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[Enjin Archive] Town Claim - Tiny Town
Started by Unknown User

Player wanting to claim: BARNEY626

Warp name to land: /warp tinytown

Screenshot of land:






Reasons for wanting to claim the land: i own the town of savage (/warp savage) which is west of tiny town. me and savage1106 are expanding the city alot and we plan to take over the town of webington (owned by pwnmaster and under disscussion now) which is right next to tiny town, we will use this area for large expensive housing. from the look of the city it seems abandond. i can tell this as it is not developed. this can mean 2 things, its new and under development or old and abandond. and this town hasn't changed for about 1 year from what i see. i belive me and savage can make better use of the land and benefit any existing resedents (we will be offering new houses to anyone activley using a home in tiny town) and minetown.

Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums): -Must provide screenshot proof of message and also copy/paste of forum messages

i belive the owner of tiny town to be grantv9.


i have in game mailed him:


i have tried to put signs down but there is a region there, i cannot place them. i have also tried to message him on forums but when i search up grantv9 no results come up, if someone could tell me his forum name so i can message him that would bet great


i am not expecting an answer as i belive the town to be totaly inactive. i really need the land space, and this is the only way i can expand. i will use the land for a much better cause, keeping it active and used. my town has regular inactivity checks so any inactive players are evicted. and so the land will be always active.

thanks for considering my claim request, if there are any problems or questions feel free to ask me.

Will I get a reply to this?

Or does it just disappear?
Current members who live in this town:






















and finally warsoul999

Considering that all these people have more right to claim this land then you. You will have to do a lot more work then just post on the forums and demand policies be changed.
We will look into this but as the main post says there may be up to a 6 month wait time, also quite a few of the residents of this town are still active, I would not hold my breath. Have you considered expanding into another area and if you have a donator getting warps placed and using mywarp signs to ferry residents back and forth?
I'm not trying to ruffle any feathers or anything but barney posted 2 days ago and has 2 responses and I posted 9 days ago and have none.


some resedents are active on minetown, but many if not all have moved out. not one has viewed this thread. also, i want to keep my town in one piece, i dont want to make a split town.

if i had anywhere i could expand to, i would but i can't no matter where i look there is something near and i cannot build there due to the rules. i am trying to mail all those people listed by italy, i expect no response. how long should i wait after i mail them to deem then inactive?

and dont say 6 months.
forum message sent!

i will try to mail them ingame asap but i keep being kicked as soon as i try to log on... so that might be a day or two later

anyway here is a copy of it and i will post any updates here.

Very Important Notice About Tiny Town!

To: TEDERUS, heiwashin, You, ApprenticeAdept, 1oliverbear, Crosbyhouse, warsoul999, Dominator505, legoblocks4, krank1232, urfacepwn, AngryNinjah, jayams, drew7459, Hubabu, gibv, cydude123, dwidriver, hailey12, danielv10




i am currently trying to claim the town tiny town. i believe you own a house in that town.

my claim relys upon the fact that no one will be negetivly effected by my claim. this means i need to ask you if:

1) you are actually still living in tiny town

2) if you would be unhappy to see the town be claimed

3) if you are unhappy about my plans for the town.

my plans for the town are as follows,

demolish all structures in the town unless someone wants to keep thier town ( but keep in mind large wooden houses will be built around it) then flatten the land and build large wooden houses on it.

i would prefer not to keep ANY buildings from tiny town to keep the theme of that area in tact. so if anyone is still living there, i will happliy give them a free, new home in my city, savage (/warp savage) when the houses are ready. i hope anyone who is still living in tiny town will see this as an opotunity to upgrade from thier old home to a new better made home.

if you own a house in the town but are not activley using it please tell me so i know i can demolish your house.

if you are unhappy to see the town claimed by me then please say why and we will try to make a compromise to make both of us happy.

i was not able to find all the resedents here on forums, so if you know thier forum names please tell me and i can main them this message. the people i was not able to mail are:




please reply to this as soon as possable as it is important to the claim of this town.

savage city is a very active and expanding town that will be glad to welcome new resedents such as yourselves.

the link to the land claim thread is here

and i hope you are all understanding and helpful in this time.

thanks for reading, BARNEY626
ok you are following the proper procedure now, you will have to wait the full time though as there are so many involved.
i understand...