We should delete the chunk that contains his real life house, and replace it with a floating planet of rock. I'm sure he'll love it.
RadicalMGuy wrote:
We should delete the chunk that contains his real life house, and replace it with a floating planet of rock. I'm sure he'll love it.
So... We delete his cardboard box.
That isn't very nice.
And a floating planet of rock would be bettar than his box.
SpaceNarwhal wrote:
Fine, fine, Call off the airstrike.
DANGT! i brought my bb gun D:
SpaceNarwhal wrote:
And a floating planet of rock would be bettar than his box.
Not with gravity it wouldn't lol.
So the command is /insert gravity?
i still like broly, i just think it was a douche move to do that.
Gatschet wrote:
i traced hi ip. this is approx where he lives

Hey jack ass. You got his house wrong.
jack ass, and i know its not exact
Actually, your pretty far off. Dip shit.
whats your problem?