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[Enjin Archive] Main Market Update 2016
Started by [E] Zionia


Notice to all lot owners. First Round Inspections are tomorrow. If you have not updated to the new rules, you will be put on probation and have until Sunday the 30th of July to fix it up or you will lose your spot. Be sure to update your plots! Sizes did change. WE can be used by Zio if you need to make adjustments that are outside of your build region or staff can just destroy it for you. Many shops have not relinked their signage as well. Please take care of that ASAP!

~Market Staff
Notice Of Possible Changes Currently Being Reviewed:

Now that we have been up and running for a week, and having received some suggestions and thoughts from players, we are currently looking into altering some of the rules to better accommodate shop keepers. If you have any suggestions, please put them here or message me so that we can put them up for review.

None of these are official changes as of yet, but are under review for possible changes happening soon:

  • Chests: Considering Allowing Chests in your lot. Rules may be altered concerning them including if theft/glitch loss occurs from the chests, there will be no refunds; chests must not be accessible to players (eg: hidden basement or /cprivate)
  • Expand Region Up 1 and Down 1; Would make lots more in line with the 4x theme of the game being 16 up, 4 down, and ground level.

If input is given on any other rules we can look into alterations in those aspects as well, however, these are the current hot topics that are being discussed by the Market Staff. If you have any personal input, please respond or send me a message. If changes are made, we will let you know. Being as these are laxing of rules, they will not need the 2 week notice to go into effect. You may use them once they are official. A decision should be made by this weekend.
The rules mentioned in the above post have been approved. I will be expanding the regions and allowing chests in lots. If you are on probation for incorrect size by the 1 block or having chests, you do not need to worry about them. We will reinspect your lots once I update all the regions and such. Everything should be up to date this evening.

Note that if you do have chests on your lot, they need to be locked and preferably out of public access. If theft of items occurs, there will be no refunds.

Also, am clarifying some of the rules. Nothing is changing, just rewording to bring more clarity.
Can i get help with this pls.
@16647918 wrote:
Can i get help with this pls.

What do you need help with?
Updated Market Policies:

Regarding bridges, and possible lag inducing items, or creations:

Banned items:

  • Item frames
  • Beacons
  • Chests
  • Magic Letter Signs (&k)
  • Redstone contraptions i.e. Piston Doors, Clocks, Disco Floors, Hoppers, or any contraption created by CraftBook, other than simple non-redstone involved contraptions like Lift Signs

Bridges connecting plots have revised standards, so before the next inspection cycle, bridges must be up to standards.


Conditions of bridges must be:

  • Bridges themselves can be no higher than 3 blocks, nor can they be any lower than 6 blocks above the ground.
  • Clear path, indicating that the bridge is being used as a method of transport between one plot to another, this excludes any form of quick transport, such as water; or any foreign object that could cause an entity such as a boat, minecart, or otherwise to become entrapped in market paths.
  • There can be one single bridge per plot.
  • Bridges must have at least one form of lighting underneath.
  • Bridges must include either a fence,iron bar, or glass pane on either side, and may not include a roof.

Regulated Items:

  • Banners (8 limited to single plot)
  • Skulls (6 limited to single plot)

Bridges have been updated to new codes, so if there is a bridge connecting one's plot, it may be subject to change, or can be changed upon the user's request.

New codes will be enforced next inspection cycle. Lots not conformed will be subjected to their plot being placed in probation status.
I have a few questions regarding these new market changes:

  • Why are there only four skulls and banners allowed?
  • Why not six or eight?
  • Why are armor stands not included in this new regulation as they are also an entity?
  • Why do bridges have so many restrictions now?
  • Why do the bridges have to a roof?
  • Why does it need to be six from the ground? Making a bridge 5 high off the ground doesn't look bad or obstruct the walkway, same with 4 high.
  • Why does there now need to have a light, I personally have not had any issues with mobs and having lights on the bridges can obstruct the design of flooring that is throughout the store.

Overall I understand you want a more uniformed marketplace but with all of these limitations it is starting to take the fun out of building up a unique shop and instead making it more of a cookie cutter type of market.

I understand that these are the rules and I plan on following them, I am just mainly curious on why these are just now being created as the marketplace is losing people and the entire spawn is not laggy whatsoever.

Glad to clarify.

Not everyone has an optimal system, particularly that can run in the market area that has many signs and other entities.

Bridges *cannot* have a roof.

These are just the numbers we picked for making sure the market has a decent flow, and not leaving the potential for any issues in that regard.

Mob spawning in the market is and never will be an issue, this is just a matter of keeping bridges from casting dark shadows over paths

The market isn't losing people. It's 95% full, and and continuing a healthy economic cycle.

Don't take this as a sign of trying to take the creativity out of the marketplace, because it isn't, besides the bridges, these new amendments were simply made to reduce the possibility of lag in the market. The bridge rules were set simply because there were no rules before, and it has/ can lead to some issues, so we just want to prevent any future issues with that.
Thank you for clarifying in a timely manner. To abide by these rule I am sad to say Katarinaxoxo and myself have decided to consolidate to one shop (Plot 22). I obviously need to move all of my stuff from plot 26 and I will do that in the next coupple of days if things do not change to the no roofed bridges restriction. I would only like to make one request and that is to increase the banner/head count limit to six insted of four so you can spell things such as our shop “Lowe’s” as that was our main branding image in the marketplace and that is being taken away.

Thank you, and the banner/skull thing *will* be discussed.