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[Enjin Archive] MAIN Moderator Applications
Started by [E] Reggief

1. Minecraft IGN: Hollywoodundead9

2. Forum username: Hollywoodundead

3. Age: 17

4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): PT

5. Hours per week you play(average) and how long have you been in MineTown: 48

6. Friends in Minetown: KingMark Babins9 Alecmckinley Predspread ... But Really I Am Friends With Everyone That I Meet On Minetown

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: No I Have Never Been Banned

8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?: Yes I Was A Admin In CastleCraft

9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): Yes I Am Always On Mumble

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain.: I Think i would make a good moderater because I love helping people and ive always wanted to be a moderater because i see how much they help everyone and i wanna help to.I get along with almost everyone I dont think greifing is nice ive played on this server for 2 years now and i know a lot of the players and i help them dailey and i want to do more than that.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: Yes ive been a memeber on minetown for 2 years I love helping others im a 50 dollar donater and i wish to help more people and newbies become more familer and love minetown as much as i do.And I Plan on donateing more to the server That is how much I Love Minetown
1. Minecraft IGN: Iron_Orchid

2. Forum username:Iron_Orchid

3. Age:24

4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Pacific Standard

5. Hours per week you play(average) and how long have you been in MineTown: 6 hours a day, lol. Been on Minetown 4 months now now <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>

6. Friends in Minetown: Zionia, 13u5ter, choco, irethena, pyre, masta, anonymous, Krystalin, Darth Android ... a lot of people on mumble, just everyone. Just look at all those Internet celebrities! Clearly I know how to brown nose!

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: I got banned once on a different server, for calling them out on a charity event where they grief-baited Team Avo. A bad idea for anyone but also hilarious considering it was the catalyst that lit the flames of change which sent my ashed to rest in Minetown. Like a phoenix I rose from those ashes and became a force of nature second only to Notch himself! And I'm so very humble about it too.

UPDATE!: WHY YES I HAVE BEEN BANNED HERE AS WELL! And I don't regret it. Isoccer and I have yet to meet on the field of valor whereupon I might restore my lost honor.

I hereby vow never again to engage in any chicanery, boondoggles, snafus, or tomfoolery again!

8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?: Yes, on my old server I was a mod with creative abilities. I had nearly empty inventory because I just worked on spawn the entire time and never created things for myself, look how selfless that is!

9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): I can and often do. How else am I supposed to keep up with what the kids are doing nowadays? I hear dubstep is a thing, right?

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain : It's quite simple, actually. Here is a graph showing the server now. Let X stand for how much fun everyone is having and Y stand for how many people are online:


The "X" on the graph stands for just how bad I am at making graphs. As you can see, I really suck it it! But here's what happens after I am a mod:


See?! You don't even CARE about the graph anymore! It's still sucks, but now it is replaced by so much awesome YOU DON'T EVEN CARE! That's what will happen when I am mod: roller coasters, joy, and explosions of bronies and magic. Sure, I'll do a lot of work too, but you already knew that. I've done it in game. and anyways you'd have to be crazy not to want to be a mod on this server. The potential for going mad with power is too much of a temptation. going mad with awesome is a different story. Not everyone can rock your ass off. But I can.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: Eh, I'm guessing everyone knows as much about me as they need to already. I think the only other thing to point out is that I want to make some videos for the server too, and that I am willing and eager to learn anything I need to. Thanks for viewing!
1. Minecraft IGN: Youfoundme

2. Forum username: Youfoundme

3. Age: 22

4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Central Time (but i play late late night)

5. Hours per week you play(average) and how long have you been in MineTown: 35-40 and I've been a member for umm a year?

6. Friends in Minetown: Cryston, Shadowmice, Nicilbar, DJTechnor, Choco, and I am in love with DanniDorrito (but who isn't right?)

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Nope and I plan to keep it that way... that means put the Ban hammer down Zionia <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>

8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?: Yes I've hosted 2 private Minecraft Bukkit servers which included all the basic plugins

9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): Yes I can

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain.: I think I would be a good Mod or even a Helper because I care about Minetown and protecting it. I also strive to help out members where I can. I also am very familiar with most of the plugins that Minetown uses, including but not limited to, World Edit, World Guard (and its flags), LWC (and its flags), and I have a growing urge to learn more about plugins and how they work. I also play online when a lot of other Mods/Admins are busy or swamped in PE's and I would love to help. And on a side note I love seeing Mods, Admins, and Sawine getting to build and enjoy the game that they have allowed me to play for the past year

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I hope you would considered me as I am knowledgeable in the game, Plugins, and how Minetown runs. If you have any question or issues before you give me a thumbs down please let me know.

I hope everyone has a good day and for a corny joke for V-day

I Dig you Guys/Girls
1. Minecraft IGN: eternaltragedy

2. Forum username: eternaltragedy

3. Age: 16 .... 17 on april 28th

4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): EST

5. Hours per week you play(average) and how long have you been in MineTown: 30-40hrs/ week and ive been associated with this server since late fall last year :3

6. Friends in Minetown: i have grown such that i communicate with everyone.... i regulary talk/joke around with the regulars and have built up good relationships with them..... i dislike making people not like me or them hating me for something i did so i dont tempt to make anyone unhappy

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: i have been temp-ban for a mishap that ended up being a misunderstanding between the Mod and the Client... i was unbanned within a half hour with an apology from the Mod

8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?: i do not have experirence but i am a fast learner and i do associate with things that are kinda like administration (i own a MCTown and run many facilities) but if i had a tutorial at the begining i could fix that up... anything computer related just gets locked in my head be that about computers itself or the commands on this server and all teh rules and everything around this server just sticks in my head after i learn it so it helps me work faster and more efficent! .... i can code too... if thats a plus :3

9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): i have never tried it but i want to sometime.. and... yes i can use Mumble

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain.: i like solving problems..... i dont like people being unhappy and then taking it out on the server and then ending up getting banned.... that make me sad :'( i promise to help improve the mood of the users and keep everything just..... i can be strict on rules when i have to be and can also just have a great time with those that want to.... i have gained a ton of knowledge from this server and want to pay it back to the best of my ways.... the people i have met have really helped me through the rough times in real life and i thank you all for that!... again i will perform to the best of my abilities and make a great representation for all mods!... i know that sounds cliche but in truth i really do care for this server.... this brought me into the world of multiplayer minecraft and will continue to support me till the end...

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: thanks for taking your time to read this and i hope i make a good impression... if you truly cant decide from my writing... come meet me in-game and lets have a fun time... i hope i have been able to sway your opinion :3

thanks again!

1. Minecraft IGN: jbondhus

2. Forum username: jbondhus

3. Age: 17

4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): CST

5. Hours per week you play(average) and how long have you been in MineTown: 10.5 hours a week and I've been in it for roughly 2 months.

6. Friends in Minetown: JustinLifecaster, hyenaofleisure, fezz99, Oozbutch

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: No, and I don't intend to be banned ever.

8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?: I run my own minecraft server at jbondhus.com with a bukkit/mysql backend. The plugins I have are as follows:

  • Herochat
  • Essentials
  • BigBrother
  • iConomy
  • MyWarp
  • uHome
  • PermissionsBukkit
  • Signlift
  • TimeShift

9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): Yes, I can use Mumble.

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain.: I'm the kind of minetown community member that likes to contribute in any way I can. I've contributed both supplies and time into building the Ibizian Empire, and am the co-owner of both Faar, and Black Water. I think that I'm a very reasonable person, I always obey the rules and the law. I am also a very technical minded person who is experienced with running a server, including web servers, file servers, and minecraft servers, and am experienced with the linux command line. I have experience with many of the plugins that Minetown uses, including MyWarps, PermissionsBukkit, Herochat, and iConomy.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: Even if it means sacrificing my own time and personal gains, I just can't stand just watching people not be helped. I once took a class in 3D Mechanical Drafting and I ended up spending half my time helping out the people next to me. I could have been the person that ended up being far in front of everyone else, but I spent so much time helping out the other people that I always was either, a little behind on my own work, or just on time. I never was the person who handed in their project first because of that.
1. Minecraft IGN: lucaspg

2. Forum username: lucaspg

3. Age: 16

4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Pacific

5. Hours per week you play(average) and how long have you been in MineTown: Anywhere from 1-4 hours a day (occasionally more or less) so maybe 12-15 hours a week. Been on this server somewhere around 3 months.

6. Friends in Minetown: Don't have any close friends, but I get along with everybody well.

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: No. Never been banned.

8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?: Nope. Newbie.

9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): I could install it (recommended location?) and dig up a mic somewhere.

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain.: I am willing to spend time helping people out and I have a good attention to detail.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I would like to lighten the other mods load. I know they are all very busy.
1. Minecraft IGN: jjd712

2. Forum username: jjd712

3. Age: 16

4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): central

5. Hours per week you play(average) and how long have you been in MineTown: 30hours . (I’m online on holidays too!) and I’ve been on MineTown since 9/30/11

6. Friends in Minetown: Everyone, I talk/know to these people the most: sp000nman, isoccerplayer, abzilla, dunsjohn. I’m probable missing a lot of people.

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: never

8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?: Yes. I ran a small server on my comp. I’m talking 4-5 friends. I’ve used some admin plugins.

9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): Yup

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain. : I would be a good mod because my main goal would be to help lighten the load of PEs and apps. As well as serve the server I’ve grown to love over time. I also would like to repay the server for all the PEs I’ve asked for over the past months.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us? I’m always on, so I can always help! Also I am taking a computer science/ programing class next year and I hope to help the dev team if possible(I don’t know how much java ill learn in the class <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>) just a last piece of info... i would like to join the minetown live streem (if thats still goin on)

1. Minecraft IGN: bbrooks066

2. Forum username: bbrooks066

3. Age:19

4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): central

5. Hours per week you play(average) and how long have you been in MineTown: 30+ , about 4 months


6. Friends in Minetown: I can't even tell you i have so many that i love to play with and help out.

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: yes over a misunderstanding in my first town. I can explain more if you'd like.

8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?: I do can use Hawkeye, WE, I have experience in the ban system kicking, and understanding the hierarchy.

9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): yes

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain.: I love helping others even more that i enjoy building my own projects, I think it would be nice to be able to help my friends even more than i have already.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: nothing that I can think of but feel free to ask <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
1. Minecraft IGN: randalserrano

2. Forum username:randalserrano

3. Age: 23

4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): MST

5. Hours per week you play(average) and how long have you been in MineTown: 6 hours a day at the least. Mainly during the evening. I have been on Minetown for about a week.

6. Friends in Minetown: Courtneyf1987, vanquish349

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: no

8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?: I own my own server which has 40 users on it.

9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): yes

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain.: I have moderated/owned servers before (grant you nothing of this scale). I love to help people out in any way I can and am good with following rules. I have a general knowledge on how things work in this server including a general knowledge of the plugins that are in this server and bukkit. I do not like it when people grief. Whoever griefs doesn't take into consideration how long it has taken that person to build the thing they have griefed or what they had to do to get the resources. In my opinion, anyone who griefs should be permanently banned from any server that doesn't allow it. (mcbans). I understand that it is a great responsibility to become a moderator and that it isn't meant to be all fun and games. I am not looking to become a moderator because of the advantages they get, I am looking to become one to help the server and the people on it in any way I can.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I am currently attending college so on Tuesdays and Thursdays I wont be on until a bit later. Other than that, I am almost always available.
1. Minecraft IGN: Worgan

2. Forum username: worgan

3. Age: 16

4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): 1+GMT

5. Hours per week you play(average) and how long have you been in MineTown: i played in alpha, and i recently came back, and i spend 5-10hours a day wich means 70H per week

6. Friends in Minetown: Luggious, neilotp gruntyturn

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: No never been banned <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>

8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?: Yes, i used to administrate my own server so yes i do.

9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): Yep no problem!

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain.: i think i can be a good moderator cuz i come along with people easly im nice and im on a lot, i love to help and as i said i used to have my own server. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I live in sweden, i got Aspergers syndrome and ADHD but im nice ^^