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[Enjin Archive] Minetown Railway Needs Work
Started by [E] randalserrano

Don't try and ostracise me just because I disagree with you.

Trust me, no matter how fast a server is, minecart rides will always be jittery.
Omg tp not everyone n the fuking world will be using the track at the same time!

.... Plz excuse my language <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>

As for lag that sorts it, it won't make any lag for others, at least not enough to notice

It was never ment to be used as transport, I see it as more of a novelty which is an interesting thing to do

And finally

Well done tp you worked out that city's are in different places! Congrats! But u seem to think it is impossable to make a bend in the track, how strange, I considerd you to have a brain! <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>

Anyway, I still want to go ahead with it, it is probly not a practical way to travel but it shows the commitment of the community (well, some) and makes it more interesting

I am all for nemenix leading this project!

Tp if you have nothing constructive to say please say no more, your view is now known but will not change my mind, please stop spamming and making an augment out of something that is ment to help the community!
BARNEY, no cursing, This is supposed to be a friendly argument.
BARNEY626 wrote:

Tp if you have nothing constructive to say please say no more, your view is now known but will not change my mind, please stop spamming and making an augment out of something that is ment to help the community!

I have offered nothing but constructive criticism, I'm disgusted that you're saying that I'm spamming. If you can't take a little mature disagreement then I'd like this thread locked.

Considering you're resorting to offensive sarcasm to try and fend me off, I'd suggest that you are the one providing poor input.

I don't have anything more to say on this.
I never meant this for this thread to have any offensive posts. BARNEY, you need to control your temper. AS Tprezzley said, "I have offered nothing but constructive criticism." He has some points. Minecarts have always been laggy. If people think they will be too laggy, they don't have to ride them. This is just supposed to be a fun and less energy wasting way to explore Minetown and its beauty. Please, no more offensive posts. I want to keep this thread opened and get some more feedback. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
I do apologise about the language

Tp I am not offended, really, who are you to ask to have this thread locked?

You have made me think about how this project could function and it has improved my view

I would like to state I am not trying to fend you off just your constant attempt at trying to crash the project

I see your comments not as constructive as you provide no alternative but only criticism and you seem to be unable to recognise the fact that some other people have different views to you and may want to do things differently to you

I see absolutely nothing I have posted as poor input as you put it the only reason for the language was to express the point, plz take not of the apology and face at the end

I am sorry tp but it seems you are trying to crash the project, like you seem to do a lot of the time on other projects, the most recent one being pokes signatures...
I wish Poke all the best with her signatures, and I wish you all the best with the spawn rail project. I'm only telling you what I think of it, constructively.

Randal has a better idea than you, he's keeping a level of moderation here. I suggest you follow suit, stop scraping arguments from the bottom of the barrel just because somebody doesn't share your opinion.

Anyway, best of luck Randal.
He suggested to have it locked if it keeps going the way it is. And as far as I am concerned BARNEY, he is actually helping out. I want feedback. That means either positive or negative. He has provided some valid points that would need to be looked at before this project even comes close to starting. And thanks Tprezzley and everyone else for the feedback!
This is getting out of hands, I gonna close this thread to avoid any offenses...
