XxDEATH_SN1PAxX wrote:
Danni i am a bit confused
Wat is all this caht about sawine and glowstone dust is this real or just stupid talk?
Wat is all this caht about sawine and glowstone dust is this real or just stupid talk?
Oh it's very real, last time he got hold of glowstone dust he spent an entire week as a sheep following new members around. Why do you think sayomie has such a fascination with sheep? Half the reason is for his own pleasure, the other is his duty to protect minetown in case there is another sheep-sawine epidemic.
It had taken us a week to find him as the only track signs we could find were a mass of spawned sheep and traumatised members. Luckly we pin pointed where he would next target and set up a trap offering cookie, it worked out well in the end. Can't say the same for those poor members mind you, don't think they've been on the server since...
Hope this clears any confusion x