Have you ever wanted to marry a player in game but couldent <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f622.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":cry:">:cry:</object> Well now you can for the low price of 10,000 mt Credits
/marry <player>
/marry accept
/marry deny
Once married you can enjoy endless teleporting to your spouse as well the normal marriage benefits
/marry tp <partner>
/marry tphere <partner>
Have a falling out
and want to get rid of your partner you can do that to
For the low low price of 2,000 Credits ( have to keep the layers happy ) :dollarsign:
/marry divorce <ex partner>
O and it costs 10k Credits to event attempt to marry someone, if they say no
you still loose the credits
So make sure that they / you know what they are getting into before proposing 
Want to know who is married and spread the rummer, you can do that to
/marry list
Plugin is back up an running

/marry <player>

/marry accept

/marry deny

Once married you can enjoy endless teleporting to your spouse as well the normal marriage benefits

/marry tp <partner>

/marry tphere <partner>

Have a falling out

/marry divorce <ex partner>

O and it costs 10k Credits to event attempt to marry someone, if they say no

Want to know who is married and spread the rummer, you can do that to

/marry list

Plugin is back up an running