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[Enjin Archive] FTB Downtime
Started by [E] VorTechs

BARNEY626 wrote:

lol. and complaining lets you know whats happening on the server while you guys arn't there to fix it...

There is a difference between complaining and giving a notice to staff that there is a problem.

There is a difference between complaining and giving positive critisism.

What you are doing right now is complaining.

What we want you to do is giving us a friendly notice or coming with some posistive critisism.

If you hadn't complained and contuinued to talk about topics that are compltely unrelated to the actual problem, being the FTB downtime, there wouldn't even have been this discussion between you and Italy.

Complaining doesn't speed anything up, it's just annoying and means that the staff waste time on answering you instead of helping the server in some other way.

The staff are working on the problem. Have patience. Stop complaining, it's not helping anyone or anything.
BARNEY626 wrote:

as for joining staff, i would apply for staff right now to help the ftb server. but i can't due to the fact im only 7 months of being 16...

You are obviously wrong about this, thinking of the fact that i am 15. The helper position is always open to those who shows enough maturity to handle it. We have alot staff that are under 16 right now.

It's funny how you expect staff to take your criticism yet you can't take some yourself...

First off reread my post: Explained why auto restart is bad..

Never said you guys said were lazy: Just saying that it isn't the fact that we are lazy.... again reread

Why are staff lacking: Who says they are? You know nothing about what they are or aren't doing other then the fact that the server is down...

It's staff own fault they are staff: Those bastards... However this doesn't give you any right to judge them about their personal life nor does it give you any right to be disrespectful to any member of staff just due to the fact that they applied.

I would apply but only 15: Explains a lot... Although there is helper which if I am correct is 14 or 15. Not sure ask Modern or someone that might be able to answer that properly. Who knows they might bring you on.

We don't treat you as slaves: Actually I'll be honest you do... Speaking from personal experiences.

That includes fixing the server and taking complaints: Yes your right finally.. However it doesn't mean that we have to sit back while people down talk what we work hours on just cause they don't think its fast enough. Again you have no clue what's going on but you jump to the lack of staff and atk.

If you don't like us complaining don't complain to us.... WHAT? Above you say it's out job to moderate but here you say don't i'm confused... all I said is you have no clue what is going on. You have no concept of what we do. You know nothing about what we deal with on a daily basis. Again just to make it clear you have no clue what your talking about.
i can see this has gone too far. if you want to say i have no clue what im talking about go ahead... see what benefit it gets you. calling me immature for complaining about the server being down for 31 hours. using fowl language in replies and acting agressivly from the start. i can see how much this has offended you and i guess im sorry if i did, i never meant to upset, offend or annoy you...

im just stopping now because i realise arguing with staff will just get you no-where as they know best. and it will simple annoy them that someone thinks differently.
I personally agree with Italy. Yes, I know in the background it can be very painful as I experience this every so often in my department having to "babysit" office staff through minor issues and such. I think more so why I post on here is because I'd love to see a post every so often or an attempt of quick information on why the server is down for so long.

EX: "Xycraft mod has been causing corruption in some areas of the map, we are fixing as soon as we can".

I'd be happy with a one sentence response so we arn't in the dark. I don't expect superman and superwomen, just merly someone posting an update every 8 hours saying how the progression of getting the server back up and running is.

Barney626, IT is already my job I'd hate having to go to work doing my normal job then coming home to people doing the exactly the same thing Italy is trying to explain. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to help however I'd be a really bad admin due to having a short fuse <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>

jjd712, Nice... lol

Anyways, bottom line to me is I'd love an update every half a day saying how the progress has been. Doesn't mean I won't try to look for a new server maybe but I think as for the popularity and the professionalism of this server it would be highly recommended to take the 2 mins out of any admins time to make a post on the forums letting people know what's happening. At least that'd ease my concerns.
FTB Server Down <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/2639.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object>

Currently testing a new pack which should eliminate a lot of issues... Making sure that such a change will not affect the user or cause a map reset. As I have said before a lot of the issues are beyond our control. If the tests are successful yes we will lose a few mods that cause problems but users will be given ample time to make sure they are not affected..

I will post here with the results I get... In the mean time I can not emphasize enough that staff are working hard on this issue.. You may not see it but it is being handled.

As for updates I can help out with that. I am extremely busy ATM and currently not staff but I will do what I can.

Thank you Italy for the update -- Much love.

-- Not sure if related but server just crashed 10 mins ago. Again Thank you for the update.
any idea which mods could be affected and the pack that we could change to?
I just wanted to voice a quick opinion here that has nothing to do with the staffs response to the server down time.

In the beginning of the ftb server one of the goals was to create our own pack that could be used and customized to be almost bug free and easy to install. I don't know how this whole process works, but you can make your own modpack using the technic platform and launch it using the technic launcher. The staff might want to look into that if they have time.
dont like technic, has ee in it and misses out loads of cool stuff ftb has