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[Enjin Archive] Get Minetown Back On Track!
Started by [E] XxDEATH_SN1PAxX

This idea = terrible.

STOP trying to come up with 'fixes' for our 'terrible' economy. ALL economies have ups and downs. Nothing you can do will stop this, and attempting to force it to change will do nothing but harm in the long run. Not to mention, this is just a game. Its not like the economy affects your livelihood or your ability make a pick and actually go FIND the things you need. There is NOTHING that is sold in peoples' shops that you cant gather yourself just as easily as anyone else.

So please, people, stop bitching about the economy and just enjoy the game for what it is.

Guys, how hard is it REALLY to go out and find the resources?

Team up if you have to, work with other miners and split the profit, Or, y'know. You could always just delete your own items. :wave:
NO NO NO NO the market will stabilize itself. tired of seeing threads like this saying "Wipe the map" or "make iron worth more then gold"... they are HORRIBLE ideas. these do NOT assist the economy AT ALL. if you wanted to help the economy then jack up your prices. People will sell at what they like because some people have the means and resources to sell and hold there. Sounds like your just upset that you cant get "easy money". I would also like to add that MTC is SUPPOSED to be rare and thus, more valuable. The market is almost where it should be...
The economy is perfect. We now have only much diamonds which lowers the market rate, but all shops are regulating themselfes to the new prices. Wy should we need a wipe? when you higher the rate of credits you get by voting you can EASILY fix the economy a bit (but dont do it). Do you have problems with the new economy? me not. It all changed when we were able to get multiple types of spawners. Now everyone wants credits to buy one. fastest way: Sell cheap diamonds.
So we're in a Minetown Recession, like the actual, real world? (That thing outdoors for those who didn't know.)

We're not really in a recession at all if you ask me. The fact that so many people have money to easly buy what they need means that its just the people who wont take the initiative to make money for themselves wanting the things everyone else has worked for taken away to even the playing field. This of course would do nothing because these same people who were rich, would become rich again, and those who arent will again to nothing to become rich. I see all the complaints about the economy to be the same thing as in the real world: people who are to lazy to earn things demanding they be given what others have.
"I joined August 2011 and diamonds were worth 150mtc. They are now worth 25mtc this is a drop of 83% over 6 months this means buy august 2012 the price of diamonds will be as an estimate of 20.75 mtc and buy August 2014 1 diamond will be worth a little over 8mtc. this is severlly going to destroy minetown."

God forbid the market fluctuates. I think the vast majority of the price in diamond going down is credited to the main currency becoming minetown credits. So whats the problem? It wont continue to drop the price of diamonds, it was an event driven drop in price, not a continues thing.
Ban isoccer.

All diamond prices go up.

Problem, Minetown? <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f44d.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":thumb:">:thumb:</object>
It's a bad idea to wipe items.

I hate to be the one to say it but Minetown's economy is ruined by nature. This is a server based on real money now, and donators get advantage, not convenience. No matter what is reset, the economy will continue to fall over repeatedly unless the donator structure is changed.

There should not be any credits given to donators or donator shops. I agree, it's a nice way to make money, but look at this: Minetown is effectively a closed world. In this world, all materials but two are created by hand, traded between players, and you would think that these materials would be based on a tangible value that is effected by this. In an item-based economy, the wealth of the server would be based on how much gold and diamond was dug up. The more people mine, the wealthier the people are.

But it's not. We have a system worse than the sneakiest banks in real life.

What happens is, gold and diamond is injected into the economy from a relatively intangible, untouchable source - real life. It's not like another part of the Minetown economy, it's literally items being thrown in that did not exist. Minetown's economy will never have a true boom - it can only go down, because players are releasing so many items into the economy and credits purchase gold and diamond faster than mining could.

If you want a fixed economy, don't whine about it - organize something. Demand a convenience-based donator system, where donators get convenient abilities, not superior advantages.

Trust me.


Former Minetown Administrator
The economy is ruined by credits gained by donating? HAHAHAno. Do you realize how few credits you actually get from donating? One day's worth for $5. Thats not much. At all. And its a one time thing. Its not like you donate once and just keep getting credits for it. In fact, for this to be enough to ruin the economy, half the server would be $100 or higher donators, and they would have had to havespent all of these credits on gold/diamonds from the bank (the only way donators can introduce new ones into the economy), which I think I can safely say most do not. That arguement is COMPLETELY rediculous and unthought-out.