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[Enjin Archive] tekkit server bann appeal [BARNEY626]
Started by Unknown User


date banned:12/8/12


why: griefing luggious and xxmasterjackxx


xxmasterjackxx: i went to his house, just to say hi, he was in his house, i was outside. i said, open the door or the walls going down (as a joke, i wouldnt really) and he opened it and said ok. i continued to have a look round his house i was trying to jump but accidently hit the x key, which was my action key, i forgot to turn off my infernal armor and i exploded his house, i was really aplogetic, it was a total accident and me and lugg rebuilt his house and gave all his possessions back, i even gave him some redmatter as a sorry, witnesses are: me, lugg, predspread, xxmasterjackxx and afew others i cannot remember the names of. i assumed i had made it up to masterjack but i guess not...

Luggious: erm... i live with him... i killed him afew times by accident with lightning but i never griefed him. we have talked on mumble and he says he hadnt reported me soooo

i want to get unbanned cos i really enjoy tekkit on this server with my friends, this was all a misunderstanding and i have taken action to stop things like this happening ever again, e.g. not wearing that armor.

thanks for reading, i hope you can see reason in my appeal, thanks.


I am taking i'm allowed to post here as i am one of the victims.

Please tell me if not <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>

Danny was the one who banned you by the way.

You were apologetic to me, but not very apologetic. You also didn't seem to talk to me too much after you did it.

If I had accidently blown up your house, I would be constantly apologising, offerring to repair all damage and items lost etc etc. You kept fairly quiet.

Anyway, I have replied to your message and so i'm just going to copy and paste that here for everybody to see.
Barney's Message to me wrote:
you reported me and got me banned on the tekkit server. why? it was an accident, i fixed everything, i even saved your items. i gave you redmatter etc, why?

well, when i get back i want that redmatter back. perthetic that you would do that. i thought i made it up to you. i thought you were a good guy, obviously not, and dont bullshit to me that you didnt, they wouldnt ban me without talking to you even if it wasnt you, you agreed to ban me.
My reply to Barney wrote:
Barney, please don't assume things and have a go at me for them.

Here is the situation from my point of view:

You come to my house in Gem Armour, threaten to destroy my wall if I don't let you in. I was afraid you would destroy things of mine if I didn't let you in. For which reason, I immediately let you in. Next thing I know, you blow up my house and all of my possesions rather than my wall. (Yes, afterwards you say the wall thing was a joke - Considering the armour you had, it was no joke to me).

I admit I swore at you a lot. Which I shouldn't have done, but all my work had just been destroyed, so I had reason. Yes, you picked up my things and returned them to me. But how do I know you weren't doing that just so I wouldn't report you - maybe you were trying to save yourself.

After I asked everyone how easy it was to explode on Gem Armour, I realised it would have been quite easy to accidently do it. You may remember me apologising to you after I found this out. As for the Red Matter, yes, you gave me 1 piece of Red Matter, which was very generous of you. However, titoa, luggious, desveaux etc in total gave me about 60 Milion EMC's worth of Items. They didn't even do anything wrong.

Also, please don't tell me "i thought you were a good guy". I thought you were a good guy. Up until the moment you blew my house to smithereens.

After I had calmed down a bit, I came to the conclusion that it was most probably an accident.

Then, I hear Luggious in chat mortified that you'd just destroyed all of his work. This completely changed my tone and made me decide you were just trollling people.

I doubt you would blow up two people's work in the same day accidently.

You said nothing when Lugg was complaining, you simply logged out. This told me you were guilty - just trying to avoid having to explain yourself.

Later on, Danny came online. It was after quite a while that I told him what you had done to me. Pred immediately started complaining about you, and told Danny about the Luggious situation too. I admit, I did say "I would actually like him banned. But do what you think is right." To Danny. Danny then replied "He has been dealt with.".

I asked no more about this, because I knew Danny would have taken appropriate action.

Pred also told us you play Novatalk. Which made me think you were only on Minetown's Tekkit server to cause mayhem.

That is my point of view. I haven't lied or exagerated anything here.

You were in the wrong Barney, I wasn't.

I am sorry it came to this, as I believed you were a genuine guy.

I am also quite eager to know how this actually happened? My region was protected but Barney's armour blew straight through it?
i didnt talk because i was re-building your house -_- i dont see how saying sorry about 20 times isnt very aplologetic...
BARNEY626 wrote:
i didnt talk because i was re-building your house -_-

I may not have remembered correctly, but I seem to remember Luggious rebuilding my house and you just returning my items.
BARNEY626 wrote:
i dont see how saying sorry about 20 times isnt very apologetic...

I have screenshots of the chat. I highly doubt you even said sorry 10 times let alone 20.
your memory seems to be faulty...
you seem to be treating this as if i intended to blow your house up, which i didnt, i can swear on my life i didnt, why would i, you can ask anyone i know that im a good guy and i wouldnt do something like this deliberatly
BARNEY626 wrote:
your memory seems to be faulty...

Okay, it may well be.

I will bring up the chat in this thread when I have a bit more time.

Edit: To what you just said, yes, i thought you were a good guy.
then why would you take it this far? if you thought i was a good guy, you would realsie that i wouldnt do this deliberatly. let me get the PM up now, we will continue on here



To: You, xXMasterJackXx


3 hours ago;you reported me and got me banned on the tekkit server. why? it was an accident, i fixed everything, i even saved your items. i gave you redmatter etc, why?

well, when i get back i want that redmatter back. perthetic that you would do that. i thought i made it up to you. i thought you were a good guy, obviously not, and dont bullshit to me that you didnt, they wouldnt ban me without talking to you even if it wasnt you, you agreed to ban me.


32 mins ago

Reply to user · Kick ;Barney, please don't assume things and have a go at me for them.

Here is the situation from my point of view:

You come to my house in Gem Armour, threaten to destroy my wall if I don't let you in. I was afraid you would destroy things of mine if I didn't let you in. For which reason, I immediately let you in. Next thing I know, you blow up my house and all of my possesions rather than my wall. (Yes, afterwards you say the wall thing was a joke - Considering the armour you had, it was no joke to me).

I admit I swore at you a lot. Which I shouldn't have done, but all my work had just been destroyed, so I had reason. Yes, you picked up my things and returned them to me. But how do I know you weren't doing that just so I wouldn't report you - maybe you were trying to save yourself.

After I asked everyone how easy it was to explode on Gem Armour, I realised it would have been quite easy to accidently do it. You may remember me apologising to you after I found this out. As for the Red Matter, yes, you gave me 1 piece of Red Matter, which was very generous of you. However, titoa, luggious, desveaux etc in total gave me about 60 Milion EMC's worth of Items. They didn't even do anything wrong.

Also, please don't tell me "i thought you were a good guy". I thought you were a good guy. Up until the moment you blew my house to smithereens.

After I had calmed down a bit, I came to the conclusion that it was most probably an accident.

Then, I hear Luggious in chat mortified that you'd just destroyed all of his work. This completely changed my tone and made me decide you were just trollling people.

I doubt you would blow up two people's work in the same day accidently.

You said nothing when Lugg was complaining, you simply logged out. This told me you were guilty - just trying to avoid having to explain yourself.

Later on, Danny came online. It was after quite a while that I told him what you had done to me. Pred immediately started complaining about you, and told Danny about the Luggious situation too. I admit, I did say "I would actually like him banned. But do what you think is right." To Danny. Danny then replied "He has been dealt with.".

I asked no more about this, because I knew Danny would have taken appropriate action.

Pred also told us you play Novatalk. Which made me think you were only on Minetown's Tekkit server to cause mayhem.

That is my point of view. I haven't lied or exagerated anything here.

You were in the wrong Barney, I wasn't.

I am sorry it came to this, as I believed you were a genuine guy. BARNEY626

17 mins ago;i see how you could misunderstand the events as such, all of that is wrong. i never ment to blow up your house, why would i, if i was just trolling i wouldnt have fixed it, the redmatter was all i had, lugg is a friend and i lagged out and killed him accidently... i do not play on the nova talk server alot. it is incredibally small minded to think just because i play on another server that i troll on everyother server. you DID agree you actually asked him to ban me. that is not deniable. i said i am sorry, i thought i made it clear that i was sorry. to judge someone because of an accidnet is silly.

how was i in the wrong. it was a total accident, luggious didnt want me banned. now tell me i was in the wrong, you. you are the one who has taken this way over what it was, you made it seem that i tried to grief your home. YOU are in the wrong here in my view, and now i have a very low view of you. we could have left it alone, accepted that i waas sorry, i saved you stuff, i re-built your house and gave you extra as a token of aplolgy, yet you feel it right to get me banned and bend the truth to make me look bad, i am sure you didnt tell danny that it was an accident, why would you talk to him anyway? so quite fankly i am disgusted at you, you take a situation which had be sorted and changed the truth, plus judged me on things that you didint know about.

please, feel free to try and defend yourself for this, but i dont think i will really look at you as a friend now.

11 mins ago

Reply to user · Kick ;I did not agree that i asked him to ban you.

I agreed that i told him i would like you banned.

I was going to leave it be after the situation.

But because you did the same thing to Luggious afterwards, this changed my opinion.

Luggious may not have wanted you banned because you are friends, I have no problem with that whatsoever.

I would like it if you could explain to me how exactly I "bent the truth".

I didn't tell Danny it was an accident no, as afterwards, I didn't think it was an accident.

Why would I talk to him? I actually know him quite well. To start with, I was merely going to ask him for a rollback in that area, and carry on as normal. But as I have said, you did it again which changed my opinion.

Please don't be disgusted with me, its not like I destroyed all your work or anything.

"Judged me on things that you didint know about." Please explain.

I'm not defending myself. I have nothing to defend myself about. I haven't done anything wrong.

I'm not even attacking you, I just don't want more people's work destroyed. BARNEY626


7 mins; ago;you knew NOTHING about the situation with luggious and yet you let that change your mind? xXMasterJackXx

6 mins ago;

Reply to user · Kick Okay, I did not know what you did to Luggious, I accept that.

But he said something about Barney why would you do that, 4 hours of work etc etc.

That was enough for me to conclude you had done the same to Luggious.

I am thankfull you see my point of view.

You said you "accidently killed luggious with lightening".

May I ask why you were playing with lightening around Luggious anyway? xXMasterJackXx

5 mins ago

Reply to user · Kick I have to go for a bit, I will answer you later.

And please, do not think this is personal, we were friends before this, I am only saying what i'm thinking. BARNEY626

2 mins agono, you made it personal, not me. please, continue this on the ban appeal, its a pain having to change between pages :/

you have made the situation worse when you didnt have to, we are not going to be friends because now i have seen what you do to friends. you ban them for an accident. you cannot deny that. if you do, i will think even less of you.

i have 10 screenshots of the conversation, i will upload them as soon i am at home.