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[Enjin Archive] Minetown Railway Needs Work
Started by [E] randalserrano

BARNEY626 wrote:
Maybe we do need a schem or classification of what to connect to....

Please remember the town owner will have to apply for it, maybe we should add a cost for applying to support the project and deter smaller town owners ,who aren't that bothered, to waster our materials...

That actually sounds good. Because It would be very costly to build to all of the cities who just applied for free. I was also thinking they have to build their own station. We just build the railway.
If nobody has problems with it, i will lead this project. Let me create a thread in some mins.
The problem is, having railway connections to all major towns in MineTown would take a hell of a lot of work. Not to mention the fact that you would see railways wherever you went in the wilderness - also bearing in mind that they would have to be at least 10 tracks wide to provide for people coming and going.

That's just the larger cities, small towns too Barney? That would be ridiculous, not only would the staff be swamped with applications to have a railway to their towns, but Minetown would become a web of minecart tracks.

This is out of the question, far too much work for too little a reward. It's a nice idea but it's pointless, we have the /warp command. Why do people want to sit in a minecart for ten minutes to get to another city (Bear in mind that they can be VERY far away from one another) when they can do it in a second?

Not to mention the fact that on large, laggy SMP servers, minecart journeys are jumpy and annoying.
Like i said TPrezzly, I think the people who want to have a town connected should have a large town. And if there are any small towns that we cut through, they will be granted access as well. But of course, these towns would have to pay large amounts to be connected which would keep the applications at bay. My definition of a large town is would be Vegas for instance. So there wouldn't be very many towns that size.
Regardless, there are a ton of major cities MILES away from spawn, tracks would have to cut through the wilderness and people's land.
Ok tp you seem to be mistaken....a lot.....

Firstly the tracks only need to be two tracks wide,the same as the current design

Also you are saying that the rails will destroy the wilderness, there is plenty of wilderness to use

We arn't going to make one track of every town it will be more like on continuose track

/warp isn't as easy as u think, u need to know the warp first!

Also apps will be done through one forum thread not pe's

Also it shows your selfish side when you say too little reward, what would you count as a reward? Money?


I was more thinking of helping the community and having something to be proud of...

Also the money from apps will go to buying mats and maybe a new train station at spawn?

Not for workers profit

It is volunteer work not paid...
Reward doesn't have to mean money.

I mean too little a reward for the community, when compared to the amount of work that would have to be put in. How selfish..

EDIT: Tracks would need to go off in all directions for thousands of blocks for this to even work. One continuous track is not an option. And yes, there would need to be many more tracks if you want people to actually use it, two tracks will clog up.

EDIT EDIT: Lots of carts = lots and lots and lots of lag, bad idea.
Tprezzley, there is a plugin that can be used to where tracks wouldn't have to be clogged up with just 2 tracks. It actually schedules trains to come in at certain times. Which means there would be no need to put your own minecart on the track. Actually, it probably wouldn't be allowed when it is complete. As far as the continuous track, why wouldn't it be an option? It isn't like there are very limited resources to build it. Since a moderator would be leading this project, it would actually be quite the contrary. If you know how railways IRL work, There are usually loops. That way, certain train systems can keep to a schedule. The same could be said for this railway system. If you are saying we should just tear the railways down, then that would be a wasted effort from the people that actually took their time to build them. The Minetown railways should be finished to show appreciation to those people and to get it done. Who cares if there are warps and tp's? A lot of people would still use it to look at the wilderness and other parts of Minetown they haven't seen.
You're missing all the obvious flaws.

1. Cities are in opposite directions, to have one continuous track would be absurd (Kind of like a knotted snake..)

2. It doesn't matter what plugin works with the minecart times, minecarts on tracks = lag, a lot of it.

3. The spawn rail was never intended to reach across all of Minetown, only the spawn area - their efforts won't be wasted. It was merely for the novelty anyway, not for genuine transport.

4. I don't care about resources, that was never the issue.
Tprezzle, as far as the spawn rail, your wrong, there are all kinds of incomplete tracks that are from that railway. If you look at the map, you will know what I mean. As far as the minecart lag deal, There wont be very much lag when Minetown goes on the New server cluster. And as far as the cities being in opposite directions, I have looked at the map lately and the major cities are actually lined up pretty well. It shouldn't be very hard to make a loop. It seems you are the only one that is disagreeing with this discussion. Everyone else seems to like the idea and wants to help.