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[Enjin Archive] Kony 2012
Started by [E] FF Reloads

Soccer, Social media sites are a horrible place to get info. Facebook for example you post something, someone comes in edits, another edit, another edit and finally ITS DEAD. The whole goal of Kony is to annoy people so much that it angers people into caring. Go to Cnn news and then come back to me once you have the full details of the Joseph Kony Child Army Controversy.
I said it was a good place to get information out. I know the information isn't always 100% reliable, but if it catches your attention, you will usually look deeper, and do some research. The point of this thread is to get the story out, and hopefully people will look deeper, into the story. What they do then is their choice. I will make no more replies, as I may lead this off topic.
schaefer1231 wrote:
So how about you ALL SHUT THE HELL UP ABOUR KONY its all old news take sociology and learn about it rather then whine to Social Media sites about it.

That’s just uncalled for. I know you’re a young guy and perhaps you don’t care about these pore kids and there family’s but understand that not everyone here feels that way. Getting everyone to talk about the problem is an important first step.

Mize you just learn about it correct. Waste my time and tell me how much you care about those Poor ugandan kids that once again i have to repeat myself that you just learn about.. Tell me how sorry you feel for them and how you wish you could help. Please i wish to know ALL ABOUT IT.
I gotta agree with Sceafer o nthis...This isnt like this JUST NOW happened...so "NOW" all the sudden you all feel "OBLIGATED" to help "YET" another country...And as soon as we do, you people will be the first ones to bitch on where all our money went for the next 3-4 years, and how come our country isnt taking care of the poverty and issues we already have....

What happened here is 1 person woke up one morning and thought...HMMM what the HELL cani do to get into heaven...OH I KNOW!! I'll make everyone in the US think that we need to go find yet another Person hiding in a cave...HMM how bout kony!? YEA THATS IT!!!

First issue with this is, If you do your research, the reason we didnt do anything in the first place was becuase we had other countries, that "YOU PEOPLE" felt needed to be invaded with american culture and random Mcdonald...And by the time those countries were done being americanized..9/11 hit...So every other country pretty much took a back burner...Do you relize how much money and time it took just to find Bin laden?

Now your saying oh lets go help the little Ugandon kids from being kidnapped....

Well thats all fine and dandy but what about our own crisis? You saying lets go ahead and spend millions of dollars on kids that arnt even in this counrty, over helping the kids in this country whose families cant even find jobs becuase of the economy?

Do I care these kids are getting turned into war machines? Yea, A little.....But not enough to let our own country suffer...And go ahead and Spit that bullshit about how your tired of people Saying lets take care of our own problems...

Becuase Ill tell your from experience, All weve EVER FUCKING DONE! is help other Countries... And what happens when we need help?

But enough of Social Studies And history Lessons...Youll All belive what you want to, and eventually the government wil lcave into your bullshit and we will go help this Ugandon kids..And the minute we do, youll come up with somewhere Else we have to be...

But Ill leave off with this...If you think We need to go over there and find this asshole..Feel free to pack yourself a bag and book a ticket...Becuase I for one am not willing to risk my life in yet another country, when we have major problems of our own to fight right in our own backyard!

/rant of a person whose lived long enough and been threough enouhg bullshit hes not allowed to talk about!
I find it kinda ironic how Americans bitch about how they have their own problems to worry about when something like 80% of the world's population has just enough resources to survive, if even that. I mean seriously, YOU think you've got economic problems because you've had to cut back on vacations and video games and eating out and all that crap? Imagine if you had to worry about whether you'll have enough food and a place to stay, ON TOP of worrying about whether a genocidal army might march in on you and slaughter you? Just TRY to imagine that for a sec. Even if you're homeless in America or any other developed nation, you are STILL squarely in the upper class of the world. And you know why that is? Because developed nations like the US use their power to profit off of the rest of the world. We buy resources cheap and pay little for foreign labor, and weaker poorer countries have to go with it because they simply have no choice. There is an invisible global empire, cloaked under the concepts of globalization and free trade, where the industrialized nations freely exploit the labor and natural resources of poor ones, just so that you can be whining about not having enough allowance rather than whining about not having enough food to eat. Hope you're proud.

The reason conflicts like Vietnam and Iraq have been so unpopular is because they were NOT done for the good of those citizens. They were done for the good of the US. In Vietnam the goal was to stop the Soviet Union from spreading. In Iraq and Afghanistan it was to take down terrorists and plant easily manipulable local governments. The American government didn't give two shits about the Vietnamese (hell, it killed their crops and burned them alive) or the Middle Easterners. This is why this Kony movement is different. It's not about being selfish pricks. It's about doing something where moral obligation is the main driving force, not a lame excuse covering other motives.

I'm glad these things are happening. The Arab Spring, the SOPA/IP and ACTA backlashes, this anti-Kony movement... The internet has finally accomplished a challenge that has plagued human society since its beginning: Giving power to the common people. I knew years ago that this time was coming, and I think we've only barely seen the tip of the iceberg
Wug I would have to say most Americans do care.They cared about the Vietnamese, they cared about the Jews, and they care about the terrorist, and those poor children in Africa who are being slaughtered, drugged, and abused. This is why we send our families off to fight against these atrocities. Our goverment may not always have the best intentions for others but I would have to say most Americans do. Isoccer I agree with you social media is a great way to spread the word and notify others about what is going on in the world, this does lead to people researching the subject and doing what they can. These children deserve our help...this man should be stopped, just as Hitler was. However I refuse to feel guilty for being an American.
iSoccerplayer wrote:
Duns, I understand where you're coming from, but they OBVIOUSLY cannot deal with it. Kony has abducted so many kids already, so why should we sit around, and watch fellow humans suffer, while we sit here, and watch from the sidelines? I'm no genius in this area, as I just watched the video, but if our economy is so bad, where we can sit, watch CHILDREN be abducted, put into an army, and forced to kill others, then we should be ashamed. Is 1 man REALLY better than a country? Would you sit by, and watch your son be taken away? Forced into an army? Forced to KILL? Would you want him back? Would you want others help to get him back?

Honestly, if my gf and I get married and have a kid... and they get abducted... if I have a choice of helping my country revive itself and lose my child OR save my child, and cost a ton of money for my country... I'd choose to lose my child. Honestly... where do you think the governments get their money? Taxation and revenues. Where do revenues come from? They come from other taxes... (revenue classified as sales tax, where as taxation is classified as income/property tax). The more we spend, the more hardship is given to all the people of a country. We see budget cuts here in the US almost on a weekly basis now. Hell, I lost ALL my financial aid for university, due to budget cuts. In California, where I live, 70K USD used to be very little, and was hard to live on. Now... it's almost impossible to live on, esp. when you have a housing foreclosure (aka tons of debt). Of course, my parents disowned me and refuse to help me out. Oh wait, new medical law requires me to stay on my parent's health care plan until I'm 24 unless I'm able to afford my own (which I can't). Oh wait, financial aid regulations say that if I'm on my parent's health care plan, that I am still classified as a dependent. So wtf!? I'm forced to have nothing, literally. Why is this? Because the country spent too much money. Think about it. Why waste resources to catch one guy. Do you really think ONE GUY can capture all these kids? Hell no, it's impossible. Weigh the odds... 200 kids vs 1 man... the kids have guns, the man has one gun... who would win? Think about that long and hard. Kony has trusted officers under his command... it's more than just one guy, stop saying Kony is just one man. It's not true, and you know it. For once, can someone think rationally? This guy and Urganda... they're worthless in most country's eyes. What sort of BENEFIT would this country EVER give to anyone? We save a bunch of kids... okay... good job... you lost a crap ton of money, with no gain.

Funny thing... I really dislike America/border-line-hate. I'd rather support America than support capturing this guy. He's just not worth it at the moment. Yes, I care about the kids' well being, however we just can't afford (as a country) to do anything about it.

EDIT: P.S. No, don't start some rumor I'm a terrorist or what not. I'm entitled to my opinions about this country. There's a lot that the media lies about, and a lot that the government lies about to us. I.E. Agricultural statistics? No one knows that mass desertification is happening in our country. Within the last 10 years, we lost roughly 13% of all arable land in the US. You won't find that online. How did I get this information? FYI, I work in the agricultural field and study desertification heavily. Who wants to follow a country that can't even be honest to it's people? That's why China is my favorite. At least they'll admit they won't tell you the truth (meaning they tell you that they won't tell you anything, or rather imply it, where as America will just shrug something off and bull about it). No, I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I only stated this post script to stop any attacks toward me. Any attacks toward me regarding this thread, due to my stating I dislike America, will be considered as harassment so do not mention that in any replies if you're only going to speak negatively towards me on that subject. I merely stated it to offer my perspective. I've already gotten one message about it, but I'll let that one slide since I didn't put this paragraph on here originally.
Wug wrote:
I find it kinda ironic how Americans bitch about how they have their own problems to worry about when something like 80% of the world's population has just enough resources to survive, if even that. I mean seriously, YOU think you've got economic problems because you've had to cut back on vacations and video games and eating out and all that crap? Imagine if you had to worry about whether you'll have enough food and a place to stay, ON TOP of worrying about whether a genocidal army might march in on you and slaughter you? Just TRY to imagine that for a sec. Even if you're homeless in America or any other developed nation, you are STILL squarely in the upper class of the world. And you know why that is? Because developed nations like the US use their power to profit off of the rest of the world. We buy resources cheap and pay little for foreign labor, and weaker poorer countries have to go with it because they simply have no choice. There is an invisible global empire, cloaked under the concepts of globalization and free trade, where the industrialized nations freely exploit the labor and natural resources of poor ones, just so that you can be whining about not having enough allowance rather than whining about not having enough food to eat. Hope you're proud.

The reason conflicts like Vietnam and Iraq have been so unpopular is because they were NOT done for the good of those citizens. They were done for the good of the US. In Vietnam the goal was to stop the Soviet Union from spreading. In Iraq and Afghanistan it was to take down terrorists and plant easily manipulable local governments. The American government didn't give two shits about the Vietnamese (hell, it killed their crops and burned them alive) or the Middle Easterners. This is why this Kony movement is different. It's not about being selfish pricks. It's about doing something where moral obligation is the main driving force, not a lame excuse covering other motives.

I'm glad these things are happening. The Arab Spring, the SOPA/IP and ACTA backlashes, this anti-Kony movement... The internet has finally accomplished a challenge that has plagued human society since its beginning: Giving power to the common people. I knew years ago that this time was coming, and I think we've only barely seen the tip of the iceberg

Our economic crisis is MUCH more serious than that. Our government, four times already, has shut down for 7 days. Twice if faced 3 month shut downs, but revised budgets were put into action. Let me tell you... as a worker for the government, when they do their mini shut downs... it sucks. Being forced to come into work, and NOT GET PAID! Don't give me any bull about how we only cut back on luxuries. Don't say anything unless you have your facts. I work for the USDA as an on-site-researcher, and the UN as an on call soil specialist. I've been to other countries... yes, they are far worse than us. They don't even know how to farm properly, and screw their soil up all the time. However... they don't have idiots running their country. The ones running their country aren't idiots, but rather big dicks pocketing all the money. America... is full of idiots, trust me. At least 70% of the people I know are idiots, and at least 70% of those leading our country are idiots (in my opinion).

I worry, every day, about whether I can afford to eat. Can I afford to live at my current residence anymore? There are times I go a few days without food. Don't give me no bullshit, Wug. If you don't know about the problems, then don't speak. Tell me, how is a homeless person better off? Being homeless means having NO PLACE to go, with no source of income for food. Meaning, you're destined to starve to death. That is the legal definition, according to my friend studying law (who is telling me most of this paragraph). Tell me... how is one starving person different from another? Why save those damn urgandans when we can save our own people? You see my point? What is the value of a human life? What is the difference of value between people?

Power to the common person? LOLOL. And with power, what would you do? You have no power. You can't make people submit to you. First off, in order to gain power using something social (like the internet), you need to know the difference between strategy and tactics. Do you know the difference? Are you able to manipulate people and bend them to your will? What power will the average person ever accomplish?

You said 80% of the population has just enough to survive on... taking that into account, couldn't we then say that 50% of the world's population (probably more) don't have access to the internet? Therefore, your statement is flawed. The common person has zero power, as the common person has no access to the internet. All your points have been rebutted.

For the common people to have power, ONE PERSON needs to become some kind of military dictator, use people and hurt them emotionally/verbally/physically as much as possible. He must absorb all the hate of the world. Before that, he must gather all the love of the oppressed, and lead them using strategy and tactics to defeat their oppressors and take the power of the countries. He'd then need to form a *new United Nations* bent on destroying all oppressors (with a vague definition of oppression) to give just cause for invading country after country. Eventually, he'd be in control of most of the world. Then, he'd start making changes to the world, changes that hurt everyone in some way. He'd gather the hate, as I stated, and eventually the people would rise up against him in a unified way. They'd destroy him (most likely kill him on the spot). They'd start a charter to unify all nations under peace. When one person absorbs all the hate, people are able to move forward. You may think this is childish, but look at human nature... this obeys all laws of human nature is is most likely to succeed if possible. This is the ONLY way to make change, and will result in the deaths of hundreds of millions of people on the planet. Would you rather have a corrupt world with only millions of people dying, or a peaceful world with the possibility of 1/3 of the world's population dying (nuclear war, as a world war is the only situation in which the non-proliferation treat would be broke).
So in america there aren't any big dicks pocketing all the money in the government?

And 2,095,006,005 people have acces to the internet, its 30% of the world population, that has to be enough to makea a chnge doesn't it? and if you look up the definition of common people you see that it doesn't mean global but usually all the people from 1 country. so if you look at the right country's the common people have all the power.

And for this Part:

For the common people to have power, ONE PERSON needs to become some kind of military dictator, use people and hurt them emotionally/verbally/physically as much as possible. He must absorb all the hate of the world. Before that, he must gather all the love of the oppressed, and lead them using strategy and tactics to defeat their oppressors and take the power of the countries. He'd then need to form a *new United Nations* bent on destroying all oppressors (with a vague definition of oppression) to give just cause for invading country after country. Eventually, he'd be in control of most of the world. Then, he'd start making changes to the world, changes that hurt everyone in some way. He'd gather the hate, as I stated, and eventually the people would rise up against him in a unified way. They'd destroy him (most likely kill him on the spot). They'd start a charter to unify all nations under peace. When one person absorbs all the hate, people are able to move forward. You may think this is childish, but look at human nature... this obeys all laws of human nature is is most likely to succeed if possible. This is the ONLY way to make change, and will result in the deaths of hundreds of millions of people on the planet. Would you rather have a corrupt world with only millions of people dying, or a peaceful world with the possibility of 1/3 of the world's population dying (nuclear war, as a world war is the only situation in which the non-proliferation treat would be broke).

if what you are saying is true, then why don't we have a peaceful world now? looks like Hitler did that first part.

And you're clearly still in the illusion that there has to be one leader, also nothing anyone is gonna say on this or any other forum and probably in real life is gonna change your view on these things so me posting this doesn't have anything to do with changing your mind this is for other people to see that if they search there facts all your points can be rebutted