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[Enjin Archive] On the History of Minetown
Started by [E] W0lverine123

I have scoured the Minetown Wiki and know everything that there is to know about the two major factions with their histories published there - the Valorian Empire and Espero, great and noble factions as they appear to be from their long and illustrious histories - but it has left me hungering for more. My curiosity was not sated by glancing about the forums or by skimming over countless threads posted by factions vying for new members and new members vying for factions. I desire more, and I intend to find more.

I want to know about the history of Minetown, about the rise and fall of factions, how they became great and what tore them to pieces, who succeeded and who failed and who tried again to engrave their names permanently across the glorious history of Minetown and the memories of all its inhabitants.

Did you run a faction? Are you currently running a faction? Were you or are you heavily involved in a faction? I want to hear from you. I want to hear stories of great battles and of inconsequential border scuffles, of terrible recessions and of inspiring economic upturns, of infrastructure and architecture and everything in between.

So, without further ado, I would like to hear from anyone who has something to say on the matter. Thank you for taking the time to notice my interest and (with any luck) indulge it.
Valor is one of the oldest, probably is, faction on the server. We've been around for almost 2 years. If you want to know about our history and all, you'll have to join. :3
I did make a rather sparse history of Minetown page on the wiki which hasn't made its way to the main page yet, I assume you saw it but of you havent go to planned pages link and there will be a lubk to it there.

It definitely needs work though, I only managed a sentence or two describing some events
Natedog85137 wrote:
Valor is one of the oldest, probably is, faction on the server. We've been around for almost 2 years. If you want to know about our history and all, you'll have to join. :3

Are you perhaps unaware that your entire history has already been published? xp

Anyhow, the offer to join is intriguing, but I'm going to have to decline for the time being. I'd like to get a feel for Minetown and its history before making any hasty decisions.
jthm02 wrote:
I did make a rather sparse history of Minetown page on the wiki which hasn't made its way to the main page yet, I assume you saw it but of you havent go to planned pages link and there will be a lubk to it there.

It definitely needs work though, I only managed a sentence or two describing some events

I just found it (I didn't know that the planned pages section existed until now). It looks interesting; I intend to read it through now that you've pointed it out to me.

EDIT: I just read through the whole thing. It enlightened me on several points that I had been wondering about, including the "ancient factions" that I had read about in several other locations. Could you perhaps elaborate on a few of the events mentioned in the article, if I were able to formulate a few relatively coherent questions?
My Faction Holy Britannian Empire, with alliance of the other major factions defeated Espero in the great faction war that pretty much killed off all factions for a long period of time. Espero is hardly still around, but the influence they once have will never recover.

The original ancient factions are long gone, except for Valor from what I've seen lately.
Espero is around, but their presence isn't very impressive on this server. And wolverine ill keep expanding that page when I get the chance. It would be nice if some others pitcher in as well.
jthm02 wrote:
Espero is around, but their presence isn't very impressive on this server. And wolverine ill keep expanding that page when I get the chance. It would be nice if some others pitcher in as well.

Wouldn't even worry about that, no faction is exactly impressive anymore or talked about.
GACKT wrote:
My Faction Holy Britannian Empire, with alliance of the other major factions defeated Espero in the great faction war that pretty much killed off all factions for a long period of time. Espero is still hardly still around which I doubt they would admit, but the influence they once have will never recover.

The original ancient factions are long gone, except for Valor from what I've seen lately.

Oh? I was aware that Espero had fallen from its former heights, but I was never aware that it had completely toppled. Could you describe the war in some more detail, perhaps? I mean, of course, I've read the descriptions of it on the Wiki, but a firsthand account - and from your perspective, which isn't represented in any current histories - would be provide valuable insight.

You used guerrilla warfare, correct? And you were the smallest faction in the war, so to achieve so much must have been a major achievement back then.
jthm02 wrote:
Espero is around, but their presence isn't very impressive on this server. And wolverine ill keep expanding that page when I get the chance. It would be nice if some others pitcher in as well.

I've noticed a few threads by Espero in the past. Anyhow, I'll help to expand the page as I learn more about the history of Minetown. History must be preserved, lest it be forgotten by those who would reap the most benefit from the knowledge it holds. If you want my help, I'd be honored to give it to you in whatever capacity I can.
GACKT wrote:
jthm02 wrote:
Espero is around, but their presence isn't very impressive on this server. And wolverine ill keep expanding that page when I get the chance. It would be nice if some others pitcher in as well.

Wouldn't even worry about that, no faction is exactly impressive anymore or talked about.

On the contrary, I've seen quite a few factions in the short time that I've been here. Are they perhaps fallen empires vying for dominance in the ruins of their former glory? Or newer fledgling states, trying to assert themselves in the absence of any major powers?

Valor still seems pretty impressive, anyhow, as you mentioned earlier.
h? I was aware that Espero had fallen from its former heights, but I was never aware that it had completely toppled. Could you describe the war in some more detail, perhaps? I mean, of course, I've read the descriptions of it on the Wiki, but a firsthand account - and from your perspective, which isn't represented in any current histories - would be provide valuable insight.

You used guerrilla warfare, correct? And you were the smallest faction in the war, so to achieve so much must have been a major achievement back then.

Yes we did start out as the smallest faction in the war, we grew as the war raged though, but still it was a major achievement for us.

It wasn't exactly toppled, with the invasion on Vegas, both sides lost a lot during that battle. At that point our empire was on it's own, the leader(Raventeeth) of Vegas surrendered. But at the same time it was a advantage for us, Espero was weak and it was our chance to attack. Following the battles after that Jpk vanished, most of Espero's military, supporters, etc soon decided to move on, the people who once mocked us for going to war with Espero, saying we would never achieve our goals in defeating them, I can gladly say they were wrong.

You can ask any former member of HBE or Vegas(If any are still alive) Espero to this day will not admit their defeat, and never will. I will gladly go to war with Espero if they ever do regain the power they once had.
On the contrary, I've seen quite a few factions in the short time that I've been here. Are they perhaps fallen empires vying for dominance in the ruins of their former glory? Or newer fledgling states, trying to assert themselves in the absence of any major powers?

Valor still seems pretty impressive, anyhow, as you mentioned earlier.

To you it might, but from our view points as older members, they are not. The original factions were around during the early days of Minetown. The average population online was at least 30-40 on a good day. This allowed better communication with other factions in within factions. It allowed us to form bonds and get to know each other much better, the community was very close back then, it's hard to have that kind of thing nowadays. The Original Factions were and probably still considered most organized, active, etc factions to have ever been created on the server.

Sad isn't it? Majority of are large server population probably haven't ever of these factions or the World War, I'm glad to see someone who's taking interest in our past.
Right now, I've been discussing a issue with former leaders on a certain faction, that has been growing for quiet some time now. It's raising some concern on what his faction's motives are, he seems peaceful enough, but no faction should have that much power over Minetown.

The last thing I want to do at the moment is revive my former faction, and call those former members to arms who are still loyal to this day.(Sadly I think half of them are banned)