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[Enjin Archive] For The Record.
Started by [E] SpaceNarwhal

Eissaye wrote:
This makes no sense. Gat gets Demoted for TP'ing Two people a few feet

It was 4 players.

There is no way to determine/verify the distance of the teleports.

He didnt get demoted because he tped them. He got demoted because we've been on the WW topic not even a week ago and all the staff members were strictly warned. Some bigger stuff had happened at that moment so the warning should have been clear. He disrespected the rules established by the staff for this case.
Eissaye wrote:
but Golden gets off free for flying

They all flew. Should I demote the whole moderators team ? And another important thing to consider, if flying was used to fight its not the same as using it to observe.
Eissaye wrote:
Jays banned instead for protesting, even if excessively?

Jaysfan got warned multiple times in the past about his behavior.

We were aware the of the circonstances around this ban and knew that it a specific case. This is mainly why Chester2111 took the time to go and talk to him personally on mumble. Jayfans clearly told him twice : " I don't care " " I don't care, It's just a game "
Eissaye wrote:
If you're going to throw around demotions

We dont throw around demotions. We demote people who are not trustworthy and respectful to the staff and to established guidelines.
Eissaye wrote:
For what it's worth though, I've found both Gat and Golden to be helpful moderators in the regular world, and I do not believe that either deserves a demotion. If banning from the war world is an option, it would certainly seem to be more appropriate.

I agree that they've been helpful, but it doesnt change anything to their actions. And the option of banning from WW is not viable.
Eissaye wrote:

I guess I should keep my mouth shut though. I don't want to get banned for "Disrespecting Staff."

Since when is minetown a fascism regime ? You are free to express yourself.
Eissaye wrote:

Respect has to be earned. A title doesn't magically grant you respect. Know that we all appreciate what the staff does, but don't expect people to worship you. And when you do something to lose the respect you're given, insulting you should be no different than insulting anyone else.

Who are you sending this comment to ? Who is expecting worshipping ? And im not sure to get the insulting part, insults wont be tolerated from anyone.

Edit: Get me right on this, im trying to conclude this, not to start another debate. Im being quite annoyed to deal with drama. I've dealt with much more than you could think in the staff section...
Do not the pictures in the OP here show the distance?

I realize that Jay was warned, but it does seem to be at least some probable cause in the matter. Although, I wasn't there and thus, I'm unable to pass accurate judgement.

What I'm worried about really is what happened on another online community I used to frequent until the mods and admins began demanding respect; locking everything that said anything otherwise, and banning anyone who criticized them. I don't want that to start in Minetown. Not saying it has, but things seem to be getting more hostile in that area.

On the issue of WW flying:

Using it to observe is just as bad as fighting. Locations can be found that would otherwise be very difficult to find, and their coordinates given. This is, I strongly believe what happened to Arx Prima. Thirty minutes before its destruction GRIFF and Cryston appeared in the air above the fort.
Keep in mind I can only give my opinion on these answers, and they do not reflect the staff.
Eissaye wrote:
Do not the pictures in the OP here show the distance?

I can take pictures and put them up also, it doesn't make it fact.
Eissaye wrote:
I realize that Jay was warned, but it does seem to be at least some probable cause in the matter. Although, I wasn't there and thus, I'm unable to pass accurate judgement.

Temper is something that needs to controlled, and jaysfan has been in trouble numerous times before, usually for this exact same problem. As I see it, it shows a lack of progress in his behavior.
Eissaye wrote:
What I'm worried about really is what happened on another online community I used to frequent until the mods and admins began demanding respect; locking everything that said anything otherwise, and banning anyone who criticized them. I don't want that to start in Minetown. Not saying it has, but things seem to be getting more hostile in that area.

Respecting people goes for everyone to everyone. On the topic of respect and earning it, you can't earn the respect of everyone, and its not for us to judge when they deserve to be insulted and demoted, but rather that lays in the hands of the other mods/admins/owners. Likewise, losing respect for someone NEVER gives you the right to insult or belittle them.
Eissaye wrote:
On the issue of WW flying:

Using it to observe is just as bad as fighting. Locations can be found that would otherwise be very difficult to find, and their coordinates given. This is, I strongly believe what happened to Arx Prima. Thirty minutes before its destruction GRIFF and Cryston appeared in the air above the fort.

This is something I COMPLETELY agree with. Observing is a part of the game as much as fighting is. Don't we spend plenty of time looking around at buildings in the regular world? Its no different watching fights in the war world. I as a regular player do not have the ability to view fights in the war world without the pressure of being attacked. One main component of the war world is that everyone is on equal footing.
Heark wrote:
Eissaye wrote:
On the issue of WW flying:

Using it to observe is just as bad as fighting. Locations can be found that would otherwise be very difficult to find, and their coordinates given. This is, I strongly believe what happened to Arx Prima. Thirty minutes before its destruction GRIFF and Cryston appeared in the air above the fort.

This is something I COMPLETELY agree with. Observing is a part of the game as much as fighting is. Don't we spend plenty of time looking around at buildings in the regular world? Its no different watching fights in the war world. I as a regular player do not have the ability to view fights in the war world without the pressure of being attacked. One main component of the war world is that everyone is on equal footing.

Mods cant fly in WW from now on, I disabled it few hours ago.

Only admins that dont play WW will be authorized to fly within the area to prevent any kind of similar issues in the future.
Gatschet wrote:
Mikeliskewl wrote:
omegatekanina wrote:
Gatschet wrote:
I guess I was too nice. I tried to save them 2 seconds

That's not your concern to save them 2 seconds.You know this already.Absolutely no cheating is allowed in WW

hmmmm yet the person that uses it to fly around in ww isnt banned? ok hmmmmm

And Golden used fly. Didnt even get demoted.

I don't participate in the events,and I am Admin.