true, i need to know ahead of time if this project is going to be rentable (the rooms). This information will determin whether I want to work on interior of staterooms or B deck placement. Please respond quickely!! Im scheduled for a new building project!! hurry!
i probably wont be, due to the fact that i will be hosting events on the ship. i may reserve a deck for this purpose, but thats in the future as the ship isnt even finished yet.

if u guys want i can be of assistance as well as i can this looks like an awesome project
You guys need any help? I can offer my aid in this project somewhat. Most of my MT time is spent helping run the Millenium Empire
True I've noticed that now that ur a mod that u never have any time to work on it and what eve free time u have u spend troll ing me lmao but I would be willing to help u out if u like just send me a message inform of the schematic and where u r at and I will get to work.
that would be great, as my trolling you does take up alot of time time sadly.... ill send you the schematic and show you were you can start. materials are a lil scarce right now, as i stopped collecting a long time ago.... ill provide what i can though and work on procuring more.
Ok then sounds good also I'm unable to play on mine town u can see y that is on my wall but once I get back I will put my plane project on hold and then work on the titanic. And looking at the titanic from what I have saw ur mixed every where in this place as if u skipped to a of layers In the schematic. Time to get that fixed I will work from down up.
yea, at the time i was just focused on getting the exterior completed so i just built what was needed for reference points. it easy to mess up as only a portion of the ship is visible at any given time. ill show you were to start, becasue the boiler/engine room will have to be built from the top down do to an error i made wen i built the first deck....
Sounds like me when I was doing the control tower in my battleship the spot next to it that looks like it holds missiles and has a black wool tower that I had to redo cause u had to start from the top.