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[Enjin Archive] Main Land Claim Requests and Guidelines
Started by [E] Zionia

this is my base.
This is his claim right out side of my base that i am building and it it really annoying
Already claimed acorndaze but i have a different claim righ t next to it which is mine.
Player wanting to claim:


Current Owner of claim:

Burtgasem 1218

XYZ Location of claim:

x200 y z-100

Screenshot of land:

Screenshot is in the attachment

Reasons for wanting to claim the land:

It is land near spawn and I think I could make good use of it by making an apartment system or something like that.

Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums) -PROVIDE PROOF-:

Ingame contact to the owner is in the screenshot, I could not find them on the forums, I am unsure if they have an account.
Player wanting to claim: gh515
Current Owner of claim: Mega187
XYZ Location of claim: -2932.426 / 65 / 68.512
Screenshot of land: Attached
Reasons for wanting to claim the land: The claim is near my original home and is an 11x11 bare plot. I want to regenerate the area or develop it into something nice. It is directly next to one of the spawn rail train stations.
Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums) -PROVIDE PROOF-: Attached, messaged in-game, doesn't appear they have a forum account.

Player wanting to claim: gh515
Current Owner of claim: ttuurrttllee
XYZ Location of claim: -2992.664 / 63 / 88.531
Screenshot of land: Attached. What is seen in the provided screenshot is basically all that is there.
Reasons for wanting to claim the land: The claim is near my original home and is essentially a bare plot. There is a partial structure that is an eyesore. I want to regenerate the area or develop it into something nice. It is directly next to one of the spawn rail train stations.
Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums) -PROVIDE PROOF-: Attached, messaged in-game, doesn't appear they have a forum account.

Player wanting to claim: gh515
Current Owner of claim: finster1247
XYZ Location of claim: -3068.525 / 65 / -91.815
Screenshot of land: Attached
Reasons for wanting to claim the land: The claim is a small claim with only one small hut near a claim/build of mine. I would like to expand into this area and wouldn't mind helping finster relocate. It is near one of the spawn rail train stations.
Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums) -PROVIDE PROOF-: Attached, messaged in-game, doesn't appear they have a forum account.

Player wanting to claim: KingDinoSour (Dino)
Current Owner of claim: NippitSnippit
XYZ Location of claim: 9390, 64, -380

Reasons for wanting to claim the land: I plan on completing a project (city) around the world border that consists of three main parts, the claim resides on the part that currently has the placeholder name of "Mountain Side." The claim seems empty with very few belongings and developments and the owner hasnt been on for 185 days.

Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums) -PROVIDE PROOF-: (Provided with screenshot of land)

Screenshot of land:

Player Wanting To Claim: Steamedbread

Current Owner of The Claim: DrQuestions

XYZ: In picture

Reason For Wanting To Claim: I have dedicated a majority of my playtime working on this base. I've gathered dozens of double chests of spruce LOGS, furnaces, PISTONS, black stained glass, SEA LANTERNS AND GLOWSTONE. I dug out 16 by 16 chunks TO BEDROCK and brought a polar bear from literally half the world away in a boat through land and ocean. But now I have no access to this place anymore. After being unbanned, I was hoping DrQuestions will continue and finish this base, but nothing changed after 3 years. I want to take over and finish what should've been finished 3 years ago.

Contacted Owner?: In picture

2021-08-18_13.00.28_1629309671.png q_1629310105.PNG qw_1629310375.PNG
Player wanting to claim: gh515
Current Owner of claim: Unknown (Zooum checked the logs and these three builds are so old that there is no data for them. They are also not claimed.
XYZ Location of claim: -2687 / -27
Screenshot of land: Attached
Reasons for wanting to claim the land: These three builds are really old and undeveloped. They sit directly across the rails from my land and I would like permission to demolish them. I am considering eventually expanding my claim that way.
Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums) -PROVIDE PROOF-: There is no identifiable owner, attaching SS of Zooum mentioning that there are no logs available for these builds.

2021-08-23_23.06.26_1629775349.png 2021-08-23_23.02.58_1629775350.png
Player wanting to claim: Skylol_
Current Owner of claim:

XYZ Location of claim:-2165, -1510 and -2191, -1517
Screenshot of land: at the bottom
Reasons for wanting to claim the land: Wolf is a friend of me and the 2 claims are in the way of my base and would like to get it removed
Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums



Claim requests for main are no longer accepted, since the map is about to close.
For Idarun (new map) claim reuqests, please refer to: https://mt.gg/claims