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[E] LoneTonberry
[E] LoneTonberry
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over 13 years ago
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over 11 years ago
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I'm having a problem with my name color for chat. I don't know if it appears this way to anyone else but for me my color is stuck on Light Green and I'm unable to change it like I previously have been with the /color command. The command still seems to work, the message comes up saying "This is your new chat color" and everything but when I type again my name still shows as Light Green. Is this a bug or problem and if so how can I fix it?
over 12 years ago
I for one am glad that MastaC isn't removing the EE items. I hear a lot of people saying that EE ruins Tekkit and needs to be removed because it makes it unfun but just like what people are saying here. It's also not fun to try to build some fantastic machine or some huge factory and have to mine for days just to make one item. Yes mining is part of the experience but EE when not being completely abused by things like the items being removed takes the menial resource gathering out and allows players to focus on not only building their fantastic creations but also on using the resources that EE brings to their fullest in creative ways to accomplish something. I do have a question however. Since Evertide and Volcanite are being banned, what is that going to mean for the Gem Armor? Are the two amulets still craftable but their actives not usable? Or are they just flat out unable to be crafted? I'd just like to know before I go building up the EMC to make the Gem Armor only to find out that I can't craft it. I know there are other options like the Nano and Quantum sets But I am curious about this.
over 12 years ago
IGN: LoneTonberry Total amount donated: $50 Tag I should have: $50 I'm pretty sure I'm at the $50 level, it's been a little while since I donated.
over 12 years ago
According to what Sawine said it's their entire setup. From that the servers themselves probably have no problems, it's just no one can connect to them because of problems with the provider. So hopefully that means that everything will be back up as normal once the ticket with their provider gets taken care of. Good luck with that Sawine. I hope their support staff has good customer service.
over 12 years ago
Thanks. Wanted to know before I went and installed something that may have been cheating.
over 12 years ago