another valuable member gone....
bye donkey youll be missed <3
<3 Love you all and thanks matt and Oki for those thoughtfull words! The party was amazing the fun was well.. fun and thanks Cold and XC for making me a grave in the spawn grave! Tomorow will be my last day. Sadly... I am not leaving to go to any other sever I would never go to another server. Hope I've been helpfull to everyone in Minetown! Cya guys!
i never really talked with you, but i do remember seeing you chat in global and always thought you were a great guy,
, good luck with what ever you decide to do from here on out, you will be missed.

Awh this sucks, but best of luck in whatever else you do bro!
Feels bad to see you go, but that's the way of life I presume.
I gonna miss you, I knew you before I even got a Moderator and you didn't change your persuasion to me. This is something I really love about valuable members.
I just hope you'll have a really good time in real life, whatever crosses your way and I also hope to see you in-game at some time. It was a good time, wasn't it?
I gonna miss you, I knew you before I even got a Moderator and you didn't change your persuasion to me. This is something I really love about valuable members.
I just hope you'll have a really good time in real life, whatever crosses your way and I also hope to see you in-game at some time. It was a good time, wasn't it?
Wow 2 freinds gone in the space of 2 days...
(savage1106 and donkeyykong)
(savage1106 and donkeyykong)
Bye Donkeyy! You will be missed. <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object>
Will remember you forever Dawson, I never even thought this day would come. Just let me talk to you tommorow, I was only on for 10 minutes at your goodbye party D: I will do all I can for ObminiumCity, and with Sonic's help, we can make it amazing. I just want you to remember that day we became friends, (I helped you clear land at /warp dkforest) There's a special spot on my Minetown memories for you.
why? .. Why.................Why......