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[Enjin Archive] banned cause geting into my friend safe for him
Started by Unknown User

Did I not tell you that building in the city was limited to what I allow? Am I not the owner of the city? Did I not tell you that your area is soshikilake? We discussed this. First you're trying to get in the vault, then it was all just an accident, then you were digging down there because I told you to, and now you were doing it to surprise me... 4 different stories on the same situation.

In addition to me telling you all that. I explicitly remember telling you, don't screw around with the decorations (the fountain, entrance building to the city, giant tree, my temporary house).

Being on skype doesn't show things for the mods. Keep it here, please. I want it all official so you can have a fair "trial," I guess we can call it.
dude what im saying is i remembered that i was not trying to get in your vault and you did not and what i was saying you did not tell me at all i never said that u told me to dig there im saying i was to give you some stuff secretly without you knowing until i was done im sry ill fix all if i was unbanned but im not so sry i was going ot give you some nice stuff such as a really god enchanted bow and some diamond block and other stuff i wasn't done making it cause i went to get some wool to make it the inside colorful.
if you did tell me i wasn't listening at the moment probaly doing somehitng for my parents cause 1 my mom is fat and has me do a loguth of things 2 my dad got back from afganalmost 3 maybe 4 weeks ago about the time i joined the faction
A 3 x 3 x 3 room, putting wool on the outside, only makes a 1x1 room... which you can't exist in. >.> If you're going to lie, make it believable.

I don't see how your mother being "fat" has anything to do with Minetown. You're father being in the military shouldn't affect Minetown either. Sure, it might affect play time or something like that, but it doesn't affect your ability to know right from wrong. I'm sorry if I sound harsh, 99codeman99. However, your story has changed so much from page one, now to page three.
ugg you not understanding i was going to put a chest a small chest i would of put it in but i was not finished as i said and it and it changed cause 1 i though you said then i saw a pic and it hit me i was build that for a surprise and it does cause a few times now you said on Skype while my head set was not on me cause was doing other things there for i was not able to get info plus i read you modreq forum i did not stop server i just have been away for a long time and other stuff so i did not stop it and you help[ed wiht other stuff but that aboutll this last part had nohtign to do wiht this jus thtought i would thor it in ther i was not trying to lie but i am no longer liying cause 1 minetown is a good server plus you lay on it(my most active friend that not rude or mean)plus i alos might of been afk for other resons
lack... of... grammar... my eyes!

From what I gather, you're still clinging onto this story. Okay, let's say that this story is true (It's a hypothetical, a "What-if" scenario).

What if what 99codeman99 is saying is true?

Well, that doesn't change the fact that you BROKE A FACTION RULE as well as a SERVER RULE. Surprise or not, you NEED permission from city owners. You still haven't explained this. Don't say the surprise... read carefully. You broke a rule... what compelled you to do so? It wasn't the surprise, I can tell you that.

If you had only broke the stone underneath, I would believe your story. Considering you broke a glowstone on the complete other side of the fountain, I find the story a "little" hard to believe.

"but i am no longer liying " At least you admit to lying before, I'll give you that.

Again, I'm not trying to target you or anything. I'm just stating things from how I see it. I'm actually surprised a mod has let us speak this long without intervention, however I can also see why they are doing this.

Something to add:

XCoaster (after I joined mumble, about 10pm PST until about 11pm PST) and I were on mumble. I wanted to do a thorough check of my city, and he teleported to me. You know how big the protection I have is, and you know that it's actually all one mega build (the adventure series I advertised a long time ago). So we literally checked EVERY building. If I found something off, I asked him to check. There was an instance where a glowstone was missing. It turns out there was a button near it and the new plugin turns glowstone into glass. So, checking every building that does not belong to you, we find that you only messed with the fountain area. So I asked him to screen shot the times at which you did it. Then, I checked the other side of the fountain, and saw the stone broken. Here's the conversation (paraphrased). 1 represents me, 2 represents XCoaster.

1 Whoa, wtf come look at this, there's more broken. Did 99 do this?

2 let me see. yeah, he did.

1 let me break it and replace this all with stone. WTF!? Look at this! There's a pathway. I think he was trying to get into the vault in the fountain.

2 wtf, why would he do this?

1 there's a room here

2 let me check it all. Yup, 99 did it.

Again, paraphrased because I can't be expected to memorize an entire verbal conversation. If you need him to comment here, I'll gladly message him or you can have a mod message him. We were honestly astonished that with where your story was (you were going into the fountain to get something, you said) that you'd build a little room. Seriously, think about this:

First it was that I told you to get stuff out (a lie). Then you plugged everything up with cobblestone (a lie, because it's against human nature to do MORE work than needed when you had the intent to replace the glowstone). Then you said you weren't going into the faction, but beneath to place a chest for me as payment for work (if that was the case, you could easily place it above ground in front of my house with a sign), THEN it was that you want to make it a huge secret and all decorated and stuff... in which case you could have built ABOVE GROUND. See, if you built above ground I wouldn't have made the /pe. I would have been like "Cody, wtf is this why the hell did you build this here? I had plans for what to build in the city, I told you." That would be the end of that. But nope, you change your story each time we make a counter argument. In addition, to the story you are sticking with, you could easily place a chest above ground instead of destroying my pride and joy. That fountain is my signature work on this server, and you go to destroy it... Sure it was only one glowstone and 3 stone, as well as digging a path and room underneath it. Still, you see my point, yes?

If you don't see my point, here it is. You're still lying. You've lied so much, and admitted to it, three times and now this fourth one is even more insane than the others. Again, no offense to you. I'm not trying to hurt your feelings or harm your reputation. It's just, honestly... every time XCoaster or I added more evidence, you changed the story. Things aren't adding up, in my opinion.

If left to my decision, I see no reason to unban you because you've proven yourself to be untrustworthy by destroying property as well as lying about it numerous times even with evidence against you. However, it's not my place.

On the hypothetical that mods decide to unban you: These are my terms I am giving to you. From the moment the ban is lifted, I'll give you 72 hours to vacate all of your belongings. If I am not online to add you back to the region, you'll have 72 hours from when I add you back on. I will message you 24 hours, via the forums both on your wall and a private message, about the exact time that I'll be adding you back on (that's if I don't add you back IF you are unbanned). ANY destruction of city property will result in another report, and probable ban again (they always ban for grief). You'd be allowed to take YOUR items and your items only. You'll be exiled from Soshiki (the city, in case mods are wondering), the Organization (the faction I own and run), as well as blacklisted from the faction (the faction will have nothing to do with you). I'm sorry I'm saying this, however those are the rules I put for the faction. I will follow the rules for everyone. I lost a good friend for the same exact thing (not same exact, but similar) that you did. You were also a good person, and still are, I think. However, you just kept lying and lying and lying, and this fourth one you're most probably lying about as well (since the story doesn't add up). I can't have someone like that in my faction, please understand.

I'll leave the rest for mod/admin or whomever is responsibility to do. If anyone has any further questions for me, feel free to ask. I'll give 100% cooperation.
im sry ill just leave and never come back how abut that im completely telling the truth last time so i would just like to get unbanned and leave you alone once i get my stuff OK OK

if i could ever get unbanned which will probably never happen cause im trying im sry if i like build secrets then sry it just i like to do these thing cause im secretive and don't like to do thing the old fashion way

and sry for grammar i don't have time to spell check
its fine im not going to play again most likely cause i like doing secretive so that why i get banned when accidently broke the Glowstone trying to get down and build the small hole and btw if i didn't fill in the top it be a 2x1 space which is livable
Okay... 2x1 space, yes, I can see that. Funny thing... the path way is 2x1, the room is 3x3x3. If you fill it in, you then can't even walk into the room because the wool would interfere. Again, if you're going to lie, at least think it through to be believable. XCoaster and I will gladly go back and take screen shots for you if you'd like?
My last post (informative) until mod posts. Sorry for the 3 pages of writing.