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[Enjin Archive] Best Story Receives 500k MTC
Started by [E] Danny

Hey guys! It's Danny, and boy do I have credits to give~

Because I love hearing stories, I've decided to give 500,000 MTC to the person who can tell their best and most memorable memories from MineTown. Everyone is eligible to win, you just have to post your stories here following some basic guidelines~

  1. Keep it PG 13
  2. No Cussing or Swearing
  3. Must Be True
  4. No Mocking or Replying to Other's Posts

Once you post your story do not post again. This is so the thread stays on topic and all stories are easy to find instead of pages and pages of non-sense, failure to follow this rule or any of the other rules stated above will result in disqualification from the contest, no if's and's or but's >_>



NOTE: MTC will be given on the main server, not any other, though your stories can be from ANY of MineTown's worlds~


Once Upon a time.... I used MOB DISGUISE....As a chicken...I tp'd to some person that was tending to their chicken farm. Well for a good 20 mins I was a pesky chicken who kept getting out of the gate before he/she could close the gate. Honestly the most fun I have ever had. The player would push me in run out and try and shut the gate but i was just to quick lol. Eventually they just gave up and tp'd away but not after a good 20 mins of trying to get me to stay xD
So one day i met this really cool guy name dannyboyg1 and he let me in his faction called bass. The end.
My MT story:

Well, when i had first joined Minetown, I was kinda lost. I did decide to get on the mumble server, and that's when i met drakat and krystlin. Drakat helped me get start on Minetown.

Once i was set for a while, i started to get really involved in the community. I decided to head over to the other servers like the DEV. Where i met sayomie and ally. I'm not really sure, But i think sayomie clicked with me, Him and I could talk about anything. I started playing on the DEV more then the main. Building everything block-by-block. Aly(sayomie's sister) talked to sayomie, and not a week after i had joined the DEV, i was oped. Building large structures, working with other staff to make a new world amazing. Working with sayomie, aly, sawine, and many more people on that server made me under stand that not only are the people in this community just people, but great friends. Sayomie has stepped down as admin now, and the DEV is quite. I still go on there every once in a while, to work on builds, and help out.

Since then, I had become more engaged in the server then ever before. I got Event staff, I'm helping the community left and right, Minetown even inspired me to give my server a second go, and start learning java!

Because of minetown, I have just been more happy.

That one time where i put my profile picture as Baber's nose then went inactive then got too lazy to change it back.
Here us the story of how I joined Minetown.....

Back in late 2010 to early 2011 I joined a small server called Woodbridge. It was really awesome and I loved going on it everyday. There was lots of people from Minetown who played there like Gatschet, Jace, m04, Jallaf, Spacenarwhal, Darkesthope, Mikeliskewel, Vixen, Nexoes.

During my time on Woodbridge I had signed up for Minetown for no reason other than to talk to some people when it was down.

The donation box started running dry after a while and gatschet passed ownership to a guy called r00kie. We started setting up bigger donation packages and stuff but people just weren't donating. On the last day before the server closed, a guy donated 60 dollars, saving the server, or so we thought.

The donation went to gatchets paypal instead of r00kies paypal so we couldn't pay it....

I was online with 5 others as r00kie told us that he was stopping the server for the last time in 5 minutes. We were all talking and laughing up to the moment when the server went down. I will never forget those guys.

I kind of gave Minecraft up for a while after that, for a good 2 months I think. I then joined Earthcraft for a while until that died, and a few other smaller ones.

None of them were as good as Woodbridge.

EVENTUALLY, I remembered that gatschet, the previous owner of Woodbridge used to play on Minetown, so I logged on to check out, and gatschet was online!

I was so happy to see him and if he wasn't online that day at that very moment, you guys probably wouldn't be stuck with me xD

He showed me around and we talked about Woodbridge until a certain arabic mod called Jallaf threatened to ban me for advertising... lol

I started walking around away from spawn when I found a chest, full of stone and logs and stuff. I took it being stupid and was never caught for it <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f632.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":o">:o</object>

With these stolen goods I built my first house. I then built a few plots around that house and did a bit of landscaping to make it look nice. I sold some plots and built some houses. I decided at that moment I wanted to make the most awesome town in all of Minetown <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>

I thought back to Woodbridge and remembered the town I was helping to build with a mod there called TheAussieSavage, so I decided to call my town Adelaide, in honour of Woodbridge.

I WAS READY TO CONQUER MINETOWN <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>

Once Upon a time.... I used MOB DISGUISE....As a chicken...I tp'd to some person that was tending to their chicken farm. Well for a good 20 mins I was a pesky chicken who kept getting out of the gate before he/she could close the gate. Honestly the most fun I have ever had. The player would push me in run out and try and shut the gate but i was just to quick lol. Eventually they just gave up and tp'd away but not after a good 20 mins of trying to get me to stay xD
Once upon a time, there was a faction on the PVP server called YOLO. It had a really cool sky castle base that everybody wanted to pillage because they were mad at that faction for one reason or another, my guess is people got raided and didn't like it!

So one day I was derping around on the PVP server, and a few members came to me and said "DO YOU WANNA BRING YOLO DOWN?!" since I was a member and could place teh TNT.

Well, having NEVER done ANYTHING like this before, I at first said no. Then I was thinking, well hey this could be fun, it'll keep things interesting on the PVP server. So these few select members and I got in to the base, and BOOOOOOOM! Started placing TNT in ALL the places! A good time was had by all, especially by me and one lovely lady friend of mine DanniDorrito. We were pretty much laughing our little tushies off. We even managed to get some of mrbaconbitts loot, after much piston-placing and lever pulling.

...and then they came online. I said OH CRAP, resigned, and signed off.


Bacon had set his home in my area to previously unclaim chunks for YOLO, which by then had been reclaimed by Danny for Rebels to protect my shizz, yo. Out of nowhere, Bacon comes around and kill me and my boyfriend, but can't get to our stuffs <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f620.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":x">:x</object>

I ran into my obsidian room and closed the door, then proceeded to have this conversation with mrbaconbitts:



"Come on you know you want to <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>"


^^^^^pretty much proceeded like that for about 45 minutes.

For the next few days it was careful timing to get our shizz out while bacon was offline.

This story is definitely going to make me look bad, lol!

I joined in late November, and in a few weeks had the most active and largest town on the server, Shoreline. We were constantly expanding to accomodate more residents. PokemonGardevoir was very active in the town and owned two lots. One day, she and StealthM23 built a castle about 20 blocks or so from my region. I... was not happy. I regret yelling at her so much... I was quite the asshole to her <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/2639.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object>.

She posted on the forums about this, and the whole situation was settled without me, angering me further. DanniDorrito (who is now one of my favorite people on MT) called me "very unapproachable" lolol.

I went on to make my own thread about this, Cookie-ing about how "unfair" this was. Dunsjohn attempted to help, but I was sour and didn't want to listen to anyone without a tag. We finally settled this with a nice hill in between our regions, and I'm sure glad we did.

Pokemon and I are once again great friends on MT, and I definitely regret all the terrible things I said <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f620.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":x">:x</object>.

Links to the threads:

Big Argument Over Building Too Close To Town?

My Side Of The Story Below <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>

Thanks for reading <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
I found minetown in 2010

>Join Minetown

>Get Builder

>Advance to VIP

>Meet all sexy admins

>Meet Cody

>Mumble had only 1 channel

>CatMan becomes my first friend

>GoldenGM Joins

>Broly dun goofed

>CatMan Crail banned

>Gackt pops from no where

>Daniel demoted

>Sawine promoted to admin

>Sawine changes server to be whitelisted

>Cody leaves

>Sawine owner

>More sexy people join server

>Threaten to ban coffeey

>Get promoted

>Omega demoted

>Oki , Arvila demoted

>Prezzle joins

>banned in 1 week over a image editing software

>Creates a revelution

>More staff promoted


What happens in minetown stays in minetown.
When I first joined Minetown, it was on December 24th, the day before Beta arrived. I moved into a town called Crescent which at the time was owned by XxCrialxX and RichardCatman. Me, them, Gackt, Happyworm360, and Zdeath (sorry if I left anyone else out) We used to hang out in Crescent all the time. Its where I started my first shop farming music discs, my first house. Its a lot of good memories back then.