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[Enjin Archive] FTB Downtime
Started by [E] VorTechs

Server down for unknown amount of time.

Noticed at 4/6/2013 @ 4:08pm Mountain Time.
Server still down....
Is there no way to make it automatically restart? No offence but would be more effective than the staff as there are only a few and they live in the same sort of time zone
I agree this is pretty silly. No offence either but I've come to the point where I'm either gunna find a different FTB server or find different games to play. Its come to the point where Its not really fun playing on the FTB cause either my project for the day gets stopped half way through or doesn't happen at all because of the continuous crashing.

I understand its not a popular server and I heard before I joined it was flourishing with 20+ all the time. Server down time is bad for business and I understand sometimes its unpreventable but it seems like some admins need to be transferred to FTB server so we can have a better flowing server. I know Xycraft was one of the issues but that was a week ago. I work for an IT company, if it took me a week to fix a problem I'd be out of a job lol.

Not trying to lecture just voicing my conserns and letting you know what might happen if the several hours crash a day keep up.
the server has been down for over 20hours now...

hiztory you WORK for them, the staff dont they have their own lives to deal with but i do agree we need more staff or an automatic restarter
O this is stupid now, it's gonna be over 24 hours cos we haven't got staff. We have Kosa who is busy and cryston who doesn't seem to have the

Powers needed as he was on when it crashed.

This is just stupid now why does ftb not have any staff members that are on more than 5 minutes in a week and can restart the forever crashing server...

Idc anymore if it's all xycrafts Fault I just wanna play ftb.
Over the past few days the absence of staff has been very noticeable... Huge downtimes, no one around to help with pe issues and such.. The server has probably depopulated greatly because of this
If this was any other server, it would get much more attention, however for some reason the ftb server is the red-headed stepchild of minetown.
Calm down kiddies.

Staff also have lives.. I know you guys think that we all sit around watching things for that moment it crashes but this is unfortunately not the case. I myself had to step down do to such issues.

There are a lot of things that are out of our control when it comes to FTB and the mod pack. Its part of the reason we originally wanted to run our own mod pack but due to permissions issues we cannot. I don't know whats causing the crashes TBH haven't looked at logs or anything in a few weeks since I stepped down.

If you haven't noticed MT had some major issues that were taking staffs attention. For you guys "the user" its easy you just log in and come here to complain when the server isn't up.. For "The Staff" it's a constant battle with plugins and databases that is extremely time consuming. Add onto that "OMG so and so did this and that" or other issues that you feel need to be immediately addressed before anyone else. So before we continue to scream OMG staff are no where to be seen realize they want to fix the problems probably more so then you.

Anyone that thinks this is an easy task to run this many servers on a hub with our features is welcome to try...........

As for automatic restarts... Horrible idea. If something needs to be fixed then restarting it 10000000 times is only going to compound the issue not solve it. Although the "OMG I can login for only 5 sec" thread would probably be entertaining.
im pretty sure everyone understands that staff have other lives.

but we would still like to see the server back up within a few hour. thats what we want and we also understand we cant get everything. no-one is going "OMG" at anything, we are simple asking why there is a lack of staff and a failure to restart the whole server after 24hours.

and as ex-staff im sure you are all too awear that the staff are busy.

as for the automatic restarter... restarting the server to get it back up will make it worse? i didnt know that was the case and its sort of hard to believe you could say that as you covey the idea that you dont know what the problem is and so cannot fix it. so how would you know it would 'compound' the problem if you dont know what the problem is?

i know staff are all superior to the little kiddies (users) and that you all seem to have more busy lives than everyone on the planet but we are asking a simple task of keeping the server up and when it does crash have some means of bringing it back up in the next few hours, hopfuly 1-3 not 24 hours...