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[Enjin Archive] Best Story Receives 500k MTC
Started by [E] Danny

This is the story of my first day on MineTown.

I was on Youtube, browsing Minecraft videos, when I saw "MineTown FanMade Trailer". I was interested so I watched the video. That video really wanted me to play the server so I got the I.P and logged in. Sadly, I was a guest. I still somehow managed to get to town, now known as Bball_town. I saw a really nice house which someone was just finishing, but what intrigued me the most, was that someone was actually throwing out valuables to the crowd of people waiting down below. I decided MineTown was a awesome place for me to start really enjoying minecraft at its finest. I sent in a application and waited a few days until I saw that Wonderful "Accepted". I was really excited to get to know the community and start building. The first place I went? Bball_town. I had little material, and no money but I was still welcomed to the town by a former resident who i remember as "Kevin". He showed me the warps and eventually, asked me if I wanted a house. I accepted his offer and thought I would get something inside of town. Instead, we built a house right outside of the town behind a tiny litte snow hill. I was excited and was living out my days when I saw a suited figure at my door. I now know as joey_dev and we are good friends. He looked at me and said "what is this". I replied quickly, "My House". Right after I identified it as my house I got a /msg from Kevin, saying "Shhh!' I would not know what he meant until a few minutes later. Let me tell you, I was scared! He had that staff like feel to him, I thought I was going to get banned right away! He had a bodyguard like suit on and had a little bluetooth earpiece, Now that i think of it, He even had that "sawine afk mode" too, I would find him in one spot and he wouldnt move for an hour. So back to the house, He said "It is very rude how you built a house right outside my town, you could have asked me." I felt very awkward at that moment and realized that I knew that Kevin was telling me that I should of said it wasn't my house, and that I was just exploring. I didn't agree with that so I asked for joeys forgiveness and asked for a town house lot. He replied yes and I paid him some gold i scrounged up. I was going to be living in the town that made me love minetown without even experiencing it yet. I was bored yet did not feel like gathering house materials, so I decided to do a little plorin'. I went to the spawn and headed north. I saw the big fountain and decided to get to the top, while trying I plummeted down to what looked like a sewer, It was dark and damp down there, it smelled like despair, I decided that I would explore it a little, but I was determined not to be slain by any odd sewage monsters down there. I explored the passage way and got a little glampse at what looked like another player, I decided, hey maybe he could be my first minetown friend, so I chased that mysterious figure in the sewers for a long time when it disapeared out of no where, I still wonder today, who was it? was it Sawine dumping minetowns nuclear waste in the sewer? was it DanniDorrito hiding the dead bodies of her former Gimps? Was it Herobrine? Who was it? Was it you?

Well here is my minetown story:

When I first looked on YouTube for epic minecraft servers I had the free version but I was goin to upgrade when I found a good server. So after roaming all the servers that I have checked out all looked dull and no fun then I found minetowns fan made trailer. I watche it the first time and I fell in love. Drop party's, throwing snowballs at sawine, market place I felt like I was at home. I just needed to join this server and so I did. I applied my application in and roamed the forum page for 3 days till I was accepted. Looking around I was just shocked with all the cool things I saw. Events, job oppertuniyies, auction, voting system, etc. I just had to go on and do I did the day before my app was accepted I found out I could enter minetown as a guest and I roamed spawn. The first thing that blew my mind was the church I was amazed then all the houses around the spawn area. It all just took my breath away and I will never forget that. Finally acceptance day ire accepted my application and I was free to play minetown. When I first logged on I noticed the different colored name tags and I first played in a. Free build classic server for caznowl and in that server colored names= ranks for what u build u get a higher rank and so I thought this was the same so I talked on minetown. For about 20 minutes I was ignored no one talked to me then I met kutha he was awesome we hung out at his police station until he could get someone to get me a house plot. He showed me some of his DJ skills and I just enjoyed the laughter and how much fun I was having. Minetown made me feel like I was at home as if I had friends who cared for 1 another and helped each other out. After I found a house plot me and kutha still stayed in touch an he gave me all the supplies I needed for my house and a pickaxe armor etc basic iron and diamond stuff. I was enjoying my self after a week of playing my house was finished I was set I just roamed around minetown just in curiosity I then found my self as a helper for a hunger games event these people were setting up and so I helped out and became co owner of the event. I made friends I mined gold diamonds iron and enjoyed life. I still remember the first time Matt opened climb and I was there to play it was awesome there were some cheats that I showed him and no today warp climb is cheat free and a amazing event. My life had expanded from just 1 house to now have ing 5 houses and I only use 1. Then I meet drink and after a while we made warp sky city an the first week of it open it was amazing I even made a shop there and made some money. After a while I got bored and I wanted to feel like I was a owner so I then made warp caist. Thanks to fat jones ( he was my friend till I made the town ) he ruine my town but I still made some money off of it and it's still active. Thanks to the voting system and all the events that were going on like HDome when that was active I was there the first day and I won 5 times in a row till I had to leave. But I felt rich all the diamonds gold and Mtc I had was just amazing. Minetown is forever my server I will never leave it for some other server. I remember when someone was leaving the server and so he gave me and I believe matt like 5 stacks of diamonds and gold each and well I accepted it lol free money. Then when the marriage plugin was introduce to me I married Wing bat25 it lasted for 3 days we had so much fun till the day I logged in and found out she was perm banned for using an alt account and worse part wing said she was a girl and I heard she is a he o.O I still dot know wings true gender lol but it was fun while it lasted. Now to this day Ive made so many friends I made an awesome town at warp ocean view I bought my own vault and krystalin ( awesome and funny mod ) hooked me up with my signs in Spanish lol. I now currently build epic projects for people who pay me well and in proud to say im in the sigh clan and I am a lord general. Our clan was rivals with alien and I killed there entire clan over and over again. I still don't know how but I even killed landr0 after him killin me 20 times and I killed revels without a scratch. Now my epic builds have gone to a entirely new lvl. I've made a battleship, I'm working on an all iron block plane, I'm in charge of making a star wars ship for my clan, and now the most fun im ever going to have in this server is making my 2 dragons build. I'm not working on it until I get more supplies and im done my plane. This is my story of minetown from my beginning to now. To all my friends who har supporte me in the past and now I respect u and may god bless u all. I may not win this story thing but at least in here I can let out my story about my experience in this server even with trueruroini trolling me around as a little dog or flying squid minetown is my home. I will never leave. Thanks for reading my story and god bless minetown best server ever.
Once upon a time I built the sheep cannon. The original one would fire hundreds of mobs in all directions.

We gathered a croud of about 15 people and fired the sheep. They landed and died on impact.

Someone yelled: again! So Nickuru spawned 500 more, and we fired it again. Dead sheep everywhere, spread out over hundreds of blocks.

Someone yelled: now do cows! So Nickuru spawned 500 cows, and we fired it again. Dead cows everywhere.

Someone yelled: now do ocelots! So Nickuru spawned 500 ocelots... we fired the cannon...

Ocelots do not take fall damage...

OH FFFUUUUUUUUU..............
i was once mining at bedrock level when i dug up some dirt, i saw a patch of lava and stayed completely still i i sound that was sorta a phew and then my finger twitched in the tension of being so close to lava and guess what finger it was... it was the finger on the left click button on my mouse which made me go forwards and me and my gold, redstone, iron, diamond, cole, glowstonedust, books, 2 diamond pics, like 1000 cobble (which i payed for and needed desperately) and much much more valuable items which i payed for and carefully mined (i also had like 32 blocks of lapis) all fell into the lava and burned, when i returned everything had already burned and i had nothing left.

That's it xD.

Hope u liked it THIS WAS NOT MADE UP (some members would probably remember me constantly rambling about it all day and a mod telling me to be quiet)
Well this is my mine town story

Well me and my friend halos1518 where minning and i wanted a silk touch pickaxe so bad then he finally sold it to me for 128d i was so happy i finally had 1 so then we found a mineshaft i went to get some food then i tpa back to him then GUESS what happens next i fall in lava

the reason i fell in lava was because i was running around spawn when he accepted it and there was a lava pool near him so i ran straight in the lava and i was really angry i made pe's asking for refunds i asked mods but i did not get a refund.

hope you enjoyed reading the end. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
I remember when LomTown was trying to take over MineTown lol.

The Loms were slowly pushing their new policies onto MineTownians who were trying to make an honest living. The Loms's new policies prohibited structures being built in the sky. My real estate company, Cyto PPTY Co. (a division of the Cyto Group Corporation), was contacted by one of the Loms stating that I had to tear down a house I built in Cloud City for some clients of mine.

At first I thought this was a joke. But slowly the Loms starting entering into global about how we had lost our rights to speak, buy & sell, etc. I ended up saying in global chat that I would "...sue the Loms for trying to tear my home down (or something along those lines)", but was informed by one of the Loms saying that I had lost my right to sue. This started ticking me off so I ended up leaving "LomTown" for a day or so (flight from FUK to NRT to LAX to ORD). I came back on after arriving in ORD to find out that Sawine saved MineTown from the Loms.

*To readers: FUK is not what you think it is, it is the IATA code (International Air Transport Association airport code) for Fukuoka Airport in Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan.
Well, i wrote 7 paragraphs of story but it seems that im a twit and i deleted the page by accident :banghead:

But anyways

A long time ago... In a Minecraft server far far away....

There was me, yea thats it, me

one day i was walking though a forrest mining wood from trees as a would to stock my shop known then as LuggShop (or shortcut to market place to other members) when i came across a little grean thing...

I observed its shape, sort of inappropriate shaped with random textured in its body, it hissed whenever i approched it, when a poked it it would grow large and fat then explode with a poof of white smoke... With the shock of its explosion i was murdered instantly and painfully with silktouch crap and lots of logs.

then it was done... /ragequit

wait this is wrong, so wrong in so many ways i shall stop. oh noes i got image in mah head nao! <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f635.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":dizzy:">:dizzy:</object>

ill go take mah amaezing grammer skillz elswere :3



oh yea, dont send me the cash please, i dont want no moneys D:
bumpity bump
the sequel to my last story that i forgot to tell:

I was wandering through a tainga biome killing skeletons, harvesting wood, looking for wolves to add to my wolf family and i had finally gotten all my stuff back from my last accident including an awesomely highly enchanted diamond sword plus a few extra diamonds than before, when i climbed up on a mountain then saw a tree and thought i could make it, although when i was jumping, i realised i only had two hearts left!

So i died, and when i came back to the spot the objects had already expired so i had lost them, but that is not the worst bit, i was building a small stall in my town-in-progress to make some extra cha ching to get my stuff back when i creeper, a sneaky creeper came up behind me and i heard a small ssssssssst... i turned and saw a creeper and ran as fast as i could away and that was the one time THE ONE TIME my wolves decided not to follow me and went down with the creeper.