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[Enjin Archive] Events team applications.
Started by [E] dead [1]

*With the upcoming server cluster and the recreation of Event worlds ,we will be remaking the Events team.

  • Apply the Rules
  • Manage events and host them!.
  • Make people have fun in minetown !!
  • There are other minor duties but the overall mission of a Event team host is to keep MineTown a fun place !

Please copy paste and fill the following form if you are interested in the position.

Minecraft IGN:


What time of the day would you be most available to run events? (Please specify a time zone):

Hours per week you play(average) AND how long have you been in Minetown:

What kind of events would you specialize in?

- Quick, Fast, and Fequant

- Detailed events that will take a while to run

- Team events, building events, puzzle events, etc.

What are your ideas for future events?

Have you ever participated or ran any unofficial events? Please tell us about what you did and how it went:

Tell us about your experence with some of the mechinisms we use (WorldEdit, WorldGuard Regions, CraftBook, etc.):

Why do you consider Event staff over Normal staffing?

Quick! Think outside the box! Now what?

Do you have Skype, and can you use it for communication?

Tell us about yourself:

Note: Don't post crap! This is for event applications only. Anything else will be deleted, go make a thread for your comments.
Minecraft IGN: Coffeey

Age (Prefer 16+): 17

Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): GMT + 0

Hours per week you play(average) AND how long have you been in MineTown (Needs to be More than 2 months) : about 50 hours a week

Friends in Minetown : I like everybody on minetown.... But my good freinds are TPrezzle, Landr0, Irethena, 8x8johan, savage1106, jallaf, dannidorrito and many more.

Have you ever been banned before? Why?: I was temp banned for 12 hours to 'cool down' after an argument

Do you have any ideas for future events?: I sure do. Anyways nothing is wrong with a building event every now and again?

Have you done any unofficial events? Please provide screenshots: I have done a few. I did a treasure hunt in adelaide and sometimes I say a movie quote in chat and give diamonds to the first person to get it.

Im sorry I dont have any screenshots

Have you ever helped staff with events?: I have asked more times than I can remember but was never allowed...

Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): I sure can

Do you have any experience using World Edit and region flags?: I have experiance with WE but region flags not so much.. Im a fast learner <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>

Why do you think you will make a good Events Member? Explain.: I am fun (i think <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>) I always liked events, I have showed LOTS of enthusiasm towards helping mods with events in the past, wether I was allowed or not and I love to build..

Why should we consider you for the event team: I have been a member of Minetown for quite some time now. I can safely say that I feel I deserve to be allowed to do events, because I have always been very, very enthusiastic towards mods like Heiwashin and arvila to be either judge in an event or just to help make them. Unfortunately they never either responded or I wasnt allowed. I have had lots of ideas for events In the past which I wanted to be made official which never were... I never even got replies on most of the ones I sent to mods. I feel I have shown great enthusiasm towards this position for a long time.

Additional info you would like to tell us?: I am hoping you can chose me for the job <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>
Minecraft IGN: Carnivores64

Age (Prefer 16+): 16

Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): U.S. Central

Hours per week you play(average) AND how long have you been in MineTown (Needs to be More than 2 months) I play about 16-36 hours (average) I have been on Minetown since November 2011

Friends in Minetown : I have no specific friends. I usually do my own work. I mingle all the time with others on the chat , and talk to people a LOT in an activity i'm sharing with them (example: events)

Have you ever been banned before? Why?: I have never been banned.

Do you have any ideas for future events?: New events I would think of is major scavenger hunts, cummunity survival such as a zombie attack or waves of creatures.

Have you done any unofficial events? Please provide screenshots: I have never hosted an unofficial event. (I have only participated in them.

Have you ever helped staff with events?: I have never helped staff with events.

Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): Mumble is no problem. I can use it.

Do you have any experience using World Edit and region flags?: I know the basics of world edit, and heve used it before.

Why do you think you will make a good Events Member? Explain.: This is debatable. I would have to say I would be happy to be assigned in any event, but I think building events would be good. or the zombie attack events.^^^^^^

Why should we consider you for the event team: You should consider me because i have been in many events of all sorts, and know how things work and how the people work.

Additional info you would like to tell us?: Whoever you pick I respect the choices you have made, and am excited for the future of Minetown.
Minecraft IGN: TPrezzle

Age (Prefer 16+): 18

Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): GMT+0

Hours per week you play(average) AND how long have you been in MineTown (Needs to be More than 2 months) : A lot, usually 4-5 hours on weekdays and more on weekends and holidays.

Friends in Minetown : I have too many friends here to count. Coffeey, Jallaf, Irethena, Madster and Danni to name a few, I won't write a list. There are several members that I would absolutely love to work with on an events team and can see myself really enjoying this position as a team member.

Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Yes I have. The situation was soon resolved, however, and I remain good friends with all parties involved.

Do you have any ideas for future events?: I do. I have had a lot of ideas for various events and building contests that I would have liked to host on a personal server. Unfortunately, I have not had funds since June '11 to continue the server on a large scale.

These events include (but are not limited to):

  • Pixelart
  • Castles
  • 3D Characters
  • Boats
  • Sport Events
  • Note Block Songs

Have you done any unofficial events?: Please provide screenshots: Yes I have, I am currently hosting a Checkers event with 16 contestants that will last at least several weeks. Each match so far has had an attendance of at least 15 Unique spectators.



Have you ever helped staff with events?: I have only taken part in events, however I have had staff helping me with my events. I have frequently worked with staff as referees.

Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): Yes, I am on it more than I'm on Minetown!

Do you have any experience using World Edit and region flags?: Yes. I have used World Edit many times on my old personal server and partially used region flags.

Why do you think you will make a good Events Member? Explain.: As I have explained in my moderator application, I am a very creative person. I spend time creating music, digital art and taking photos. I also thoroughly enjoy hosting knockout tournament-style events, as I get to watch the competitions develop.

In addition to this, I run an arts event team at college. This includes arranging and organising gigs and talent shows, even summer festivals. Being part of a team is, of course, essential when it comes to larger tasks - I work well with a range of people and always benefit from receiving input from others and providing my own in return.

I also consider myself to be a competent builder. I work on the building team for Forward City and I am also working as a co-owner of Yield's city to build it from the ground up.

Why should we consider you for the event team: I don't feel that I have left an awful lot unsaid from the last section of the application. But, I spend a lot of time on Minetown (as I have said), I speak in global frequently and I am always talking in mumble. I consider myself to be a highly active part of the community that I believe at least several members of the community can relate to and confide in. I hope to be a part of a team as I enjoy working with others and helping to create enjoyment for others.

Additional info you would like to tell us?: I think I have said all I need to say, all that is left is to hope that my application is considered and to wish the events team the very best!


Minecraft IGN: revels21

Age (Prefer 16+): 17

Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): GMT (London)

Hours per week you play(average) AND how long have you been in MineTown (Needs to be More than 2 months) : 30-40 hours a week, and been in Minetown since 25th October, 2011

Friends in Minetown : leogt123, greenape20, rasboy2007, l2econfirst, badman1v1, BTechnique, Airbornejones, Zionia000, Steelersfan, Nick663, ryanblm, Nickuru, VVAnonymousVV, craftermaster, Truerurouni, XCoaster, tarantula2, Barney626, luev25, Luggious, ronvandorp, Colddev, DanniDorrito, Coffeey, DannyBoyg1, Nemenix, 8x8Johan, TinkieWinkieBag, PokemonGardevoir, SloopJB1, Sonic_recreation, Driak, Madster456 and TinkieWinkieBag Generally I try to get along with everyone!

(Sorry if anyone was missed, PM if I did miss you <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>)

Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Yes, first time I was banned was when I was wrongly accused of making a region on someone else's land, who was found to have lied to several different staff, on several occasions. I was also banned because I reclaimed someones house in my town, he sent me messages asking to keep it, which I didn't get due to a plugin glitch, so I reclaimed his house and the mods thought I was being greedy and just taking his house because I wanted to, which I wasn't. Both were temp-bans and I was un-banned within 2 or 3 days on both occasions. I have never been banned from any event for any reason, or for anything to do with an event!

Do you have any ideas for future events?:I do have one idea for a PvP event, where there would be an arena with two teams, could be done as a tournament, and one end was nether themed with a nether castle, and lava pools outside, fire, nether mobs etc. and then as you go across to the other end of the arena it changes in to a village style area, with some village houses and a smaller village castle. Basically it is just two teams fighting to the death, however it can be done with or without mobs, and also you could scatter various, hidden, chests around the arena with weapons and armour (possibly enchanted) for people to find and use. To start of the players from both teams would choose a class (warrior, archer, thief, scout as example classes) each kitted out with different items, and then they would wait in their castle until the battle began, when the gates to each castle would open to release the players. I have already made this and I have played it and I personally thought it was great fun, even with just a couple of people, but with teams of about 10 it would be perfect! To play this with my friends I use a plugin to help, which provides a death spawn, a start spawn, a spectate area, and kit signs for different classes, however I am no sure if you will want to use this!

I also have an idea for a possible staff event for any of the staff who wanted to enter. Basically the staff would compete in trying to make the most imaginative, original and all-round best vault they possibly could. Then they would be judged and given prizes, although I am not sure what they could be yet. Then I was thinking you could auction off all the vaults from the event on the forums to anyone who wants to buy them! Maybe the money from people buying the vaults could be split between the three winners or something. Then, of course, the mods could do what they wanted with the money they get, although I would imagine this would be an ideal time for some diamond shredding!

Have you done any unofficial events? Please provide screenshots: I used to do my own hide & seek events until everyone started to realised they could use the world map to find me. I haven't really done any other events of my own on this server, however I was thinking about setting up an event in the large area behind my town, when I have time, and I guess you could count the event above as unofficial!

Have you ever helped staff with events?: Never been able to, I have offered to help with some events, like the Players vs. Zombies event and the Hunger Games event, but either no help was needed or they already had people to help them.

Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): Yes

Do you have any experience using World Edit and region flags?: Yes, I have loads of experience with world edit and can do pretty much anything with it, including adding flags to regions, most of this I learnt from messing around on my own server!

Why do you think you will make a good Events Member? Explain: I have competed in quite a few events myself, including HungerGames, DropRun, and Humans vs. Zombies, so I have a fairly good idea of what would make an event fun. Even if I can't come up with the best ideas for events I am good at organising them and I would be able to follow orders to help build and run them very well!

Why should we consider you for the event team: I have been on Minetown for a long time now and have gotten a feel for the types of events held here and have a good idea of what types of events are popular and what events are a big NO! I am very good at using WorldEdit and I am also pretty good at redstone wiring, and I am sure that will not go a-miss in the event world. I can also listen and learn very well if there is anything I need to learn, and I will be good at taking orders for making/hosting/helping with an event!

Additional info you would like to tell us?: I just really want to be involved with this team because I know, from experience, taking part in fun, successful events is very fun, so I can only imagine, especially for me, that being part of the team behind putting those events together would be even more fun and some people may not like the fact that they wouldn't be able to take part and win any prizes that might be awarded, but I would much prefer the satisfaction of seeing an event you worked on turn out well and get a good reaction from eveyone taking part!

<object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
Minecraft IGN: Nick663

Age (Prefer 16+): sure I am (18.06.1995)

Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): GMT +1

Hours per week you play(average) AND how long have you been in MineTown (Needs to be More than 2 months) : Like 7 1/2 Months on Minetown and like 25 hours per week.

Friends in Minetown : ...Everyone? xD but mostly Philipo and Irethena.

Have you ever been banned before? Why?: 1 time banned for stealing at first day.

Do you have any ideas for future events?: Sure, im thinking about big puzzle games mostly build with redstone electric, which i can master easily.

Have you done any unofficial events? Please provide screenshots: I started building one with Luggious, we will soon be able to open it for the public <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f609.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=";)">;)</object>

Have you ever helped staff with events?: There was no help needed, but I asked for.

Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): Yes

Do you have any experience using World Edit and region flags?: Sure, i used it a year ago on a private server.

Why do you think you will make a good Events Member? Explain.: I can easily build complicated redstone electronics and have much fun with playing on Minetown. Much people know me and i have lots of friends here. I would feel happy if i could build some Events with other people to have fun with you guys! <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f44d.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":thumb:">:thumb:</object>

Why should we consider you for the event team: The most people know me on Minetown as a friendly Member and im really want to help the mods/admins/Owner to keep this server runing on the best way.

Additional info you would like to tell us?: I built allready my own town (Crosstown) and my own fortress (Nicktown) and lots of other little hidden bases. I think you all would like it if i can do this job <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>

Sincerely, Nick663
Minecraft IGN: Madster456

Age (Prefer 16+): 16

Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): NYC

Hours per week you play(average) AND how long have you been in MineTown (Needs to be More than 2 months) : Been in Minetown since sometime in january. Hours per week would be well over 24.

Friends in Minetown : Matt, danni, drakat, krystalin, iggy, holy, italy, zio, lugg, donkeyy, and many more. But i try to friend everyone/anyone. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>

Have you ever been banned before? Why?: I have been banned once. My mouse dirped out and died when i was watching danni do her event, and i accidentally broke the glass and fell through. Only ban though. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>

Do you have any ideas for future events?: Have a few. But if you are interested in them, message me. Don't wanna ruin the possible upcoming events for others.

Have you done any unofficial events? Please provide screenshots: I have not done any unofficial events at al. :/

Have you ever helped staff with events?: I have helped lucy build a small part of her event for a few days once. But thats about it for helping.

Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): Already on mumble all day. ^_^

Do you have any experience using World Edit and region flags?: I know all of world edit, and all of worldguard.

Why do you think you will make a good Events Member? Explain.: I have good fresh ideas, and am very well with design. Thats one of the reasons i work so much on the DEV designing. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>

Why should we consider you for the event team: Well. All people view someone differently. So i guess i can tell whoever looks over these that i am a hard worker. I do mess around at times. But when things need to be done, i get the, done. I follow orders as given, and try to get whatever it is done to my best abilities.

Additional info you would like to tell us?: I do design for the DEV server. I have been working on there for a few months now. I know all of world edit and worldGuard. But i dont just know it, i understand it. There is a big difference there for these kinds of plugins. You can know what commands do, but do you know how to utilize them and use them in the correct manor? I do. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
Minecraft IGN: Gotmilk54445

Age (Prefer 16+): 14, I dont think this should matter as im very mature for my age... age doesnt tell it all.

Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): EST

Hours per week you play(average) AND how long have you been in MineTown (Needs to be More than 2 months) : I play about 3 hours a day depending on homework, so about 21, on weekends about 12 so all and all 33, sometimes more, never less.

Friends in Minetown : Donkeyykong, Lugg, Mattgehring123, zdeathclock, landr0, holysmokes, abzilla, pokemongardevoir, yankelova20, bluebomberdude, killer_rising, coffeey, tprezz, danny, nemenix, sonic_recreation , foxtrott, tomcort, kong999, dillon1975, and others but lets face it... im not going to name off everyone im friends with in minetown <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>

Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Yes just once... i decided i was going to be an asshole before i was active on the server... i went on and just kept spamming "Yo temp mod ban me" over and over again >.< I really regret that as i now love minetown and is pretty much the only server i play on.

Do you have any ideas for future events?: I do, currently i will not release them as i like surprises, but if i dont get in event team, u will definitely see me making some once im on my feet in minetown.

Have you done any unofficial events? Please provide screenshots: I do help a ton in DKEvents, i cant let out screenshots as i dont think donkeyykong would approve but his new event i have helped as hard as i can.

Have you ever helped staff with events?: No but i would love to! In fact thts one of the reasons i would love to join events teams to help staff make events and entertain all members throughout my time on minetown!

Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): I currently do not have it, if the time comes i will buy a headset and use it whenever we will make events!

Do you have any experience using World Edit and region flags?: I do i was a mod on a server and an admin on another, ik pretyt much all w/e commands and can easily protect stuff.

Why do you think you will make a good Events Member? Explain.: Ik im 14 and thts a bit of a downer... but really im a super active member.. im on all the time and im very mature as i actually am good friends with alot of people over the age of 16 on the server and irl, Ik everyone thinks 14 year old "oh how immature" but age doesnt matter in my opinion u just need to be hard working, dedicated, good with others, have good leadership skills, and be active.

Why should we consider you for the event team: I love being in events. As i know how fun they are i would love to spin some of my own ideas and make official events then bring the fun to others like they have to me.

Additional info you would like to tell us?: Nope i pretty much rapped all the additional info in "Why do you think you will make a good Events Member?" Although i hope you take my app into consideration as i would LOVE to help!
Minecraft IGN: SloopJB1

Age (Prefer 16+): 12 Years old. Born 7th January 2000.

Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): GMT (From the UK anyway.)

Hours per week you play(average) AND how long have you been in MineTown (Needs to be More than 2 months) : I play Minetown around 4 - 5 Hours a day (More on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.) I have been in Minetown since August but my application was approved on the 28th November 2011.

Friends in Minetown : I like to think I am friends with everyone on the server, but just some good friends are; Neildotp, JagitoJag, SergeantCarew, Zionia, Danni, Danny, Dancraft, Irethena and Gingmax.

Have you ever been banned before? Why?: I was temp banned once for greifing 1 block of cobble stone but this was a misunderstanding and this resolved.

Do you have any ideas for future events?: My head is always ticking away with creative influence from other events and what I see in everyday life. I have always wanted to do host one particular event though on Minetown. A large game of Hardcore Survival but with unique twists.

Have you done any unofficial events? Please provide screenshots: I have hosted so far only one event, however it ran smoothly and had a large capacity of players participate. Here is the link to the thread: http://minetown.net/forum/m/672632/viewthread/3008662-cave-parkour-event

Have you ever helped staff with events?: I have not yet been asked to help, however if I were to be asked I would of course help.

Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): Yes, I can use Mumble well and am frequently online talking to different Members of the community.

Do you have any experience using World Edit and region flags?: Yes I do, I am Mod+ on a server at the moment where World Edit and Region Flags are used a lot.

Why do you think you will make a good Events Member? Explain.: I am a creative person always using unique ways of improving past things and giving them a new revamped feel and look. I could put this to practice in making some pretty cool events.

Why should we consider you for the event team: Like I said before I have experience with events and could put my creativity to use in Minetown.

Additional info you would like to tell us?: My age deceives me on Minetown, I am mature and use a sophisticated vocabulary a lot of the time. My English teacher always praises me and my Design and Technology teacher thinks I am a creative person as well.

Thank you for reading my application!

Minecraft IGN: jthm02

Age (Prefer 16+): 15

Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Pacific

Hours per week you play(average) AND how long have you been in MineTown (Needs to be More than 2 months) : I play on average 2-3 hours per day, and i have been on this server since the end of November 2010, so 15 months <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>

Friends in Minetown : I have good friends in my faction Valor, i know all of the older members like Reg, Kingmark, Rad, Jallaf, etc. And im starting to get to know a lot of other people as well.

Have you ever been banned before? Why?: No

Do you have any ideas for future events?: None that I have really thought about but I'm a fan of skill and knowledge based challenges and im sure i could think something up.

Have you done any unofficial events? Please provide screenshots: No

Have you ever helped staff with events?: No

Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): Yes

Do you have any experience using World Edit and region flags?: Yes, I have a lot of experience with WorldEdit and WorldGuard from being an administrator on another server for a short period of time.

Why do you think you will make a good Events Member? Explain.: I'd say I'm a person that likes to have fun, and wants other people to have a good time as well. Im a very organized person and a great problem solver. Building for a purpose, I love to do. I enjoy it when the things I create are being put to good use and are being enjoyed by people. Plus I'm a hard worker and have a great deal of knowledge around game mechanics (redstone, entity behaviour, etc.) and plugins.

Why should we consider you for the event team: Like i said, I like making things for people to enjoy, I like solving issues, and always remember commands, rules, guidelines, etc. Plus I know how to keep things under control, enforce rules, and make sure everyone has a good time. I'm a responsible person too, and fairly reliable (real life sometimes should just get a life).