they just shut them down a little bit ago. take yeild's advice. this could take a while.
m7md2011 wrote:
before 6 hours i was on another server and it worked
They took down the authentication servers about 30 minutes ago... 6 hours ago, everything was fine.
I hope they fix it soon. I'm going thru withdrawals and having seizures. is the one fixing it. He says it should be a few more hours until the auth servers are back up. Time for Matt to go to sleep then >.<
is this why for me when i try joining it keeps coming upo saying i am not white listed for this server?
Servers must be fixed now, I can get on all servers except for minetowns, and im getting the not whitelisted message aswell, guessing mods are working on server?
Yea I figured something was wrong I logged onto another server after like 2 hours of spam went to log on minetown and a tear slowly dripped off the side of my face as all my hopes and dreams of playing faded.
Mechman007 wrote:
Servers must be fixed now

Mechman007 wrote:
all servers except for minetowns

S'all back to normal now....