i need help getting unbanned i did nothing wrong i stole from someone and then got banned for a week and then went back on to the server to see my becon was gone so i went to the base i stole from and there was it my becon so i just wanted me beacon back and i got banned again and hes user is MatthewIsAnApple
To start us off, I have a question.
This beacon that you say is yours, who placed it originally? Was it you?
This beacon that you say is yours, who placed it originally? Was it you?
yes it was me who origanaly placed it down i bougth it myself
Wrong answer

I don't know if you're lying or just very confused, but this is NOT your base. It's owned by Barsoom2009 and LTFIRSTPLACE
I don't know if you're lying or just very confused, but this is NOT your base. It's owned by Barsoom2009 and LTFIRSTPLACE
MatthewIsAnapple banned me for a week be cuz i stole i totaly deserved it but now matthewisanapple thougt that all the beacons that wore in my base wore the other players stuff and then he did not now that one of the beacons wore mine so i went back to the base took the iron blocks and my beacon because it was mine and then before i got banned that beacon and the iron blocks wore not there and so that means that matthewisanapple took the iron blocks and my beacon went back to the base and then made a new iron block pyramid and and then placed my becon on top of the pyramid
Form: Axo
To: BumpyBobooo
Form: Axo
To: BumpyBobooo
and just to be clear i know this isnt my base and it not the same beacon we are talking about just pls balive me i bougth the beacon my self
and it isnt the worng answer cuz i took several diffrent beacons from this perosn wich one of them i bougth my self and yet not matthewisanapple gave MY beacon to hih.
oh and aslso i was banned for 4 weeks now its 3 weeks
The beacons you stole from this place are not yours. They were placed BEFORE you joined the server.
You haven't given me a single reason why I should shorten your ban
The beacons you stole from this place are not yours. They were placed BEFORE you joined the server.
You haven't given me a single reason why I should shorten your ban
you dont understand on of does beacons wore MINE