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[E] Entei
[E] Entei
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over 13 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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Ok yes i was really ticked off about the wolf spawner i will stay out of buisness with him ill pay him2k for the trouble i caused you and him i realized it isnt worth it so if you can please just unban me first thing i do is refund him
over 12 years ago
Ok alec told me that he paid him 1k for me idk why but he denied it so then he sent me a tp request i accepted it and i dropped the spawner he said its not an egg so he dropped it and left he then started complaining and said it was a joke i don't think it was tho
over 12 years ago
Username:OozButch When you were banned : 7-20-12 Person who banned you:I do not know Reason you were banned:I "scammed" in a auction the truth was that i put a cs spawner for sale then knee assumed it was an egg so he won it i then gave him the spawner he then said its not what he paid for so he gave it back i said it was he asked for a refund i gave him one he denied the two so then he went to the admins and didn't tell them the full story he told them what he wanted them to hear
over 12 years ago
HolySm0kes wrote: Please check the logs i never opened a door to the wolf spawner nor have i ever seen it as for slime i did not enter but oozbutch did open the door and the blazes i actually entered and died in there luckily ooz thankfully gave me back my stuff From the blaze spawner i got 6 blazes im willing to give those back if he wishes...And i still have not taken his perms away if he cannot build i do not know why? Im over this just ban me if you think im scamming im done dude like holy shit just take you house back as i said
over 13 years ago
Im telling the truth
over 13 years ago