dunsjohn wrote:
I mean, hell... I get 10-20 pm's EVERY WEEK asking "How do I join the server?" Are you F*ing kidding me? You can't see the big join now at the top? -_-
In All Honesty.. You are such an asshole. Some people are 12 and don't understand how to join a big major server. You one of the people on here who give minetown a bad name im serious. You act as if you can walk all over everyone.
Nemenix wrote:
Also the steal traps should be removed. I know there are a lot of signs that say DON'T STEAL YOU WILL BE BANNED!, nearly everyone has it in them to steal, we are humans and we make faults.
I agree kick the Steal Traps they are stupid and really unnecessary, but the fact that you said nearly everyone i would have to disagree with. Not everyone has it in them to steal.
ModernDragoness wrote:
Curious, I never found the "Ban Appeal Format" difficult to find...
Especially i would like to thank you for you smart ass of a comment and picture. True it is not hard to find the ban appeal format people rush through them because they really like minetown and they made a mistake.
Coffeey wrote:
You are a mod+ and staff manager... you have experiance with forums, i presume.
A lot of people dont and when join the server are thrown straight into the whole forums aspect of it all. If you are new to forums, then it wouldnt be as easy to find as you or I could find it.
A lot of people dont and when join the server are thrown straight into the whole forums aspect of it all. If you are new to forums, then it wouldnt be as easy to find as you or I could find it.
As true as this statement is i would have to say (I personally did not) that people need to check out everything while waiting for their application to be A: accepted or B: Rejected. Don't tell me you don't have time to see things like that.
Fettuccini wrote:
You practicaly have to stare directly at the Appeal Format thread in order to post an appeal. What possible reason is there that mods should have to baby anyone through something as simple as this? There is none.
There is also no reason to put the rules directly in the application. There is a great big button on the very top of the of every page on this website that says "RULES". In fact its DIRECTLY NEXT TO the Join button.
There is also no reason to put the rules directly in the application. There is a great big button on the very top of the of every page on this website that says "RULES". In fact its DIRECTLY NEXT TO the Join button.
Correct, but guidance didn't kill anyone right a simple HAY how about you post correctly heres a link because im a nice mod action. Also i never read the rules when joining to minetown i agreed and was added in because of a friends ticket for donating because he was a nice guy.
MastaC729 wrote:
If you're too ignorant to not use the correct format (which we have used for quite a long time), then that's too bad for you. It's there to make the appealing process easier.
As correct that is, it is partially and asshole response (My Personal Opinion doesn't matter to you BIG HIGH AND MITTY ADMINS understandable)
sawine wrote:
I understand it can be "sad" that some not-so-smart people are contacting random people to get support with their ban appeal... but I don't think there is anything to gain by making the ban appeals more idiot friendly.
(First time going against Sawine) As understanding that may be, but to put the "Not-So-Smart people really is unnecessary. Some maybe 12 years old or younger and they may not understand it.
dunsjohn wrote:
EDIT: They know they have to make a thread for a ban appeal. They click forums for it. They can see "ban appeals" on the forum page. They click on that. Third one down, ban appeal format. OMG! I did it mommy, I was able to pull my pull-ups up. It's not that hard to follow common sense. I find it hard to believe that everyone banned has autism or any other common sense impairing disorder.
REALLY How old are you to be this immature to say "OMG! I did it mommy, i was able to pull my Pull-Ups up." Are you serious. Now i have ADHD its not close to autism, but i have a partially mental disability in which causes me to be over hyperactive and i don't take medication for it because i found it demeaning. You for your age can be very Immature.
This entire post here i made in regards to the link above. I found that a lot of these people where either right or demaning and there is so much more that was posted that i found demeaining to the minetown experiance. Now i agree that people should be able to look at the post a proper ban appeal and have the commen sense to tell the truth, but some may not. A specific person in this post above really caught my eye on how they act towards certain types of people and for their age i would expect them to be more mature then they were here on this thread. Thanks for reading and i doubt many read the top, but if you did A ++ for you. Thanks.
-Schaefer1231 (Troll)