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[Enjin Archive] Minetown Railway Needs Work
Started by [E] randalserrano

I have noticed that the Minetown Railway has been falling apart due to griefing. It also seems unfinished. If you need someone to help return it to its glory, I would be more than happy to do it. I love building railroads and hate the fact that people are griefing this thing to where it is in disrepair. If this part of Minetown does get repaired and finished, It would be an enjoyable way to see the server and its major towns and cities. I believe there is a plugin that could also be used to Make the railway even better. It involves being able to link together minecarts to make trains and also making train stops/schedules. I would love to see feedback for this thread <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
Yea I was asking heiwashin about this the other day. I'd be glad to help aswell.
It is a beautiful railway system that looks like has taken a long time to build. I hate to see things like that fall into disrepair and go unfinished due to griefing. If we can get it back up, It would be awesome to travel on. Imagine being able to see all of the beautiful scenery while traveling to your destination. I know we have warps and tp's but this would be awesome to have for people who love to see the whole of Minetown.
I can help

How about we have every section connected cos some bits don't connect to spawn

We also need to promote it at spawn more, with directions to it!

We need toget it protected then have elect a project leader then make an app form for workers so we can add them to it firstly to avoid griefing from non builders then allow workers to build on it and stuff!

It would be a good thing to do, finish off the big rail
We also need a list of city's and owners so we know what city to connect to what
I would love to help out too!

Just remember, that this is a massive project. It will take a lot of time and effor! ;D

With enough workers about 20max it really isn't that big a project, if the staff could kindly supply SOME resources that would make things a lot easier, especially the rails!

Ok, a lot of track needs to be laid but it isn't complicated or anything, just takes time I guess

It also seems the original people who started the rail are now inactive about it.

So user no reason for us, the minetown community, takeover and finish it!
The effort would be well worth it! As far as the city connections go, I think only larger towns (unless we are cutting through smaller ones) should be allowed to apply. If it is cutting through or very close to a smaller town, then but of course they should be allowed to have a stop. (granted they build their own station) Ind I also think they railway should be protected. (should have been long ago) As for the leadership I believe that would be a moderators job. As they could give perms to a structure like that.
It was mentioned that the railway was a staff members "baby" project, hopeful you guys can swing in and help get it finished <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>
I agree a mod needs to lead this

As for small towns, how would you define small town? Hm? It is a very subjective term and sizeist view (I think I just made a new word lol)

All towns should be able to be connected! Why not, they are just as important! They just need to grow! And cutting the Off like that will stop the growing so much

Maybe we do need a schem or classification of what to connect to....

Please remember the town owner will have to apply for it, maybe we should add a cost for applying to support the project and deter smaller town owners ,who aren't that bothered, to waster our materials...