As I Notice Alot OF Events Happening Lately I've Been Doing Some Research... My Whole Life Has Consisted Of Déjà Vu And Having Memories In Which People Swore They Weren't Mine... Well Lately, Light Has Reacted Around Me... As I Will Be Driving Down The Road And Random Lights Will Go Out And Once I Finish Passing By, They Will Turn Back On... This Has Been Happening for Several Years Now... Doctors Told Me I Have Brain Tumors, Brain Damage, And That I Am Mentally Unstable! Have I Been Back To The Doctors Since? So Here I Am With These Problems,But What If It Is Beyond What We Can Think About...Also Don't Ask, I Have Not Thought About Controlling The Lights...The Lights Usually Go Out When I'm In A Frustrated Or Blank State Of Mind... If I Don't Focus On Anything, This Usually Happens... I Have Seen Things That Cannot Be Explained As It Is Unclear To My Mind... Ok This Might Sound A Little Stupid And Like A Joke But In All Seriousness, The Other Day It Was Raining, I Was Frustrated At This Car In Front Of Me...Well Actually At Everything Because Of EVERY Redlight Turning Red As I Get To Them...All Of them, But Anyway I Was Thinking "I Hope Something Happens To This Car" I'm Sorry For Thinking This Because Right As the Light Turned Green, The Car In Front Of Me Went And A Car From The Side Ran The Redlight And Smashed Into The Side Of That Car In Front Of Me... Could Of Been Coincidence But...I Like To Keep My Mind Open! I Have Been Told By Random People That I Have A Glow To Me...And I Have Seen On Others Too...Like I Said, This Seems Like I Would Be Trolling Or Joking, But I'm Serious... And This Is The Only Place I Talked About This Except For My Old Psychologist Which Told Me Never To Talk About any Of This And Just Pass It By When It Happens...Just Don't Think About It Or You Will End Up In A Mental Hospital...Mhm..Well I Know Others Who Have These "Problems" And Would Like To Hear MT's Phenomenons On This Topic...And Guys...No Trolling!

To counter my trolling, I've just read your post thoroughly this time.
The Deja Vu happens to me as well, it may not be things that have happened to others, but rather - myself...
Sometimes when I'm in a conversation for example, and somebody cracks a joke, I get this vague memory of it happening before. Same scenario, same place. Everything, it's weird.
The Deja Vu happens to me as well, it may not be things that have happened to others, but rather - myself...
Sometimes when I'm in a conversation for example, and somebody cracks a joke, I get this vague memory of it happening before. Same scenario, same place. Everything, it's weird.
yeah, i get the deja vu as well, i also can hear the rf noise from some electronics, most people dont hear that.
as for lights going out while frustrated or in a blank state of mind, ...nope... never had that happen to me, when i am focused or blank minded and staring, my periferal vision fades away, but i dont think thats quite what your talking about
as for lights going out while frustrated or in a blank state of mind, ...nope... never had that happen to me, when i am focused or blank minded and staring, my periferal vision fades away, but i dont think thats quite what your talking about
I think everybody gets de ja vu once in a while.
I remember hearing the scientific explanation before and its something like your brain is slowed down for a second and then suddenly catches up on itself. So its basically like you subconsiously hear the joke... but only process it like half a second later
I remember hearing the scientific explanation before and its something like your brain is slowed down for a second and then suddenly catches up on itself. So its basically like you subconsiously hear the joke... but only process it like half a second later
It Could Be... However Alot Of People Actually Don't Experience it...Like What I Mean Is Some People Will Be OMG I'm Having Deja Vu Right Now...Ok First Off When I Have It...I Cannot Speak About It Until Its Over... Actually Nothing Can Change From what You Think Is Going To Happen...Tried Many Times... Only Failed Attempts... And The Light Thing...Its Been Happening For A While, But Ever Since I Started Meditating, Its Been Happening Everyday At Least A Few Times As Well...So I Don't Know, But I Really Don't Say This Is A Coincidence...Has Anyone Here Done Research On Indigo Humans? My Situation Actually Fits In Perfectly...Except I'm Not Psychic...So Until That Point Well I Will Keep Doing Research And Hopefully Figure Something Out... Its Kinda Crazy
I dont understand what this light thing is??
Is it like physical street lamps turning off?
Is it like physical street lamps turning off?
A messed-up generation.