This is the story of my first day on MineTown.
I was on Youtube, browsing Minecraft videos, when I saw "MineTown FanMade Trailer". I was interested so I watched the video. That video really wanted me to play the server so I got the I.P and logged in. Sadly, I was a guest. I still somehow managed to get to town, now known as Bball_town. I saw a really nice house which someone was just finishing, but what intrigued me the most, was that someone was actually throwing out valuables to the crowd of people waiting down below. I decided MineTown was a awesome place for me to start really enjoying minecraft at its finest. I sent in a application and waited a few days until I saw that Wonderful "Accepted". I was really excited to get to know the community and start building. The first place I went? Bball_town. I had little material, and no money but I was still welcomed to the town by a former resident who i remember as "Kevin". He showed me the warps and eventually, asked me if I wanted a house. I accepted his offer and thought I would get something inside of town. Instead, we built a house right outside of the town behind a tiny litte snow hill. I was excited and was living out my days when I saw a suited figure at my door. I now know as joey_dev and we are good friends. He looked at me and said "what is this". I replied quickly, "My House". Right after I identified it as my house I got a /msg from Kevin, saying "Shhh!' I would not know what he meant until a few minutes later. Let me tell you, I was scared! He had that staff like feel to him, I thought I was going to get banned right away! He had a bodyguard like suit on and had a little bluetooth earpiece, Now that i think of it, He even had that "sawine afk mode" too, I would find him in one spot and he wouldnt move for an hour. So back to the house, He said "It is very rude how you built a house right outside my town, you could have asked me." I felt very awkward at that moment and realized that I knew that Kevin was telling me that I should of said it wasn't my house, and that I was just exploring. I didn't agree with that so I asked for joeys forgiveness and asked for a town house lot. He replied yes and I paid him some gold i scrounged up. I was going to be living in the town that made me love minetown without even experiencing it yet. I was bored yet did not feel like gathering house materials, so I decided to do a little plorin'. I went to the spawn and headed north. I saw the big fountain and decided to get to the top, while trying I plummeted down to what looked like a sewer, It was dark and damp down there, it smelled like despair, I decided that I would explore it a little, but I was determined not to be slain by any odd sewage monsters down there. I explored the passage way and got a little glampse at what looked like another player, I decided, hey maybe he could be my first minetown friend, so I chased that mysterious figure in the sewers for a long time when it disapeared out of no where, I still wonder today, who was it? was it Sawine dumping minetowns nuclear waste in the sewer? was it DanniDorrito hiding the dead bodies of her former Gimps? Was it Herobrine? Who was it? Was it you?
I was on Youtube, browsing Minecraft videos, when I saw "MineTown FanMade Trailer". I was interested so I watched the video. That video really wanted me to play the server so I got the I.P and logged in. Sadly, I was a guest. I still somehow managed to get to town, now known as Bball_town. I saw a really nice house which someone was just finishing, but what intrigued me the most, was that someone was actually throwing out valuables to the crowd of people waiting down below. I decided MineTown was a awesome place for me to start really enjoying minecraft at its finest. I sent in a application and waited a few days until I saw that Wonderful "Accepted". I was really excited to get to know the community and start building. The first place I went? Bball_town. I had little material, and no money but I was still welcomed to the town by a former resident who i remember as "Kevin". He showed me the warps and eventually, asked me if I wanted a house. I accepted his offer and thought I would get something inside of town. Instead, we built a house right outside of the town behind a tiny litte snow hill. I was excited and was living out my days when I saw a suited figure at my door. I now know as joey_dev and we are good friends. He looked at me and said "what is this". I replied quickly, "My House". Right after I identified it as my house I got a /msg from Kevin, saying "Shhh!' I would not know what he meant until a few minutes later. Let me tell you, I was scared! He had that staff like feel to him, I thought I was going to get banned right away! He had a bodyguard like suit on and had a little bluetooth earpiece, Now that i think of it, He even had that "sawine afk mode" too, I would find him in one spot and he wouldnt move for an hour. So back to the house, He said "It is very rude how you built a house right outside my town, you could have asked me." I felt very awkward at that moment and realized that I knew that Kevin was telling me that I should of said it wasn't my house, and that I was just exploring. I didn't agree with that so I asked for joeys forgiveness and asked for a town house lot. He replied yes and I paid him some gold i scrounged up. I was going to be living in the town that made me love minetown without even experiencing it yet. I was bored yet did not feel like gathering house materials, so I decided to do a little plorin'. I went to the spawn and headed north. I saw the big fountain and decided to get to the top, while trying I plummeted down to what looked like a sewer, It was dark and damp down there, it smelled like despair, I decided that I would explore it a little, but I was determined not to be slain by any odd sewage monsters down there. I explored the passage way and got a little glampse at what looked like another player, I decided, hey maybe he could be my first minetown friend, so I chased that mysterious figure in the sewers for a long time when it disapeared out of no where, I still wonder today, who was it? was it Sawine dumping minetowns nuclear waste in the sewer? was it DanniDorrito hiding the dead bodies of her former Gimps? Was it Herobrine? Who was it? Was it you?