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[Enjin Archive] Ban appeal
Started by Unknown User

Username: iJordann

When you were banned : (6/20/2012)

Person who banned you idk i forgot.

Reason you were banned: LUring? i dont see how i was in the end and wanted to battle some one so i did /tpahere (name) he accpeted i got hit hit him back he fell in a hole so did i thhen i went back to the hole went in and got our stuff but of course i kept the loot who woudlnt keep it? It is pretty ridiclous iof yu ask me and my feeind said i got banned from a trial mod and the mod said tries giving the kid dimands when i never said i was my freind juist told me tht as i am typing now!! so i am pretty mad becuase i never said i would give him diamnds that is a lieng mod and my freinds thans it is crasp tht the mod sad i triwed lurong weith diamnfs and anyway i just sent him a tpa request he accpted it and hit me so i jhit him and we bnothfell then he said lets battle and i said ok so we battled and he lost and then we did again so how the heck am i banned this is a bunch of bs sawine u arw gonig to lose a;ot of people if ur mods arwe trating players like this?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank tyou
Ok, I teleported to the exact point in which you sent a tpahere command and this is what I see...

You are right next to a deep hole, facing it in fact. I poked around in the hole and you have dug some of it. How is this not luring?
Yeah actully i did dig sdome of it after we both fell in it so i could go down and get the stuff? did u ever think of tht???? FGuess not so yeah and firat off all i wasnt there he accpeted my tp and hit me so i hit him and he fell in the whole????????!
Your activity in the hole was at 21:22:23 and yet, you sent the tpahere command at 21:24:38.


So, you went in the hole before you requested someone to come to you to get the items that wouldn't be there for another 5 minuets? Explain this.

Also, if you are going to disrespect me, I will end this appeal right now.
Ok? i didt know a was being disrepsectful sorry. zBut yeah i went donw there to see what it was also efior i tpa him beduase i am not sed to seeing big giant holes ibn the middlwe if the ground so i dug down there to check it out then went up sent hom a tpa he acc[eted it twhen i was aways from it then he hit me sos i hit him and we both fell and died
Your home is set on the netherack block. Homes are used when you need to get back to a point, usually more than once. Why would you set your home at the bottom of this hole. Why would you go to this home just moments after jordn14 died here?
well yeah i sat my home there becuase i started thinking people could fall into this trap so i will comw by evetynoce in a while to chwck t to see if there is loot. Thts why i set it there after he died
Cuz what i did was when we both fell in there and died i went back to get the loot and was like might as well set my home here incase people fall in here and i can do /home to get there loot
Ok, Let's take this from the top... You want to battle... So you teleport some one to you in a pvp active zone. I'm not seeing anything in your logs showing that you warned jordn14 in chat of your intentions.
Yes i was going to tell him when he got there but he just hit me so i was like he hit me first so why not hit him back? thts why i am cinfused he hit me first so why am i banned? i dont get it i mean we both died i just got back to the place first ang got the loot i didnt know tht was a crime in minetown:(