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[Enjin Archive] Legendary Craft hacked~
Started by [E] Danny

Danni, you weren't even here for the shit. You just joined, so you can't even say shit about what happened. All you know is what people told you, you guys take this fucking game to heart like its the fucking bible. Learn to grow the fuck up and do something else. It was something while he did when he was drunk, many people do stupid shit. Half of this server is a fucking joke, you (admins/staff) never help people when they actually need help, and you have staff that doesn't even play anymore. Take them off the list and expand your people that help! It is obvious that you don't have enough people.
Yeah he has reasons for doing it but your trying to defend him with the excuse of 'he was drunk'. Using that excuse is one of the most crap excuses to date. As I stated before if you kill someone and use the 'I was drunk' excuse, that wont get you out of jail. Should have used the 'I am mentally ill' as that might have got him a little more sympathy.

I help loads, I havent stopped helping people so dont turn this round on the performance of staff. Come online, check forums, go through 80 application forms, go online and do donations list, do petitions and if im lucky might get a bit of playing in. Im not complaining about the job, I really love doing it, it pisses me off when theres people like you who think we dont do anything, we do alot of background work too.

If you think its such a joke then why dont you leave?

I work extremely hard at doing as much as I can for this server because thats what I want to do, thats what makes me happy. Im not prepared to take any of your bullshit.

Not going to comment after this cause we've started to argue on a thread, if you wanna discuss this further message me.
daniel1995 wrote:
Danni, you weren't even here for the shit. You just joined, so you can't even say shit about what happened. All you know is what people told you, you guys take this fucking game to heart like its the fucking bible. Learn to grow the fuck up and do something else. It was something while he did when he was drunk, many people do stupid shit. Half of this server is a fucking joke, you (admins/staff) never help people when they actually need help, and you have staff that doesn't even play anymore. Take them off the list and expand your people that help! It is obvious that you don't have enough people.

A personal attack? It sounds like your the one who needs to grow up. Doing something drunk doesn't mean its alright, "Officer I really didnt know I was driving I was just too drunk" Why don you go try that. Besides, your the one who got all defensive of someone who was really not even attacked. "Pulling a Broly" has been around for quite a while and he is joked about on a regular basis.

For a joke of a server it seems to be doing pretty well.
Daniel, Im getting bored of your constant whinning. Leave MT if you are going to be a pita all the time.

Broly IS an asshole and an immature person. I don't care whatever you think about him, any reasonable person who would just go and read his wall on Enjin would realize how such an idiot he is.


Im re-reading your post again...

And you know what Daniel... you are the fucking joke, go find another server.

You're banned.
Daniel your have been banned A WISE CHOICE INDEED
What Sawine can't handle the fucking truth you fucking pussy
Forum banned too.

Grow up.
Oh snap...


Back on topic now?

LC tried to lawsuit, but surprisingly was rejected because little did they know, It was one of their own admins. They ended up deleting almost every file in their box (including player data) so they've had to manually grant each person their donator status back. As much as we despise LC, I can't help but feel a little bad for them. Not everyone on that server is bad but it's Felip who gives them the bad name and the "sheep" that will believe all the vomit that comes out of his mouth
They cant ... "Nuffsaid
We did what we could. You like the vid?