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No beacons in spawn city. I don't want the unnecessary effects of my neighbors on my property!The vehicle and road/sidewalk use is something I also wish to see happen.
5 months ago
Nether Highway Accessways and Connections Application Welcome to the application forum for accessways and connections to Idarun's Nether Highway! If you're looking to link your base or community to the highway, this is the place to apply. The Idarun Nether Highway is designed to provide quick and easy travel across the server and I'm excited to offer players the opportunity to connect their own paths to this major piece of infrastructure. Application Layout Username: Application Type: Accessway or Connection Nether Portal Coordinates: (Required only for highway connections) Desired Opening Coordinates: (Location on the highway where you want the opening/connection to be) Description: (Briefly describe what you're connecting, such as an opening, a base, a town, etc.) Additional Information: Highway Connections: For those applying for a highway connection, please note that I will only be adding the intersection to the main highway. The responsibility for building the new line rests with the applicant. Highway Design Requirements: Mob-Proofing: Ensure your designs include slabs, buttons, or other mob proofing blocks to the floors to prevent mob spawning. Elytra Accessibility: Provide enough height clearance for elytra use to maintain smooth travel. Ice Highways: Try to keep ice highways at least 3 blocks wide (or odd block width) to ensure easy connection to the existing highway. Vehicle Use Permissions: As a requirement, set the Vehicle Use claim-flag to "true" or make access trust public to ensure that players can use new highway lines. 3D Claims for Long Connections: If your connection is longer than 2 chunks (32 blocks), it must be 3D claimed to allow for easy travel over or under the highway. (See Instructions below) I reserve the right to accept or deny any application for any reason. 3D Claim Instructions: Use /cuboid to enter 3D claim mode. Then, right-click opposite corners of the claim, ensuring that the corners account for vertical space (e.g., Southeast bottom corner, Northwest top corner).
7 months ago
Idarun Nether Highway After about a month of hard work, the Idarun Nether Highway is now complete! The newly created highway system is designed to reduce travel times between locations, making it easier for players to navigate the world without needing homes or warps. Key Features: Location: Positioned at Y level 80 in the Nether. Overworld Alignment: Lines up perfectly with the 3k beltway in the Overworld. Length: Currently spans 3.4k blocks in the Nether, equivalent to ~27k blocks of overworld distance! Claim Details: The lines are protected as 3D claims with 4-block buffer zones above and below. Stations are secured from bedrock to build-limit as 2D claims. Player Safety: Despite the Nether being lawless, your safety on the highway is guaranteed. Any loiterers or quick droppers found causing trouble on the highway will be punished. Your journey along the highway should be smooth and secure. Keeping the Highway Clean: Riding in style: Boats can come in all different wood colors and can now display names! Show off your cool rides and save them for future use to keep traffic jams to a minimum. [See example below]   Boat shops on the highway may come in the future?? Traffic Management: Please remember to clean up after yourself to keep the highway running smoothly for everyone. Work in Progress: Vehicle Use: Vehicle use claim flags are currently broken. I may grant access trust in the near future as a temporary solution. Station Naming: I'm looking for some creative or unique names for the stations! Feel free to suggest names based on the Nether environment, Overworld landmarks, or anything else. Station Exit Portals: Overworld exit portals at the stations are still under construction. Finally, if you're interested in having accessways and highway connections built, visit either this Minetown forum post, or this Discord forum post to apply! Happy travels in the Nether!
7 months ago
Username: NootNTootClaim coordinates: 194 159 -362 [In the Nether Dimension]Previous owner: WichienReason I want the claim: I am currently working on a nether highway project that stretches along the nether coordinates that line up with the 3k South rail in the overworld. Wichien's gold farm claim is in the way of North line construction.Proof of contact:Discord contact unavailable. Edit: I now have trust on the claim.
8 months ago
Username: NootNToot Claim coordinates: 70 128 385 [In the Nether Dimension] Previous owner: I_Like_Computer Reason I want the claim: I am currently working on a nether highway project that stretches along the nether coordinates that line up with the 3k South rail in the overworld. I_Like_Computer's claim is the only one obstructing the path of the line. Proof of contact: Last edited for image retention.
10 months ago