home setting and teleporting in the War World, which Vegas had exploited to win the battle at Arx Prima. Eissaye, Valor's praetor and general, decided to host a convention addressing these and other issues in the War World. We ended up laying down some basic rules of engagement, and brought a little more "honor" to fighting in Minetown. After this, Eissaye and I built a second Valorian fort in the war world, which was probably the most high-tech and well defended one in existence at the time, but sadly we lost it and it's location is now a mystery to us.

Gackt is also a little biased in his account of the war. No offense to him, but his faction never actually had more than two members, at least from what we could tell on the faction page. The other ones were mostly fake accounts created by MA agents to spy on his actions. Also, from what I can remember he never actually participated in any battle in the War World. Although there was a lot of RP "fighting" between him and Espero, there were never actually any in-game battles.

This basically sums up the entire war world history and the history of the two great Minetown wars. It is all from memory though, and most of the events here happened almost a year ago, so some things may be inaccurate, but this is the most accurate retelling I could think of.