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[Enjin Archive] Where be all zeh Minetown Moderators???
Started by [E] Azemari

Just like to say that this isnt really a mintown is dying thread or what ever, and I think that all this info is great, and should stay this way:) AKA, keep going with ideas, just lets try to keep it together, OK?
Let's stay on topic here. I can agree the Prison server is doing considerably well, but let's not steal its glory. Staff are here to help players, and with majority of the players on Prison, that is where they will be. I'm not disclosing the fact though that when they go on the prison majority of the time they are enjoying the server more then helping out the prison staff. (Some do not, this is just a majority)

With Main having only 4 or 5 players on, it is hard to be a moderator. Maybe a couple of petitions will go past unnoticed, but can't you go on the Prison server and ask for a Supervisor/Moderator for there help through a PM?

Undoubtedly, there is a such thing as real life. Majority of the moderators will not put gaming before their family and personal life. I agree that MT could do with a couple more staff, but that is a call for the staff to make.
@1123647 wrote:

With Main having only 4 or 5 players on, it is hard to be a moderator. Maybe a couple of petitions will go past unnoticed, but can't you go on the Prison server and ask for a Supervisor/Moderator for there help through a PM?

This part I feel compelled to answer. Having to log/switch to another server just to contact a staff member, to do one's PE seems.. well it just seems unprofessional. Not to mention there was something I read in the rules somewhere which stated not to bug staff to do one's PE. Or was it a staff member saying that in chat one day? I can no longer remember where I saw that. Anyway, the point of the matter is that one should not need to bug or pester or even ask a staff member to do a PE in the first place. And one doing it, even with the best of intent, will make them appear as impatient. Could you care to explain how to correct this?
@298922 wrote:
Increasing on the wrong servers, and decreasing on the ones that matter the most. Main is what should be the focus... And I can agree with bennett on this. I've had a PE open for a month that required an OP to complete it. It has of yet to have to be completed. Bennett and I are not the only ones noticing this.

I simply personally feel that while the staff have their lives and their personal tastes on what they wish to do or where they play, and how long they play at it, I feel still that certain staff members put their gaming time before their personal duties of being a staff member. It was why they were "hired" for their job after all. To help manage the server. Anything less, I really can't help but see as dereliction of duty. Sorry, personal opinion.

As I've ALWAYS wanted to mention, everyone is complaining how we have a decreased amount of players....then STOP MAKING MORE SERVERS. Hey I'm not saying more servers don't add to the fun but this action continuously lowers every servers player population. Is a main 2 really necessary? It's only going to be lowering main servers population, going against the usual chatter of 'this new server is going to attract many new players'. All we should have had is the Main server and the creative server.

All of these servers just spread out our already diminishing community and disconnect most of us in-game. This issue is something you guys gotta look at logically. I love the idea of adding more servers but if it's just going to have a negative effect on the population, then don't complain!
I was quite astonished when I heard about some trusted staffmembers setting off and creating (several) brand new servers (not linked to the hub) on the eximius gaming network without there even being an official newspost about the addition.
D.D. wrote:
I have been running and managing my own server out of Minetown (within eximiusgaming) for 4 months with sawine, he has had pretty much no involvement since its initial startup and I have made all the decisions for it since. It now peaks to well over 50+ players and has on average 20+ players.

Why would you set off and establish a new server when this one clearly needs help?

It kinda felt like a poke in the eye to me. As if they're giving up on "fixing"/"upgrading" Minetown and its community.

Makes me feel as if I got cheated on after a 2 year long relationship.

I hope the big revamp expels that idea out of my mind.
To start, I'd like to apologize for the amount of "Banter" this has caused... Better than I expected but still. I stick by everything I have said and read most/all post's to this point. The servers numbers are from skyblock and prison server, I think it's this way because they don't require any application to white-list or anything. If a white-list was enforced on ALL servers, either numbers will drop dramatically due to most skyblock players being like 12 years old and don't like anything that requires any reading what so ever as you can recognize since nobody seems to read the signs at the skyblock spawn with silly questions like "how do i make an island" or "How do I get money". Or it will balance the numbers on each server.
@556376 wrote:
I was quite astonished when I heard about some trusted staffmembers setting off and creating (several) brand new servers (not linked to the hub) on the eximius gaming network without there even being an official newspost about the addition.
D.D. wrote:
I have been running and managing my own server out of Minetown (within eximiusgaming) for 4 months with sawine, he has had pretty much no involvement since its initial startup and I have made all the decisions for it since. It now peaks to well over 50+ players and has on average 20+ players.

Why would you set off and establish a new server when this one clearly needs help?

It kinda felt like a poke in the eye to me. As if they're giving up on "fixing"/"upgrading" Minetown and its community.

Makes me feel as if I got cheated on after a 2 year long relationship.

I hope the big revamp expels that idea out of my mind.

I half agree with this. On one hand, I honestly feel the same about it as you do, that it feels almost like a stab in the back. But on the other hand, the staff are not paid to be staff, it's not their job. They are not under any sort of contract or any legal obligation to Minetown, like so many people seem to want to treat them to be. So why, especially if they have the free time to handle both, should they not be allowed to run their own servers on the side? It's their time to do what they want with, not anyone else's.

As for the rest of this thread: Did any of you guys ever think of it this way? People clearly want to play on the prison and skyblock servers, and you guys wanting to get rid of those to force people to play on the servers you like to be on is more than just a little selfish. The majority of players want these servers around, so that's what they get. Catering to a vocal minority is a sure way to lose a large number of players who are just fine with how things are now. The Main and pvp servers arent going away any time soon; you can still play there, and will be able to for the forseeable future. I do agree that a month is WAY to long to wait for a PE to get done, so clearly there must some room for improvement as far as staff involvement on main, but you also have to remember that most staff will be where most of the players are out of neccessity. But with the huge percentage of the population who actually are staff at the moment, there's no good excuse for why they shouldn't be handling their business.

Also, just as a side note, it's pretty ironic that at least a couple of the people posting in this thread are the same people who used to be so vocal about the lag caused by too many players on at once back before the hub and other servers were made. Just throwing that out there...
Of course. Staff exists entirely out of volunteers. I appreciate the time and effort they put into the server.

What they do with their spare time is entirely their choice. All I can do is give them props for being innovative and enterprising by setting up more servers under the Eximius Gaming network.

But I can't help to feel as if they're adding up to the desolation of Minetown by doing so.
We have a thread within staff forums about absences. There is a number of staff away over July/August for holidays and whatever else life is throwing at them, so we already know of the absences. Nothing we can do about them and can just power through until staff are back.

If you would like to help then recommend people for staff by messaging the staff managers (Darkpsy and Modern) as it does help us understand what people want as staff within the community. Asking people to recommend you however, is a massive no. Be genuine and honest, try your best and players will recommend you for your kindness.

You can also recommend current staff for promotions, which also helps!

@426160 wrote:

Also, just as a side note, it's pretty ironic that at least a couple of the people posting in this thread are the same people who used to be so vocal about the lag caused by too many players on at once back before the hub and other servers were made. Just throwing that out there...

More players=More donations=More donation money being spent towards server upgrades

That isn't the case though, is it. Most of the donations, or so we're told, are going towards the new servers.

I know this is kind of getting off topic, but I would love to see a donation graph and where the money is going. This IS a player run server afterall, don't we deserve to see how our money is being spent?