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MatthewIsAnApple's wall more like run into a wall
5 months ago
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    I'll start with telling you that you're already unbanned. You got unbanned last night but didn't have time to make a reply until this morning. However, even being unbanned, here's some things to keep in mind:   Joining a server for the first time and saying "whats up gangbangers" is almost 100% going to make you look like a random troll. I don't really like waiting around for trolls to say more things so I ban them quickly, it just happened to be in this case you actually wanted to play. So, please, just read the rules this time and try to follow them. Not reading the rules does not make you exempt from them. With that being said, welcome back to the server. If you need any help - just ask in chat or on our discord and we'll be happy to help.
    5 months ago
    What do YOU want in Spawn City? - Discussion The SCDC election is coming soon! As one of the candidates, I don't just want to tell you guys what I want to do for Spawn City, I want to hear what you all want! My entire goal for Spawn City is to make it more lively and make it a fun place to explore for everyone, but I can't just do that myself, especially when I don't know what everyone thinks fun exploration is like. First, I'll list out what my plans are for Spawn City, which I'll do my best to get done if I get elected in. - I want to allow any vehicles (that fit inside the roads) to be scattered around the streets wherever they fit. People love making these vehicles, so there should be a place near spawn where they can show them off anytime! - On a similar note, the sidewalks are looking pretty bare for the most part. I want to allow and encourage people to add little booths, or benches, or anything else they can think of to the sidewalks as decorations, without blocking off the places for people to walk. - Help with building, landscaping, and planning! It's time we fill in the space in Spawn City - I understand I haven't done too much to do that myself yet, but I do have one building and in the process of making another as we speak! But I can't make them all myself, so - I want to help everyone and anyone build their projects in whatever way I can, completely free. (Note: I will be offering this no matter if I get in or not. Just message me for help on a project, big or small!) - And I'm open to pretty much anything else! I know Fyrn had mentioned a sewer system as well, which I'm all for helping out with or coordinating if I were to get in.   So now I want to know: What's your ideas? Is there something specific missing from Spawn City that you haven't done or can't do yourself? Let me know, and we can get it done together! Vote MatthewIsAnApple for the SCDC election if you want to have real progress in Spawn City!
    5 months ago
    I can't wait to start to ride my Gold-Plated $900k MTC Ultra-Luxury Super Yacht across the highway!
    7 months ago
    Your ban occurred close to 8 years ago. As with the rest of us, I'm sure you've matured a lot since then. Your account has been unbanned. Feel free to join whenever you'd like - just be sure to read the rules over again, since a lot of changes have happened since then. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in-game or on our discord. Welcome back to Minetown.
    10 months ago