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[Enjin Archive] MAIN Moderator Applications
Started by [E] Reggief

1. Minecraft IGN: Drakat

2. Forum username: Drakat

3. Age: 23

4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Eastern Standard Time

5. Hours per week you play(average) and how long have you been in MineTown: I play about 4 hrs a day. So... 28~ Hours though Ive been on minetown since the new year I think.

6. Friends in Minetown: Krystalin, DarthAndroid, Zionia000, Choco, Irethenia, Gurgash, madster456, Iron orchid, Italy08 of course more that I cant quite list offhand.

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Yes I was, once on another server. I broke a block in spawn when I first started Minecraft, Shortly after I took a break from Minecraft and when I returned I attempted to get myself unbanned as they put it though McBans but they said I waited to long.

8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?: None with Minecraft administration at the moment. I do have ample skills with administrations of other groups and the like though.

9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): Of course! On there a bit more then I'm on Minetown to be honest.

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain.: I tend to be a fair and a levelheaded person who can look at both sides of an argument. In saying that, If I am curious of things or how something should be done, I am not scared to ask a question of fellow staff to find out answers to things I don't know or am curious about.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: While not having a whole much knowledge of minecraft administration or moderating in the first person. I was a 'staff' position in a social group in SecondLife, incharge of mostly the training, event organizing and the like. I compiled quite a few documents and spreadsheets for the group. If wanted I could show some of my doccuments or planning. Another thing is, I tend to be quite a social person, so with applications I tend to be a bit bareboned to be honest. And that is one of my main faults, Im more a reactive person then anything, so of course its probably well reflected in this application.

Thanks for reading this over!


1. Minecraft IGN: Carnivores64

2. Forum username: Carnivores64

3. Age: 16

4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America):U.S. Central

5. Hours per week you play(average) and how long have you been in MineTown:I play about 72 hours a week

6. Friends in Minetown:My friends include Anyone who plays minetown. To be more specific, the good people of the community. Not griefers, or people who disrupt the community. In other words anyone who is nice and will get along with with everyone...

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?:I have never been banned, nor do I plan to be!

8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?:I have been a mod on multiple servers, mostly my own, where i learn how to use mods and commands. I know the basics like the back of my hand, and I can tell you I am a fast learner.

9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary):This is no problem. I have 3 mics i can use, and skype is also available.

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain.:Well Its no me to judge if I am good or not, because its simply opinion from others. But Over the months I have been playing I have been up to date in most community affairs. I have the knowledge and the maturity of taking the role of MOD. I do realize that it is not all fun and games.I have watched and learned from the other mods, and have gained an education of how things run. I have no problem doing pe's, and actually I think I would enjoy doing them. I have no intention of picking favorites, and will ban a friend, and or a family member, if I am in knowledge of duping or cheating. That is the responsibility.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?:I have to admit, that there are others deserving of this role, before me. I am not a selfish person, and respect the choices all admins and mods make. This may not be of interest, but I am on a lot of times when Mods are not. I visit the forums everyday, and i treat this website like facebook...

Thank you for reading, and I respect the decision you make!

Sincerely: Carnivores64
1. Minecraft IGN: hunter9340

2. Forum username: hunter9340

3. Age: 16

4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Mountain time zone ( i live in utah )

5. Hours per week you play(average) and how long have you been in MineTown: 40+

6. Friends in Minetown: ( im bad at listing names from the top of my head but here are a few that i talk to mostly ) Kong999, DonkeyKong, DanniDorrito, ParkerJdude, I tend to just be around to help people randomly and make friends here and there.

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Yes, on a server that i used to play when i first started minecraft, ive been jailed once for accidently interfering with an event ( the goal was to destroy the other teams base, i accidently attacked my teams base, a honest mistake )

8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?: A fair bit, i've used World edit more then a couple time's in my creative worlds, and on some lesser known servers, i have been a reporter ( reports who done what ) on some lesser known servers as well

9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): Yes, and no, I can use the text, but no mic, As of course i dont have one

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain.: Im resonable, i will dig out the facts behind all of the ban appeals, i'll personally take time off of what im doing ( like building a house, mining ect. ) just to help people here and there, most of the time just out of the kindness of my heart. I'll be active and moderate the chat, Do a fair bit of PE's when i first get on and a few before i get off, and many more reason

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?:

Im on minetown often, i keep to my self thus keeping my self out of trouble ( naturally ) im friendly, helpful, will do stuff for people, give out some supplies even if it take's time out of the things im doing, Im fair, I will try and be moderate on the punishments, depending on what the person did, I Will be honest and wont abuse my powers. I've helped a fair bit minetown, and minecraft beginners with the basic's

I hope i will make a lasting impression on minetown if i get the chance to become a moderator, thanks
1. Minecraft IGN:abzilla

2. Forum username:abzilla

3. Age:19 as of 3/16

4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America):central (live in Illinois =])

5. Hours per week you play(average) and how long have you been in MineTown: its almost a full time job I avg 30-40 hrs a week I started playing around Dec 15, 2011

6. Friends in Minetown:i have alot of friends ill just name a couple for ya Jjd712, Zionia, Italy08, Irethena, Isoccerplayer, Issac332, Jallaf, Luggious, PokemonGardevoir and alot more. I am friends with any1 who is nice and likes to think outside the box =D.

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?:Yes, i was banned once before. I was banned for x-ray. I know it doesn't look good =\ but people get greedy and lost control. I was lucky enough to catch a blessing and go unbanned by the lovely Danni =D thank you <3. But i have learned that cheating isn't the right way to do stuff. You'll get more satisfaction from doing stuff the old way. By earning your items not by just logging on and looking thru the ground and saying o there's a diamond. I realized that and I'm sorry for what i did. But also i had done the crime and i also served my time. But that's the past not trying to do anything stupid again sticking on the straight and narrow.

8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?:Honestly I did a while back not much tho just a friends server (this is not advertising it) just to hang out with tho.

9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary):Yes, i have mumble installed i just never use it all my friends that i talk to regularly are on Skype mostly.

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain.:I honestly feel as if i could be a good moderator I'm not saying ill be the best mod you'll ever have. But if you give me a chance i will surprise you. Alot of people have doubted me in my life and all i try to do is prove them wrong. One of my goals is to try to become mod and when i was banned i didn't feel as if id ever get a chance at mod. But people kept telling me to try you'll never know what will happen. So this is my try and trust my if I don't get mod(trial mod) its fine its not like I'm going to break down and cry. But yes ill be disappointed.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I'm a really chill laid back guy who doesn't mind to get his hands dirty if something needs to be done. I know how it feels to be on the wrong side of the fence as a delinquent. I know how it feels to be that person. I also know how it feels when you are banned for such a crime. But in that sense I'm also caring about the person. But if someone needs to be banned i will do it.

Madster456 Moderator Application:


1. Minecraft IGN: madster456

2. Forum username: madster456

3. Age: 16

4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Central Standard Time(CST)

5. Hours per week you play(average) and how long have you been in MineTown: I usually play 20+ hours during the week and 25+ for the weekends(friday, saturday, sunday) Have been a member since January 30th 2012

6. Friends in Minetown: Everyone! I try and get along with everyone, but know when the law needs to be laid down. I am naturally friendly and helpful. But some of the players I commonly talk to would be Irethena, Darth, HolySm0kes, Drakat, Danni, Krystalin, Choco, Zio, Aly(from DEV server)

But basically everyone!

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: I have been banned, but it was a mire Mistake, I was watching the event that danni was doing and my mouse died and derped all over, breaking glass, she did ban me for griefing, but as I said, it was merely a mistake.

8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?: Yes. I currently run my own server, this allows me to try many plugins and learn how to use them effectively. On top of this I have been trusted with the position of admin or mod on many other servers. I left all the others to put most of my time twords minetown, this is because I feel I have a much greater opportunity for growth on this server. I have been observing mods to see how they react to things, and preparing for all possible plugin situations that will occur for about the last 3 months or so. Reading all the ban appeals and keeping tabs on all that happens in the forums. I know almost all commands for worldGuard, such as setting regions, flags, parentRegions, and more. I have also been able to use my server to learn similar plugins like Duckshop, and MCTowns as well.

9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): I am on mumble 24/7 I leave it open all day long, and all night, so if you leave me a message, I may see it in the morning, or when I'm back on. I'm also on skype if anyone needed to contact me quickly.

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain.: I personally think I would be a good moderator because I love working with people and I love learning. I know how to work with people, as well as I have been watching staff to see how they have been working with the players just to learn my limits. I know a handful of the plugins, and I am able to work with them. Also if I do not know how a plugin works I am able to download it to my server and try it out. I dont want to be a mod for personal gain as I would like to be a mod because I like helping people. I feel I have the potential to grow, and my attitude towards others and my recent builds on the dev server show that I would be a good pick for a moderator.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I currently run my own server, which I have tweaked to the point where I dont even get on that much because everything is set as I want it, I usually get on only once a week to update plugins, rank players and what not. I have written three plugins, Anti-Griefing, Broadcasting messaging, and working on a autoKicker for afk players. I know almost all WorldGuard, with all commands such as /region or /rg for short. As well as the petition plugin, as I use it on my server, along with world guard, and world edit. I tend to learn fast of what needs to be done, And hope i could help the community out!

EDIT:I specialize in MCTowns, i know most of the commands, and wrote a player/mod tutorial on MCTowns on the forums a while back. You can find it here:

1. Minecraft IGN:


2. Forum username:

SGT Fenix

3. Age:


4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America):


5. Hours per week you play(average) and how long have you been in MineTown:

I am on nearly every day for almost 10 hours

6. Friends in Minetown:

I like everyone! 8D

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?:

Once, over a WE issue, only temporarily though.

8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?:

I have been mod and above on many servers keeping the peace, unfortunately, most of those servers are outdated now.

9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary):


10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain.:

I have been an administrator for my gaming clan on our servers in a first person shooter mmo for close to four years now. I have calmly and rationally dealt with everything from hackers, to racists, you name it, in fact here are our 10 server rules.

1. No racism of any kind

2. No clan stacking

3. No arguing with admins, play or leave

4. Do not teamkill

5. Do not call hacks, take a demo and submit to our site

6. Do not discriminate

7. Do not hack, hacks result in a perma-ban

8. No abusive language, in any language

9. Do not troll

10. All players must play for the objective

We have many tools at our disposal to deal with every annoyance from A-Z, you name it, we can take care of it. I am very well trained and through years of experience I can efficiently carry out my job. Being an administrator is about helping the gaming community. Keeping it a safe, all ages friendly environment for all to enjoy, regardless of age, race, and gender. Responsibility is key, and taking responsibility for your actions is a vital key aspect of the job, of which i can do. If i make a mistake, although this is VERY rare. I WILL man up to it and admit my mistake.

I have years of experience with MineCraft and wish to further the communities advancement and growth by keeping MineTown safe and sound. In addition, I am a very rational person, well educated, and very friendly. Even if i only get helper rank, i understand that i have to work to gain ranks. Even if i never get past helper, that doesn't matter, because as long as I can make a difference in the server, that is an honor in its own merit. Thankyou for your time.

Regards: |WC|SGT Fenix, Wildcatsclan pro sharp shooter

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?:
1. Minecraft IGN: Tankosoarus

2. Forum username:Tankosoarus

3. Age:20

4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America):Mountain

5. Hours per week you play(average) and how long have you been in MineTown: I am on Minetown about 20 to 24 hours a week and have been with minetown about 3 months.

6. Friends in Minetown: I like to think i am friends with all the active players in Minetown but i talk to quite a bit of the members while i am online.

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: No

8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?: Not as much as i would like but i have some experience as an admin from previous games.

9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary):Yes

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain.: I feel that i know alot about how the server is ran and i spend quite alot of time in the forums reading on current events as well as news for the server. I also like to help the members when in need as much as i can whether its help with plugin commands or simple server rules. I have never been banned nor been kicked and i intend to keep it that way.

Thank you for my chance at becoming a mod.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?:
1. Minecraft IGN: Dirty_miner21

2. Forum username: Dirty_miner21

3. Age: 17

4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Arizona Time (no daylight savings)

5. Hours per week you play(average) and how long have you been in MineTown: I play Minecraft non-stop i play probably 30+ Hours a week on average. (Not joking) I usually play right when i get home tell when i need to get off. I am always here if you need me at all. Ive been on Minetown since January 20 if im correct.

6. Friends in Minetown: Madster, Iggythebrain, agent, Holy_Sm0kes, Pdkkid, I know alot of the community

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: I have only been banned once for a really weird reason. It started right after the /msg command went down and i didn't know of /tell. At that time me, Madster, Holy_Sm0kes, Pdkkid, Bigacat, were all running our own server. I needed to tell bigacat about the new updates and i knew she would be on Minetown. I tried /msg and it didn't work so i tried public and they told me about the /tell command. I sent messages to Bigacat and Madster telling them to check out the new server. Madster reported me saying that it was advertisement and denied running the server with us. I did not say the IP in public and i did not persuade anybody to get on the server. My words were, "Come check out my server really fast"

8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?:

Yes i do, I have been the owner of my old (offline now) server and that allowed my to try out all of the new plugins that minetown uses so i can get used to them. I always follow the rules and love to have fun and help people out. I can code Java really easy and mess with permissions. (I'm a hardcore code geek <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> I know all the commands for most of the plugins out there. Worldgarurd, Worldedit, Duckshop, Chestshop, Petitions, Ect.

9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): YES!! I love mumble! Way better then typing all the time lol

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain.: I would be a very good Moderator because I'm always looking out for others and I put other people in front of my problems. Seeing how I'm always on I can provide a TON of support. I love doing Petitions and wont stop tell there done.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I am hardworking and never give up. I would love to meet new members and eventual become a dev in this server (Gotta start somewhere ha ha) I feel that this server fits me best. Yes I am a GIRL get used to it. This used to be my brothers account!!!
1. Minecraft IGN: TPrezzle

2. Forum username: Again, TPrezzle

3. Age: 17, almost 18.

4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): GMT + 0

5. Hours per week you play(average) and how long have you been in MineTown: Far too long, perhaps 4 or 5 hours a day though. I have been on minetown since towards the end of 2011.

6. Friends in Minetown: Coffeey and Jallaf absolutely. Two of the coolest and nicest guys I've ever met over the internet and I love them. In addition to those two, I have a laugh with a lot of other players like Happyworm360, Palonti, Rokitchikin (with whom I talk to a lot outside Minetown), Irethena and others. I'm also friends with DanniDorrito, who's pretty damn cool because she's from the same town as me. There are far too many to list and I really don't want to exclude anybody!

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Yes, I have. I was banned quite some time ago for offending another player, who took it to heart - despite me not having spiteful intentions. I was banned Shortly afterwards, but thankfully the situation was resolved and I am now very good friends with all those involved.

8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?: I do indeed, I ran my own server with some friends back when I was at school. There were only up to 12 people playing at one time - but I ran it all from home, with my own custom PC and the server was dedicated. Unfortunately, funds would not permit my continuation of the server, as I was unable to upgrade to a larger external server to fit in all the players. In April 2011, my server drew to a close.

9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): Absolutely, I often find myself going to bed with mumble still running. It gives me a good laugh when I'm nodding off! I also have a high-quality mic and try my best to speak clearly so communication is unlikely to be an issue. I spent a lot of time talking to staff, too!

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain.: I am always learning from experiences, both good and bad. I have always been somebody to speak my mind and to know right from wrong. I have a strong and confident personality but I know how to laugh. I was quoted by a moderator earlier as "always helping people out," with which I was very pleased - I thoroughly enjoy helping others and take pride in being in positions that allow me to assist others.

I would be honoured to be on the staff team - I take a great interest in organising things and helping people and this is just the opportunity I need. Strange as it may sound, I also feel a slight sense of guilt for constantly 'taking' from the mods, as it were - through PEs and assistance for example. By becoming a moderator, I would be able to give something back to a very deserving community and staff team. When in positions of authority, I always strive to demonstrate patience, respect and moderation - qualities that are, of course, absolutely vital for a member of the staff team.

In addition to this, I teach at a school in my area for children with mild to severe behavioural issues. I have undergone a number of courses in "Talk down techniques," as we call them. I feel that this would be highly beneficial to a moderator's role, so that I may know how to deal with those that are either angry or upset.

One final advantage is that I live in Western Europe. I am aware that there are fewer moderators in this timezone than there are on the other side of the Atlantic. This would be beneficial to help reduce the workload for staff over here.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I can't think of much that's relevant to the moderator position but I will say a few more things.

I also work at Regal House recording studio. A number of pretty big bands record there and if somebody's level of organisation in that industry is below par, they're out. Of course, working in a studio - I'm a keen musician. I currently recording my first Studio album (and plan to give away a few copies to Minetowners!) which will be complete in a week or two. I play a variety of instruments and have learnt music theory from the age of 9. I have some covers on Youtube.

Another note about me is that I can be a little pedantic. By this I mean having everything symmetrical in minecraft and a tidy desk - I'm one of those people! I am also currently helping build Yield's city as a co-owner. I did some Mojang pixelart for the city that I spent an obnoxiously long time perfecting.

I suppose if there's anything else to say, then it's thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope I have made the best possible impression.

Yours faithfully,

Thomas Prest (TPrezzle)

For those of you who wish to know my real name!
1. Minecraft IGN: Kunailby

2. Forum username: Kunailby

3. Age: 17

4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): east

5. Hours per week you play(average) and how long have you been in MineTown: i play everyday after school so <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>

6. Friends in Minetown: I Had a few, but it's been a long time i didn't play. Your bro was my friend : D

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Nope

8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?: Yeah, i was staff in a few other servers.

9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): I do.

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain.: because i haev experience and i like to help out people and i am social.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: i played for about 1 year on this server : D. And... je suis francais comme toi <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>