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[Enjin Archive] Kony 2012
Started by [E] FF Reloads

Please watch the full video and share it with ALL your friends and family- share it on facebook, e-mail it to people, or spread it by word of mouth it doesnt matter..Its already spreading like wild fire, so lets keep it going!


I don't mean to sound like a dick... but countries need to worry about their own problems first. People want America to do something. LMAO, America has a financial crisis and can't even afford anything right now. All countries have serious internal problems at this time, and can't afford to do anything about this situation with Kony. Best bet, focus all efforts internally to fix each country's problem, THEN go screw with Kony.
I agree that each country has their own problems, and with the economy as it is- its difficult to do anything right now. Each country can help, it doesnt have to solely rest on America's shoulders to help or do something about it, each country can help if we make them listen. It costs NOTHING to spread the word, if everyones talking about it then someone will listen and its them that can make things happen.

We each have our own problems and our own way of resolving them, Kony is the problem and talking about him and making people listen is the way we can resolve it.

As i said, it costs NOTHING to share it on facebook or talk about it with your friends..

- Reloads
Dont get me wrong, I do think this guy should be stopped, but I agree with dunsjohn on this one. And on top of that, look what happens every time we go into a country to help their people. We went into Vietman to help the South Vietnamese fight off the Chinese and Viet Kong. The world hated us for it. Panama. We killed a brutal dictator and everyone either hated us for it or didnt care. Afghanistan. We went in and got the Taliban out of power. We were hated for it. Iraq (the second time). We captured Hussein, leading to his trial and execution and are are made enormous progress towards giving the Iraqi people control of their own government again (contrary to what the media would have you believe, this is very much true). They love us for it. The world hates us for it. There are also huge numbers of people, although not as many, that hate us for interfering in Libya. Let's face it, with the exceptions of Bosnia and the Gulf War, every single time we do something good, we're suddenly the bad guys, even if the population of the country we go into supports us. Its getting to the point that why the hell should we even keep trying? We do more than any country in the world to stop people like this and what happens? We get labeled 'facists', or 'imperialists', neither of which could be further from the truth, but who cares, right? People want us to stop these people, but once we do and they find out that 'raising awareness' alone will do absolutely nothing and that the only way you CAN stop these people is with assassinations, war, and then often having to occupy said country in order to help restabilize it, they suddenly call us the bad guys. I'm sorry, but I think it might be time for us to start saying 'Sorry, maybe next time'.

I'm sorry if this sounds harsh. I dont say this because I dont think these people should be helped, I really do, but this is the truth.
Fettuccini, don't forget Bay of Pigs. What's that? South America dislikes America? trolol, America... you moron. I agree, this guy should be stopped, don't get me wrong either. However, we must think logically here. There is currently no organization on the planet either capable of defeating a child army, or that some organization doesn't have the financial capability to enter a war. Due to the process of his assimilation of children, it is not called genocide (which the video implies, I watched it a couple days ago). He's systematically conquering the land... it's not genocide. Considering he only kills roughly 7-8% of the population, and recruits the rest as sex slaves or as military personnel. I mean... heck... we did slavery. What happened to us? We just abolished it, we never paid for it. We were never punished. I'm not trying to support this guy, but the video has incorrect information. Anyone supporting something that is not true is just ignorant (no offense). I bet you know some of it is fake... that's marketing. They're trying to sell their idea to get everyone to join in. They believe that someone will hear it and go in and kill/arrest him. However... think about it. What can the average person do? Tell their friends, and they tell their friends. Considering 99% of the world is just an average person without any influential power... I highly doubt anything will happen to this guy for the next 8-12 years.

Also, Fettuccini it wasn't the Taliban we were fighting. It wasn't Al Qaeda either. They were military extremists. If you look at the Original Al Qaeda and Taliban, they were and always were good guys. Then small sects split from them and carried their names with them.

As well, America is technically defined as an imperialist country. Look at our territorial structure. They way colonies/territories/vassals are run is just like an empire is run. In addition, we're not a Democracy. Democracy doesn't even exist (I'll laugh at anyone who says otherwise). If we were a democracy, why do we have a congress? Congress... that means a group of people bound by a constitution. Constitution... means we are constitutional. First off, no such thing as a constitutional democracy. We have a congress, which makes us a republic. We're a constitutional republic (look it up), and as such we have imperialistic/fascist qualities. Heck, we're even dictatorial/totalitarian in some aspects. America isn't as "good" as a "good guy" as everyone thinks.

But back to Kony. No offense, but who in their right mind would want to stop him? Besides the average person, of course. How much money would it cost to catch him? Let's do a calculation. It cost 700 billion USD EVERY YEAR for the wary just in Iraq. Not including any other military matter, just the war on Iraq. Looking at Kony's army, we'd need half our military size, maybe a third if we stretch it. So, let's bring down the cost to 300 billion a year. In addition, search time/fees. Based on location and strategic positioning of Kony's troops, it'd take roughly 11-13 months to find and catch him. That's on the assumption we're able to get someone on the inside, and in his military to be able to be trusted by their officers. Kony's officers are actually loyal to Kony, and won't give out information easily. Due to these facts, I'd estimate a 2-3 year long war. Okay... roughly 1 trillion spent to catch Kony (USD). Yay... more debt. In the mean time, catching Kony... what benefit does it give us? Well... a people will owe us a favor that they'll not be able to repay for roughly 60-70 years due to the fact that they'd have to re-establish an infrastructure and get an economy going again. Speaking for the short term, and long term, there is zero benefit to do anything to Kony. He hasn't defied any UN resolutions as of yet, therefore he's allowed to do what he wants. Speaking on paper, he staged a coup de tat and is trying to re-establish a government via military power. That is who Kony most likely looks like on paper, according to the UN. Due to this fact (and the UN being the only military power with authorization to catch Kony), don't expect anyone to do anything yet.
Fettuccini wrote:

Dont get me wrong, I do think this guy should be stopped, but I agree with dunsjohn on this one. And on top of that, look what happens every time we go into a country to help their people. We went into Vietman to help the South Vietnamese fight off the Chinese and Viet Kong. The world hated us for it. Panama. We killed a brutal dictator and everyone either hated us for it or didnt care. Afghanistan. We went in and got the Taliban out of power. We were hated for it. Iraq (the second time). We captured Hussein, leading to his trial and execution and are are made enormous progress towards giving the Iraqi people control of their own government again (contrary to what the media would have you believe, this is very much true). They love us for it. The world hates us for it. There are also huge numbers of people, although not as many, that hate us for interfering in Libya. Let's face it, with the exceptions of Bosnia and the Gulf War, every single time we do something good, we're suddenly the bad guys, even if the population of the country we go into supports us. Its getting to the point that why the hell should we even keep trying? We do more than any country in the world to stop people like this and what happens? We get labeled 'facists', or 'imperialists', neither of which could be further from the truth, but who cares, right? People want us to stop these people, but once we do and they find out that 'raising awareness' alone will do absolutely nothing and that the only way you CAN stop these people is with assassinations, war, and then often having to occupy said country in order to help restabilize it, they suddenly call us the bad guys. I'm sorry, but I think it might be time for us to start saying 'Sorry, maybe next time'.

I'm sorry if this sounds harsh. I dont say this because I dont think these people should be helped, I really do, but this is the truth.

It's more complex then that Fettucini saying "Sorry, maybe next time" to the population in America and that wants the government to do something would cause so much trouble and ontop of that making America look terrible in the process. It doesn't matter whether or not they love America or Hate America for doing something about Joseph Kony, the man has been doing this to children for 2 decades, someone has to stop him, and as decent human beings that can do something, they will try everything they can, it's the right thing to do.
dunsjohn wrote:

I don't mean to sound like a dick... but countries need to worry about their own problems first. People want America to do something. LMAO, America has a financial crisis and can't even afford anything right now. All countries have serious internal problems at this time, and can't afford to do anything about this situation with Kony. Best bet, focus all efforts internally to fix each country's problem, THEN go screw with Kony.

First off, don't say anything if you know you'll sound like a dick.

I'm sick of this "America has it's own problems!" BS excuse. This campaign will truly show people's true colors and what humanity they have left! People want America to do something, people in Uganda want America to do something, Thousands of Americans want the government to do something. The man has been capturing children for 20 years and making them sex slaves, soldiers, etc. and you want them to wait? You honestly think that America's economy crisis is more important then an entire country of children being slaughtered? America does have it's own problems and so does every other country in the world, but that is no excuse not to help another country in need. Besides you say focus all our efforts internally on fixing each countries problems? Countries will never be without problems, America will always have issues and problems till the day it crumbles including every other country in the world.

Before watching this video, from time to time I'd think about how horrible the world is, I want it to be a better place, stopping things like this should be countries main focus.
dunsjohn wrote:

But back to Kony. No offense, but who in their right mind would want to stop him? Besides the average person, of course. How much money would it cost to catch him? Let's do a calculation. It cost 700 billion USD EVERY YEAR for the wary just in Iraq. Not including any other military matter, just the war on Iraq. Looking at Kony's army, we'd need half our military size, maybe a third if we stretch it. So, let's bring down the cost to 300 billion a year. In addition, search time/fees. Based on location and strategic positioning of Kony's troops, it'd take roughly 11-13 months to find and catch him. That's on the assumption we're able to get someone on the inside, and in his military to be able to be trusted by their officers. Kony's officers are actually loyal to Kony, and won't give out information easily. Due to these facts, I'd estimate a 2-3 year long war. Okay... roughly 1 trillion spent to catch Kony (USD). Yay... more debt. In the mean time, catching Kony... what benefit does it give us? Well... a people will owe us a favor that they'll not be able to repay for roughly 60-70 years due to the fact that they'd have to re-establish an infrastructure and get an economy going again. Speaking for the short term, and long term, there is zero benefit to do anything to Kony. He hasn't defied any UN resolutions as of yet, therefore he's allowed to do what he wants. Speaking on paper, he staged a coup de tat and is trying to re-establish a government via military power. That is who Kony most likely looks like on paper, according to the UN. Due to this fact (and the UN being the only military power with authorization to catch Kony), don't expect anyone to do anything yet.

Every year? lol maybe you meant the total cost of the Iraq War? Department of Defense's direct spending on Iraq totaled at least $757 Billion...

I hope you know that they've already sent troops after Kony, they are trying to capture him, not a full on battle against his army, It would cost some sum of money, but apparently money is worth more then human lifes. Wouldn't you agree?
The Taliban isnt and never were 'good guys' in meaningful way except that were anti-Soviet. Thats it. They were a hostile extremist tribe that took control of Afghanistan and have always been a terrible regime. Same with Al-Qaeda. They were just anti-Soviet. They were more than happy to take our money and weapons to fight the Soviets but they didnt give a damn about who they came from. And the 'original' Al-Qaeda? the organization was FOUNDED by Bin Laden. Some good guy huh? He was disowned by most of his family and and exiled from his home country because of his extremist tendencies. If these two groups who we were specifically targeting in Afghanistan arent the military extremists we were fighting, then who was? (I'll give you a hint: it was these two groups. Trust me, I was there).
GACK† wrote:

Every year? lol maybe you meant the total cost of the Iraq War? Department of Defense's direct spending on Iraq totaled at least $757 Billion...

No, he's not far off on this one. We spent a grand total of approximately $4 trillion on the war. You're vastly underestimating the cost of modern day military operations and the government's real spending power.
Fettuccini wrote:

GACK† wrote:

Every year? lol maybe you meant the total cost of the Iraq War? Department of Defense's direct spending on Iraq totaled at least $757 Billion...

No, he's not far off on this one. We spent a grand total of approximately $4 trillion on the war. You're vastly underestimating the cost of modern day military operations and the government's real spending power.

You mean Department of Defense is underestimating the cost then, not me.

Money doesn't seem to be an issue even during this economic crisis now does it? Government keeps on spending~