WHAT happened with lugg';
i went back to myn home, after blowing up masters...
lugg was working on a crafting table. we were talking in mumble, he was making construstion foam, i was thanking him for the help building masters home back. he said well you should be as a joke, i said dont be so rude! and tried to zap him with lightning as a joke, i lagged out cos of my shit internet and the lightining and it shot more than one bolt and killed lugg as he had no armor, it made a fire and burnt his stuff, he had died recently ( not me) and lost everything. so he was made when all his work had been destroyed again. i was practiacally shouting sorry on mumble cos i wow super pissed off cos of what i had done in the last 20 mins. he logged off and i had to go cos i needed to go shopping irl :/
we're friends now and its ok,so that situation is no reason to judge me on master, so just cut it out of your thinking as its been explained. so in theory, with that gone, you think of me as a good guy and dont want me banned, youn said your self soooo...
i went back to myn home, after blowing up masters...
lugg was working on a crafting table. we were talking in mumble, he was making construstion foam, i was thanking him for the help building masters home back. he said well you should be as a joke, i said dont be so rude! and tried to zap him with lightning as a joke, i lagged out cos of my shit internet and the lightining and it shot more than one bolt and killed lugg as he had no armor, it made a fire and burnt his stuff, he had died recently ( not me) and lost everything. so he was made when all his work had been destroyed again. i was practiacally shouting sorry on mumble cos i wow super pissed off cos of what i had done in the last 20 mins. he logged off and i had to go cos i needed to go shopping irl :/
we're friends now and its ok,so that situation is no reason to judge me on master, so just cut it out of your thinking as its been explained. so in theory, with that gone, you think of me as a good guy and dont want me banned, youn said your self soooo...