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[Enjin Archive] Where be all zeh Minetown Moderators???
Started by [E] Azemari

I understand that a moderator doesn't spend all hours of every day on Minetown. But as of the Prison server being launched, I've noticed a lot of the staff has gone with it. The only mods I see on Main regularly are Neil and Leo. I also noticed XCoaster on forums a lot, and Sayomie and Modern on every so often And Irethena, can't forget her :3. I am a very active player... perhaps a little too active.

But I've had a thread asking for my donator tag to be updated since end of June, so it has being a good 2 weeks. Again, I'm not expecting staff to be online all day every day but I think 2 weeks is a little long for a donation tag update, knowing only certain staff can update these tags.

Also I have had a pe for a vault expansion up, and The only Mod+ I've seen on is Leo, and Danny on prison server. If I put up a petition that doesn't require WE like a region protection then it is normally done withing a few hours.

What I'm trying to get at with all this rambling is that I think the server could either do with a few more staff, possibly more active/dedicated staff. also understand that people do have lives outside of a computer i.e. a job, school/college/uni etc... But if Minetown continues to plummet into the ground at the rate that it is doing, I'm pretty sure numbers will continue to decrease, we all remember the times when we had just good old classical main server with around 100 people on and 4/5 mods on at a time. Where did that all go! TELL ME PEOPLE

I'd like to add I am very tired as I wrote this, I've being awake 18 hours so far :/ so sorry if any of my grammar or spelling is a little off. Also Sorreh for zeh rant :3 Both my pe and forum tag still hasn't being done as of posting this either <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/2639.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object>
@2343736 wrote:
I am a very active player... perhaps a little too active.

I respect that, I dont see anything bad about being online too much.

I'm not sure what happened to the other moderators, but I see most of them come online all the time, you must be in a timezone like mine. I had issues with being online ALL THE TIME once before and not seeing any Mods because they were simply sleeping.
@2343736 wrote:

Also I have had a pe for a vault expansion up, and The only Mod+ I've seen on is Leo, and Danny on prison server. If I put up a petition that doesn't require WE like a region protection then it is normally done withing a few hours.

Mod+ aren't the only people who can do vault petitions. They can be done by any, Helper, Mod, Mod+.
@2343736 wrote:
I'm pretty sure numbers will continue to decrease

Actually, I think numbers have been increasing recently.
Hey bennet, I know I probably should've made a public post about my absence, but I am currently on vacation. I noticed that you said that the moderators you mentioned were the only ones on, but I'll have you know, that I dedicate myself to Main and FTB, and when I am not on vacation, I spend nearly all of my time on those two servers. The fact that you didn't mention me is kind of frightening, cause it means that either I'm not recognized as a moderator or you simply didn't know that I was one. 2 weeks ago, I was on at least nearly as much as you were.
@2077764 wrote:
@2343736 wrote:
I'm pretty sure numbers will continue to decrease

Actually, I think numbers have been increasing recently.

Increasing on the wrong servers, and decreasing on the ones that matter the most. Main is what should be the focus... And I can agree with bennett on this. I've had a PE open for a month that required an OP to complete it. It has of yet to have to be completed. Bennett and I are not the only ones noticing this.

I simply personally feel that while the staff have their lives and their personal tastes on what they wish to do or where they play, and how long they play at it, I feel still that certain staff members put their gaming time before their personal duties of being a staff member. It was why they were "hired" for their job after all. To help manage the server. Anything less, I really can't help but see as dereliction of duty. Sorry, personal opinion.
What I have noticed is that, a lll the players seem to be on the prisons server, I go onto Classic, and there is 4-6 people on, sometimes I goto /server PVvP to see how it is, I remember when that server had 60-75 People on most times, and that It was really popular, now it has 5-6, almost the same as main, prison server seems to hold a 20-35 people. All the rest have less than 10 people on at any given time, with the exception of SkyBlock. What I've noticed is that staff seem to be less committed than they used to be about their jobs. There was a time when there was alot of staff on, aways happy and helpful, now there can be a staff member on, but wont do any PEs, even if they are capable. And recently on Prison, some staff on other servers have been acting as some of our biggest issues there. Even though they arem't staff on Prison, doesnt mean that they shouldnt at least follow the rules, right? Thats what I think is happening, it merely the fact that our staff arent committed, I think that we need to start cutting back on our servers, and we need to get back to what Minetown used to be, when we made the hub, 9 months ago, we drastically reduced our numbers. Mostly because the server had been split up. Before we had made that, a year ago I could have gone on Classic, and seen 125-150 people on at a time, now adays we get 50-125 people across all the servers. What we have done, is made it worse, not better.

PvP NEVER had 60-70 players.

But yeah, I agree entirely with Jimbo on the matter.
I have wondered too if it's an issue of spreading everything too thin with all the servers. I know it's good to have a variety of options for members of the server but what's the use if you go from one/two servers with a stable large population to multiple other servers with a handful of users? I remember when I first joined Minetown Main would have tons of users on all the time. It actually looked alive in that you could go to a given town and see people actually going about. When I logged on a few months ago after being off for a while due to school I was shocked at how low the numbers were. It's like a ghost town on Main- I think the most I've seen on it was 10. It's almost depressing really.
Yeah, the numbers of people on the servers that actually count is really plummeting, at one point you couldn't break a block because of the sheer number of people doing the same, and as I never was in an actual Player Village, the economy and such were much better. The prison server and other ones are okay, but main is what MT is all about, and I think a lot of people are loosing the focus they had on it, and I think if we get at least 20 regular people on there it will pick up drastically, if the "Monkey see - monkey do" technique actually works. But what is the point if the mods aren't on to get things going smoothly? What we need (seriously this time) is for more mods to be active and on more servers, and for them to do more so we can get the problems resolved and keep a steady flow of "get rid of this, work on this". That is my hopeful future anatomy though, and I don't mind if someone disagrees.