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[Enjin Archive] Cryston's New Faction - GODS
Started by [E] Cryston

I am officially declaring my faction


For those that have contemplated the material of Notch’s farewell with the official End of the game, this is quite appropriate for a faction title as this was the way Notch addressed us. We are the gods for we design the world.

We are a group responsible for building high quality creations of massive scale, I will be running this faction in the following manner.

We are separated into two major sections.

First are suppliers: they are people hoping to support the building activities by keeping the faction well supplied so that building may happen uninterrupted. There are several levels of suppliers:

1st. Supply manager-At the beginning at least there will only be one person as the top manager but there will be more over time. They are responsible for using and maintaining the treasury. They will use the money of the faction to get materials from outside shops and will make sure that all projects are supplied as necessary. Supplies will be prioritized based on how quickly the materials are being used in building. An inactive project will not be supplied.

2nd. Farm manager-Many materials can be obtained through various forms of farms. Early on there will be a bit of work to make these initial farms and then these people will be assigned to running and maintaining them.

3rd. Standard Gatherer-these people go out and find materials in the same way as Notch originally intended. They bring materials back to help with projects and do so consistently. Often they will alternate between collection and construction.

Outside donor-These are people who contribute so that we may continue doing epic builds but are not part of the faction. They often are some of the most crucial of supporters and we appreciate their work towards epicness by contributing

Second are builders: They are the people placing the blocks and making the materials into something more impressive. There are several levels of builders:

1st. Master Builder-These are often the Team Leaders and they will be designing the original idea and direction of the project. They will keep track of consistencies and making sure the project is coming out as expected.

2nd. Pattern Master- Many buildings require intricate details that are difficult. Pattern masters are capable of making these patterns after seeing a single example or being given an initial blueprint to go by.

3rd. Standard Builder- These are people that do the grunt work of placing large numbers of blocks. They do the large strokes of the building that follow easy patterns.

Outside Builder-I am not expecting many people to join as short term builders and would discourage people trying to do these jobs because any correction due to misunderstanding becomes difficult.

Along with the organization of the faction there will also be teams. As there become more members and more projects going at the same time, people will be organized into teams. Factions that want to join with me may become teams where the old faction owner will be the team leader. I still have say over team direction if I don’t like the direction the team is going.

Members List (I will add people once they have posted that they want to join, and then will remove the post)

iSoccerPlayer-Right Hand (He will help manage when I'm offline)

OkiFool66-Supply Manager

USHRecon-Standard Builder


Dancraft200-standard Builder

GrinsTheChesire-Technical Expert

Jahaoronnie-Farm Manager

Cookie_MonsterSR-Standard Builder


Drobac-Patten Master

lancefortier-Farm Manager

Redghost32-Standard Gatherer

Coffeey-Master Builder

Nemenix-Pattern Master (for now)

ParkerJdude-Standard Gatherer (we only have 1 supply manager and that is Oki)

YouFoundMe-Technical Expert

TheBadFox-Pattern Master

PwnMaster_dx34-Standard Builder-Manager of Gianthouse

Jazza23-Standard Gatherer

Donnabc-Standard Gatherer

Mnoco7-Standard Builder (Until I see evidence that shows you could be a Master builder or patternmaster)

TheBadFox-Pattern Master

spyrusthevirus-Farm Manager

Outside Donors

Currently need-WOOD




As people participate in the faction they will get titles next to their name in the member’s list (I cannot put these ingame, do not ask). The current stack up is . This will change as I need it to.

Finished project often are turned into cities through varying means, the top contributor on a project will be offered a position as city manager and money obtained through selling lots within the city will be divided between refilling the treasury and paying those who supported the project by building or supplying.

This is the news post for suppliers.

We currently need:

Logs of all kind



Currently working on the Giant House project.
I have added everyone who posted to the main thread with their job. Please look at them as some people did not get the positions they requested. Feel free to post any ideas for creations as new ideas are welcome.
Will this be the official faction thread where we can discuss projects and features?

Got some cool stuff a'brewin in my noggin, kinda wanna start kicking it around with the team.
well i saw in a thread that sawine was looking for a pvp arena design, we could make that. Or did you have something more monumentous?
An arena would be cool, I'll add some pressure plate death traps. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f44d.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":thumb:">:thumb:</object>

I'll make a full post on some ideas when I'm home.

The next Project I was planning was the mansions project, but part of the faction could work on arena creation.
Cryston, when the new server comes online, I was thinking about leading a project to create a town for the faction. There would be GRAND houses, for different ranks in the Faction, and tree farms, Mines, etc. So we could collect supplies. Just a thought. It could be a side project, so it wouldn't get in the way of our other projects. Let me know what you think.
I added 'GODS' to the existing Faction list. I plan to work on a wiki page for the faction soon. Listing current projects, upcoming ones, members, etc.
I think I could help as a supplier and maybe help around with redstone designs (but note that I have more experience on real life digital logic than I do on redstone-im still decent nevertheless).

Im stationed alone at the far top of the mainland and regularily gather clay and make bricks-I decided to go with that since it seemed to me it was a really scarce supply in the server market. I also maintain the best price on that (4-5 g per stack is my usual price. goes down for mass orders)

I can also supply sand/glass fairly easily, and sandstone with some more work. I operate a sugar cane farm with 64 plants and can grow it far more if this would help in any way. Mining (and cooking perhaps?) cobblestone should be easy with a cobble generator. I also have a small tree farm to cover my own needs, but that can also grow bigger if many supplies are required.

I'm located next to the vast ocean and have access to lots of ravines/abandoned mines/caves, so I can gather redstone, lapis, iron, coal and obsidian fairly easily. I already have some stacks of redstone lying around.

So, could i help the cause? <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>