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[Enjin Archive] Ban appeal
Started by Unknown User

I am greatly sorry for my actions and I promise and guarantee that they will not happen again. I just would like to clarify that I did not in any way shape or from say I was going to give them diamonds. Please consider lifting my ban I promise if you do that the only PvP I will take part in is fair and friendly.
Wait. What actions are you sorry for? And what diamonds are you talking about?
When ever lucasgreen postedon here he said that ai tried luring someone with diamnds but u put a pic on here to show him that i did not and u said u lured someone so i guess u are right so i am appoligizing for my actions becuase u are a mod so u have to be right about me luring someone
i put a pic ion here proving i did not luire anyone with diaminds
With Lomanics Permission I am Posting once more. iJordann isnt new to this. As I told darth, he lured multiple people saying that he would give them diamonds, only if they did the command /pvp on. The reason I am defending this reason, is like one of the victims some people dont know what the /pvp commands do. Before my previous posts were taken down, It sayd that He offered the diamonds once I told him he could be banned, and that i am taking screenshots. UNfortunatly my computer was sent for repair so they were proberally deleted. The screenshot that iJordann only shows what happened after the incident. Not before or during. Which brings me to this point here, Again like I said before he offered the diamonds after he was in possesion of all the items that pkmn dropped, then offered only his items back. iJordann said here Quote

"When ever lucasgreen postedon here he said that ai tried luring someone with diamnds but u put a pic on here to show him that i did not and u said u lured someone so i guess u are right so i am appoligizing for my actions becuase u are a mod so u have to be right about me luring someone"

As I said. This only shows what happened after the incident which renders it irrelevant. I am trying to protect the new members who are starting out in MT, as they cherish what they earn. If someone like iJordann comes around offering free diamonds and thelling they to do a command, the new member would think its a good trade off. IT couldnt posssibly be bad. Then they die. They'll say, "This server is really mean. Someone killed me after he said ill get free diamonds" then they will go join a new server and leave mt alone. If I am, excuse the "worst case scenario" But chances are, they will leave bad reviews. And thats not good! This is my personal opinion, but why would he post the screenshot of what happened afterwards? It dosent add up in my head.

Please consider all of the Evidence I brought forward today, and please pm me if you need anything cleared up! I suck at writing,


Well i never said pkm,n would get his stuff back and i gave hiom hios diam,nds and he threw them back at me and for the othwer people i gave them diamnd and arm,or becuase i was thinking i could get introuble so i was lkke i have to give the diand since i said i would and then i gave the diamnd lucasgreen so you need to get ur story stirtght becuase i did give the diands!!!!!!!!!
And yes i said i would give him diam,nds after he did pvp so how is it inrellavant that i treid giving hi rthe diamnds after the incident?
annd darth and e have already resocled the situation that you are talking about ;ucasgrewen he knows i gave them, diands like i said and was telling e in the gae that i had to give there stuff back and would niot get banned if i did so i gave there stfff baxck so i would stay not banned lucasgreen so please stay ourt of e and yield appeal
Why did u stop commenting o my appeal
Disrespecting Staff, Lieing to Staff....

In my decission you dont Need an unban, but its Not my decission. Lets wait for Yield or the Staff Committee for a final decission.